
Game of Thrones: Bastard At The Dance

If you want an unrealistic main character, then just read another story. My OC makes bad decisions and learns from them. Takes place during the Dance of Dragons. My OC, Haemon won't be an insane behemoth who's good at everything he does. He will be better than most obviously but he will definitely have his set backs. He's the Bastard son of Viserys conceived before he married Aemma. The only credit that I will take is Haemon. he is mine. Nothing else. Not even the picture of him is mine. Also please check out "My Life As An Si In King. Viserys Court" by IEatBabies254. It gets updated frequently and is a major influence on me starting this story.

CruzControl67 · TV
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23 Chs

One Does Not Simply Challenge The Dragon.

Haemon POV 121 AC

Laena was in labor with our third child, after giving birth to twins. Aemon and Rhaena both six name days old with their seventh approaching soon. They were smart children seeming to carry none of my weaknesses and all of Laena's strengths. Aemon was a quiet child, always letting people finish talking and thinking before speaking, he was a good boy. Rhaena was the confident, outgoing of the two. A moon ago, Daeron was making fun of Aemon for falling on his rear during sword lessons with me. Rhaena found it not so funny and punched him, knocking a tooth out of his mouth. They are still not allowed close to each other.

"My Prince, I must speak to you." Grand Maester Orwyle said to me softly opening the door. Gesturing me in, I removed Rhaena from my lap and sat her with Aemon in the chair.

"Is my wife fine Grandmaester?" He sighed

"Your wife is a strong woman"

"Im sensing there is more to that" He gave a cough and rubbed his hands together.

"My prince. It is not east to say, nor is it to choose between your wife and your child." I was stunned.

"You are saying I must choose between the two? What sick game is this? You will save them both." I said in denial, he only gave me a look of sympathy.

"I have done as much as I could. It is a choice you must make now." But he looked at my sleeping children, nodding in their direction.

"If it were my choice, I would not see the Prince and Princess grow up without their mother." I only continued to stare at him.

"But it is not your choice. Is It Grandmaester" He only shook his head and looked down on the floor.

"Save my wife if you can. I will be in the room as well."

"My prince this is highly irregular. I implore you to wait outside." I only pushed him aside. Walking towards Laena. She seemed tired, covered in a layer of sweet and eyes droopy.

"My love, I am here." She looked at me and gave me a weak smile.

"How are the children?"

"Asleep. It is a surprise that they can find rest with all your screaming." She gave a weak laugh and reached out for my hand. I grabbed it kneeling by her side.

"I do not know if I will through this, Haemon" I only kissed her hand.

"Nonsense. The Grandmaester can save you." She only looking at me with wide eyes.

"What of my child. What of our son!" I only sighed.

"The Grandmaester has made me choose between the two of you. Our children need you here, to be with them." She only looked at me with teary eyes.

"But my son needs me here. He will live! I know it! Please Haemon, please!" She tightened my hand, and the screams came back. Nursemaids rushing over and the Grandmaester grabbing tools. All the time Laena held unto my hand, cursing me to the seven hells.

It was a bloody affair, with the child coming out missing a hand, with what looked like cuts on his face and not breathing. The Grandmaester went to cover him up.

"I will see my son Grandmaester." Laena said rising weaking to sit against the pillows.

"Princess Laena, I implore you..." I pulled Darksister from its sheath and held it at his throat.

"My wife has given you a command. I implore you. To do as she says." He only nodded and wiped the blood from his face as best he could. With a gulp he handed our son to him. She only looked at him with tears running down her face and gave a sob.

"Oh, my boy. My sweet boy." I stood by her side with my eyes closed. Until I heard a soft cry. I opened them and stared down at the boy. Soft pale lilac eyes opened to stare at Laena. She gave a scream of delight and held him closer crying into his blankets.

"By the seven." I heard Orwyler whisper. I only looked at him, and he stared wide eyed and bowed his head.

"Forgive me your grace. But it shouldn't be possible, I have experience with many Deliveries like this. None of them turn out with both mother and child alive." I only nodded. It was true. Father feared as much and tried to give me advice on Laena's first Delivery if it were the case.

"Fetch my children. I believe it will do them good to see their Mother and brother." He only nodded and hastily woke them. Rhaena quickly came rushing in trying to jump in laena's until I caught her and simply held her in my arms. Aemon slowly following behind her to stand beside me.

"Careful, little dragon. Your muña needs rest." She tried to escape my grasp.

"Let me go Kepa! Aemon help me" Aemon only looked at Laena with a worried expression.

"Are you well muña?" she only nodded weakly.

"Yes, my love. Just tired, come meet your brother." As she held him towards us. They seemed to notice his lack of hand and the marks on his face.

"What happened to his face and hand?" Rhaena asked stipping her squirming to look at her brother.

"It was a hard birth, little dragon. It does not matter now. Both he and your Muña are here now." She smiled wide at that. Our family get together was interrupted when Ser Steffon Darklyn a knight of my father's Kingsguard came in with a bow.

"I'm sorry to interrupt my prince. But the king has demanded your presence in the small council chambers." I only nodded and looked towards my family, letting Rhanea go, and kissing Laena on her forehead.

"Lead the way Ser Steffon".

It was a boring walk with the knight only wishing me congratulations on the birth. We arrived at the small council chambers and every member was present even Ser Otto, who has been the temporary hand since Lord Strong returned to Harrenhal.

"You summoned me your grace?" Everyone only looked around, Rhaenyra had a sad look in her eyes as she stared at the table in front of her.

"Yes Haemon, I did." I only stood there, confused.

"First I must offer you congratulations, I hear your wife and now son are doing well." I only chuckled

"As well as they can be from such a hard delivery your grace." He only nodded.

"Do you have a name in mind, Prince Haemon?" Queen Alicent asked sitting next to her father.

"We have thought of many names. Baelon being the most brought up one. But I wished to ask permission from the king before naming him." Father only gave a small smile. He had grown weak the past years, after the marriages. Spots covered his face, and his arm hanging frail at his side. It was still usable, but barely.

"A fine name. One you have my full blessings" Good. I was going to name him that anyways.

"But there is something else you called me here for?" Rhaenyra only looked at me then.

"Harranhal has been burned to the ground. Lord Strong and Ser Herwin Strong perished in the fires." Oh.

"I have seen it fit to name a new Hand now. One that will serve the crown loyally and you all shall bear witness to it." He raised from his seat holding the pin. Ser Otto looked almost like a peacock; his expression quickly dropped when father walked past him to give me the pin.

"Your grace I cannot accept this honor" He only patted my cheek.

"You will do what I say Haemon. I am still King, and your responsibilities at the Stepstones have lessened, no?" I only nodded.

"Then you can and will accept the responsibilities at being my Hand. As long as I am King and breathing you will be Hand. Then if my daughter sees fit to keep you as Hand then stay you shall. Do I make myself clear?" I wanted to argue. To yell at him to give me leave to my wife and children. But I only looked at Rhaenyra who had a pleading look on her face. She was outnumbered in the small council. As Hand I could give her claim a lot more power.

"Then I must inform my wife of the Great news." He clapped my shoulder and walked back to his table.

"Splendid! We must plan a tourney in celebration to your naming." Lord Beesbury only nodding his head as my father listed off things. I looked around the room to find Ser Otto staring at me in pure rage. I smiled.

"Ser Otto. I'm afraid you are in my seat." Queen Alicent looked ready to say something before Otto calmly got up.

"It appears you are right." He walked closer to me, stopping at my shoulder facing the door.

"Should you need any assistance in your new rise of station. Please feel free to ask me. I have man years of experience." He spit out not giving me the satisfaction of seeing him angry. I only laughed and patted him on the shoulder.

"This reminds me of something my Uncle said to you once. Something along the lines of when we meet next, we will be of the same rank? I forget. But it seems, you the knight, and I the Hand. How the gods pick their favorites?" I said with a smile, and he seemed ready to lunge at me. I only walked towards the table and sat down. Queen Alicent seemed to inch herself away from and father giving me a pleased smile.

"Now my lords. We have a Kingdom to run and a Tourney to prepare for..." I went off in questions, statements, requests to replace certain members of the city guard, going over the taxes from the businesses in the city. It was a trying experience which ended an hour later. Father had already retired to his chambers and the Queen left with a simple 'congratulations'. Now it was only me and Rhaenyra.

"It appears a toast is in order brother. Not only for the birth of a son but being named as Hand of the King as well." Rhaenyra told me grabbing two cups from the side table and filling them with wine. She handed me one and I simply sipped it.

"I'm afraid father made a mistake in his judgement. I wonder how he got the idea to name me Hand." I wondered while staring at Rhaenyra who met my gaze.

"I need you here by my side. I cannot face the Greens alone." I sighed. This feud can never escape me.

"I will always be by your side, sister. Naming me Hand of the King was smart, but not something I wanted." She scoffed downing her drink.

"You are now the second my powerful man in the Seven Kingdoms. What could you have at Bloodstone that you cannot have here?" We have talked about this many times. With her wanting me to abandon Bloodstone and me always coming up with an excuse.

"Bloodstone gives me a simple life as a Lord of a castle." She only looked at me with a frown.

"But you are not a lord. You are a Prince. A Dragon rider. Sister to the future queen. And Now the Hand of the King." She said and left. I only leaned back into my chair and thought. Ser Darklyn still standing ready. I guess he was to be the one that guards me as hand.

"Perhaps we should return to your children, Lord Hand. Night comes upon us and its best to eat with them now." He was the more vocal one of the white cloaks.

"I think you are right, Ser Darklyn. Come on, I'm sure my wife will love to hear the news." We both walked in a comfortable silence. I had many plans to speak with Laena about. I needed her mind. I returned to find the sheets have been replaced and all the blood gone. Baelon sleeping soundly in the corner in a crib and the twins at my wife's side snoring softly. I laid in bed and held them in my arms.

Haemon POV During the Tourney

Tourneys were idiotic. Men in fancy armor hit each other with sticks. I sent the children to Hightide with Laena when news came telling Lord Corlys has fallen ill and had been bedridden for many days. We were on the final tilt, Ser Criston in his gleaming white plate and white cloak behind him and Laenor in blue steel with Seahorses dancing in gold. It was a fine showing with Laenor doing better than I expect. Until it wasn't, with Criston's lance hitting the unguarded part of Laenor armor at his neck. No one noticed this until his horse didn't stop and he slumped over his horse.

"Guards! Seize him!" My yell was followed by cries from Jacaerys, and little Luke. Aemond was stunned at my side. He was made to be my squire when he reached of age. Queen Alicent only had a face of pale horror. This wasn't planned at all yet will be a blow to her faction. Accidents are terrible indeed. Rhaenyra sat with her hand covering her wide-open mouth, eyes as wide as saucers.

Ser Criston was brought before the King who wore a sour expression on his face. His sickness keeping him sat in the chair and I can see his hand weakly gripping Blackfyre.

"You. My Kingsguard. Kill my daughter's husband, the future prince-consort. What say you?" He yelled and Ser Criston looked shocked in his situation looking at the Queen. Who only looked away.

"My king, it was an accident I swear it." Father only scoffed.

"You. Who have won many tourneys. You who have never lost a joust. Have this accident. No! You will be gelded and cut apart. Your limbs sent to each of Seven Kingdoms." He was trying to stand up but fell back down in his chair. Rhaenyra quickly got up and held him up.

"My King. Accidents happen all the time. Ser Criston has served the crown loyally as anyone could ask" The Queen finally spoke up.

"No! I am King here! My word is law! He shall be imprisoned, and his punishment shall be given on the morrow!" He then started to cough up blood, sitting back down with a napkin covering his face.

"Then I demand a trial by combat! Let the seven prove my innocence." You could hear nothing in the crowd. Not even the birds in the sky. The queen had a faint smile on her lips. The King only looked at him with a red face.

"Your request has been accepted." Rhaenyra said beside father. Criston only looked amused.

"I am to fight you then Princess?" Rhaenyra only looked around the arena at the Knights gathered.

"Who shall stand for their future Queen!?" The knights looked uncomfortable and started to sway side by side talking amongst themselves. I only sighed and stood up.

"I shall." Ser Criston locked eyes with me and narrowed them.

"Then it is decided. The fight shall take place in a weeks time." Rhaenyra yelled to the crowd and the maesters have already gotten Laenor's body removed from the field and the covered with new sand. Rhaenyra quickly took her children away towards the Dragonpit. No doubt preparing to give Hightide the news. I turned to Ser Steffon.

"Lord commander." Old man Ser Harrold Westerling moved forward, looking at Ser Criston with disgust.

"You are to be responsible with the imprisonment of Ser Criston until the Trial. You will take him to the Black cells and he is to be visited by no one. Am I understood?" He only nodded.

"As you say my Lord Hand."

"Good. Away with this filth." Viserys only looked on with a pained expression. Aegon was noticeably shaken so was Helaena who was covering her ears. Aemond still stood frozen where my chair was.

"The melee shall commence in an hour's time! Prepare knights of the seven Kingdoms!" Queen Alicent didn't look pleased at my declaration.

"Thank you Haemon." Father said between what sounded like wheezes. I gave a short bow and returned to my seat.

"Do you know why I did that Aemond?" He snapped out of his shock and looked at me.

"Why I stood in for my Rhaenyra when no one else would?" He only continued to look at me.

"I did it because we are family. That is all that matters. Us. The dragons. We must show we are strongly united less the Kingdoms that serve us will raise their banners in rebellion. Saying their way Is better. Remember this Aemond. Dragons may have forged The Seven Kingdoms, but it is the name Targaryen that keeps it whole. Not Stark, Not Tully, Not Lannister, Not Arryn, and Not Hightower. Remember what I have said Aemond." He only continued to look at me.

"You will understand soon. We may share the same name Aemond, but there will always be those that will try to divide us. Whether they be in the farthest land in Essos. Or right next to us, whispering honeyed words. You will stand with me, won't you? Always." He only nodded. I gave him a small smile and ruffled his hair. I looked to my father who looked in pain.

"Father perhaps it is best if you return to your chambers and rest. I will handle things in the tourney." He looked conflicted before nodding.

"Come wife. Let us leave." Queen Alicent quickly got up helping father on his weak side.

"Children come. Help your father. Aegon that means you too." Aegon who looked ready to finish his fourth cup of wine gave out a loud groan.

"Now Aegon!" She said sharply. She grabbed Halaena's hand.

"You to Aemond." She said staring at him, and Aemond only looked at me then to her then at me. I only gave him a nod, telling him he was dismissed for the day.

When they left I sat in the King's chair and gave out a loud sigh.

"Ser Steffon. Do you think I did the right thing?" He kept looking forward.

"It is not for me to say, Lord Hand."

"Yet I asked your opinion, Ser" He seemed to roll the words in his mouth a few times.

"I think with what happened in such a short time, you made better choices than some would make." I continued to stare out at the knights preparing for the melee.

"It is a hard burden being Hand." He only chuckled.

"You have many years to be better my Prince." And with that he turned to stone again. Looking for any threats in the crowds and on the field. Yes, many years if I am lucky.