
Game of Thrones: Bastard At The Dance

If you want an unrealistic main character, then just read another story. My OC makes bad decisions and learns from them. Takes place during the Dance of Dragons. My OC, Haemon won't be an insane behemoth who's good at everything he does. He will be better than most obviously but he will definitely have his set backs. He's the Bastard son of Viserys conceived before he married Aemma. The only credit that I will take is Haemon. he is mine. Nothing else. Not even the picture of him is mine. Also please check out "My Life As An Si In King. Viserys Court" by IEatBabies254. It gets updated frequently and is a major influence on me starting this story.

CruzControl67 · TV
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23 Chs

The Dragon Song

Haemon POV 103AC, Dragon caves

As I climbed up to the cave entrance it got a lot warmer compared to the cold sea breeze. I could hear humming from the cave. Like someone was singing deep in there. I was nervous and just stood at the entrance for what felt like 10 minutes then I gained my courage and entered. Daemon told me to show no fear, 'for a dragon has no need for a rider who is afraid'. I think he's full of shit. Surely Rhaenys was afraid when Meraxes was shot down, but at the same time. Meraxes didn't really need her since she was dead before Rhaenys hit the ground.

The humming got louder as I got deeper and deeper into the cave. All I could see was embers lighting the way when the light from outside gave out. It was getting warmer as well. The humming was starting to get so loud. My head felt like to was about to explode, I grabbed my ears to lower the sound but then I bumped into something, or someone. I turned around and saw it. A great black dragon that I could hardly see, except for the glowing green eye that stared at me and the dim glow coming from under his scales.

"So, the mouse hears my song?" it spoke, or it was speaking to me in my head. It felt uncomfortable. The feeling starting to go away, I was confused though. Nothing in Targaryen lore stated that a dragon could speak to people. He chuckled.

"Maybe your kind forgot how to listen to us?" I was stunned. He was truly speaking. I stood there my mouth opening and closing trying to form a thought.

"Speak mouse, before I decide you're not worth my time." It commanded; I then realized my situation. I was at the liberty of a dragon.

"My name is Haemon Waters, and I came to tame a dragon." I said confidently. It laughed in the real world and in my head. It sounded like swords scrapping against each other. I couldn't help but feel uncomfortable.

"And what gives you the right to 'tame a dragon' as you say? No one just tames a dragon. We are fire made flesh! The kings of the sky! So, speak up little mouse. Why should you be given the chance to 'tame' one of my kin." I was stunned. I wasn't prepared for this. Daemon gave me no help. It's like he didn't really care.

"I am the blood of the dragon. My father is King Viserys Targaryen rider of the Black Dread Balerion. It is my duty to guard the realms of man. A dragon would help in this duty." He seemed to think about my statement, never blinking or leaving my body.

"Hmm. Rider of Balerion. My father. Why should I care about all of this? Men who have called me Cannibal. Men who rather my kind die then see us fly. You must do better little mouse, if you wish to sore with my wings" The cave was getting hotter, and I was getting more nervous. I didn't know what to say.

"Then how about a deal? I do something in return for your service". He hummed and snorted out smoke.

"What could a mouse do, then a dragon cannot?" That was a good point. What could I do.

"You say that no man can tame a dragon, yet there are many dragons in the dragon pit. Many without riders. Who rarely get to stretch their wings. Or to hunt for their own foods. Many of them have surely lacked the proper exercise to grow to their full size. Just look at you." Truly he was massive. Closer to Vhagar then any other dragon. He blinked again.

"You would try to treat my kin better? To not see us die off, weak and easier for the mouses to feed on?" He asked and the temperature kept rising and rising.

"Yes, I probably can't do much with my father as king. But my sister is next in line, and even if I have a brother maybe he will be able to hear your plea". I quickly said.

"This is all going to be handled by chance? You get wings and fire and I get a chance that things will be better for my kin?" He asked and I felt his anger rising. The heat was starting to make me sweat.

"Life is full of chances. Some good, some bad." I swallowed the lump in my throat. "Now make your choice. If you kill me then I am ready to die. I have nothing to live for any way." I stood there back straight, head held high staring defiantly in his eye. He seemed to not like my words as he quickly whipped his head back and opened his mouth. I closed my eyes.

"The little mouse has spirit. Good, No rider of mine will be spineless." He said and I felt all the air leave my body as I gave a sigh of relief. I looked at him.

"So we have a deal?"

"Yes Little mouse, we have a deal. A deal of Fire and Blood" I was confused by then until he sliced my neck with mighty claw. I dropped, gripping my throat.

"Rest little mouse, you will awaken soon. Rest." And with that I closed my eyes, and I felt myself getting warmer and warmer.

Later that day.

When I awoke, I didn't feel any blood. Nor did feel dead as I should have been. I felt great. My blood felt like it was rushing through my body faster and easier than before. I then remembered what, or who had caused my not so permeant rest.

"Good you are awake little mouse. I heard another dragon come to the other island. Perhaps it is best if we introduce ourselves." I wanted to yell, but I could still hear his humming in my head, and I simply nodded.

"What should I call you?"

"Yes, your kind can't understand my name. We dragons don't have names. We know to separate one another by the humming and their flame." That didn't make sense at all.

"It does not need to make sense to you little mouse. Each dragon's flame is their own. The songs we sing can only be heard by us. Now by you. We are connected little mouse. My fire and your blood are one. Our soul is one. Of course, I will outlive you. No dragon truly dies, we simply move on to meet our kin in the heavens." That confused me even more.

"But I must call you something to everyone else." He hummed.

"Call me what you wish to them, I do not care." And with that he bended his neck down to pick me up. I climbed on top of him finding a space between his green tipped scales.

"Gaelithox then. The god of fire, stars, sun, and moon." He simply snorted.

"A fitting name then. For no dragon can claim their fire burns as hot as mine." We then made our way out of the cave. He was right. There was another dragon here. The Red Queen. Why was Princess Rhaenys here?

"Princess? She rules over you?"

"No, not really. Technically she could command me. But I am not under her direct command." He didn't seem to like that answer.

"You mice, always feeling the need for power. None of you can leave well enough alone." I didn't have a response to that. I was the right who entered his cave.

"If you no one ruled, then there would be no order. Everyone could do whatever they wanted" I said he simply snorted.

"Don't they already? If the people who serve under you want to rule. Then they could revolt? Why should one man lead a country he, himself has never fully explored? It makes no sense to me. Dragons have no need for this. We have our own, and if someone enters our territory we fight and then move on." He said as if lecturing a child.

"Is that why you ate your kin?" I asked feeling annoyed by his lecturing.

"I ate my kin because there was nothing else to eat. My brother and sisters were all children, and my Kepa was in no mood for sharing. We were the only dragons, yet only three mattered. You call them, Balerion my father, Vhagar, and Meleys. Any food there was on this island and the closest lands was ate by them. I did what I had to do to survive. Now I am here, and my kin does not have to bear such cruelties from this world, they fly free. Now enough talk little mouse." I felt bad. It seemed that I had struck a nerve. Now I understood. Being a young dragon in the same food kingdom as three great dragons such as Balerion, Vhagar, and Meraxes gave you little options for food. He had to do what he had to do.

"Um Gaelithox, are we going to fly to the others?" He simply took off with no warning and I screamed. With Caraxes flying felt rushed and not right. But with Gaelithox it felt like I was the one flying, really flying. Like we were one, and I could feel the wind against his scales. It didn't take us long before we landed in the courtyard. The other dragons screeching and trying to dominate over Gaelithox. It was funny to see. Even those dragons seemed small form the back of Gaelithox. If you combined both of their lengths then would be longer than Gaelithox, but that's only because of Caraxes freakishly long neck. Daemon and Rhaenys immediately rushed out to see why their dragons were being so vocal but met my eyes when I landed on the floor. Both with very different reactions. Rhaenys looked stunned for a few seconds and then gave a bright smile that reached her eyes when she saw Gaelithox. Daemon however looked like Rhaenyra when she tried lemons for the first time. None of them spoke for a while simply staring at me and at Gaelithox.

"Well. It appears house Targaryen has another dragon." That quickly knocked them out of their stupor. Rhaenys rushed to me and cuffed in my ear.

"You foolish boy, what gave you the idea to claim a dragon. Especially the cannibal out of all of them. Do you have any idea what your father was thinking, or how about Rhaenyra?" That confused me, Daemon said he told my father that he was taking me somewhere.

"But Great Grandfather wanted me to have a dragon. Daemon said so." That didn't seem to please Rhaenys as she turned around and faced Daemon who was still looking shocked that I was alive.

"My sweet boy, grandfather wanted you to have Verminthor. He wanted to test your connection with him before he died so that when he died and Verminthor bonded with you, no one could try to take him away from you. That was the plan in place. Since you didn't bond with Verminthor, grandfather thought it hopeless and left it at that. He made no such request of you taming a wild dragon." I was shocked. Surely, she was lying. Daemon said...

Daemon said no one else knew about the plan, only him. Not even my father who was the king knew about it. Daemon wanted me to 'test my blood' as he put it. Grandfather was senile in his later years. Sure he loved me, but that was only because I reminded him of his son.

Daemon wanted me dead.

"I'm sorry nephew." I heard from the man who would have killed me one way or another. "I didn't think you were worthy of my brothers love, or my grandfathers. Due to your status." He said as he approached me, I wish I had a sword on my waist, Gaelithox stopping him form getting within reach of me. "I have never been more wrong in my life, please forgive me nephew. You are my blood and that is all that matters." His plea seemed genuine. Rhaenys still was looking at him carefully.

"Little mouse, he speaks the truth." Wait you can sense when people are telling the truth?

"My ears are far more in tune than yours." He said with a huff and moved away from Daemon.

"I forgive you uncle. But I must admit, I am quite hungry. Perhaps we can continue this discussion over a meal, I heard that the Red Queen only came here recently Rhaenys. What say you?" I asked Rhaenys with a lot more confidence than I had ever talked to her before.

"I could eat, what about you cousin?" She asked Daemon who grinned.

"Yes, I could eat as well, Rhaenys here was sent by your father to retrieve you. So, I haven't had the opportunity to break my fast since she arrived with her putting me on house arrest." I chuckled. They both looked at me confused. I never chuckled before, or even laughed. The only time being with Rhaenyra and none of them were there to see. I simply walked into the castle and told the servants to arrange meals for the three of us.


Hello this will be quick, All of these chapters are just for backstory. Just so i'm not putting this guy in with no explanation, thats why they are written so weirdly, with very few POV switches. I want a fleshed out character before I put him in the main conflict.

Please Comment for ANY corrections. Thanks.