
Game of Thrones: Bastard At The Dance

If you want an unrealistic main character, then just read another story. My OC makes bad decisions and learns from them. Takes place during the Dance of Dragons. My OC, Haemon won't be an insane behemoth who's good at everything he does. He will be better than most obviously but he will definitely have his set backs. He's the Bastard son of Viserys conceived before he married Aemma. The only credit that I will take is Haemon. he is mine. Nothing else. Not even the picture of him is mine. Also please check out "My Life As An Si In King. Viserys Court" by IEatBabies254. It gets updated frequently and is a major influence on me starting this story.

CruzControl67 · TV
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Long Live The King!

Haemon POV 103AC

The Old King was dead. Died while lady Alicent was reading to him. I saw him every day when he was bedridden. He confused me for Baelon, his son. He would ask me where my siblings were. It hurt me to see him like this. Before he died in a moment of clarity. He ordered to have an escort to take the whole family to the Dragonpit. He wanted to see Verminthor a last time. I think he wanted to see if Verminthor would claim me as his rider when he passed because he kept glancing at me and asking if I felt anything. I didn't, but seeing Verminthor made him happy one final time. Then his mind gave way and called for his wife. Rhaenyra was sad as well. Not truly knowing what was wrong with him, it was my job to distract her from it.

As much as Aemma hated me being near her daughter she knew the importance of it. We played knights with Rhaenyra always winning proclaiming it was her right as father's heir. As another hobby she would demand her knights to see me train.

Speaking of training, Daemon dumped me as his squire once we returned. Not officially of course. He would proclaim he had mighty missions that a child shouldn't be a part of yet. As I wasn't ready to defend myself. Instead of helping me he forced me to train by myself and the master of arms felt sorry, so he let me join the other squires. I trained hard when I wasn't spending time with King Jaehaerys or Rheanyra.

It was rough at the start. Being raised on a farm doesn't teach you how to swing a sword. Something I was made fun of by the other squires. Even Laenor who only just started training beat me at first. I only had strength and reach on the other squires which allowed me chance against them. As time went on, I got stronger and better with a sword. I never liked it though. It didn't fit me. It always felt awkward. I kept at it because I had to defend my family, the royal blood of House Targaryen.

Laena would watch our matches too. When Princess Rhaenys or her father was there watching Laenor train. We never spoke, but whenever I caught her staring at me, she would blush and look away. I didn't understand why, sure I was tall for my age but that was pretty much it. I was no Daemon. I saw how the servants and maidens at court would stare at him. Even Alicent seemed smitten with him.

My father and I spent little time together. He would come to visit me during my lessons to teach me about our house, and our history. But as his reasonability's grew, the lessons were becoming less and less.

The Lord Hand, or Ser Otto as Daemon calls him didn't like me. Stating I was being too well cared for, for a bastard. Father didn't like that, yelling at him and calling me his son even if we didn't share the same name. Daemon seemed to agree with father because he was ready to say something as well, but father dismissed the small council meeting before he could say something. Ser Otto was as uncle said. 'a cunt.'

The Funeral for the Old King was a sad event. As tradition his body was to be escorted to the Dragonpit to be burned on a pyre by dragonfire. As we traveled through Kingslanding the citizens made way for us. Crying for their former King and throwing flowers at the carriage. Then someone in the crowd yelled.

"Long live the King!". Like a story in an old tale everyone in the crowd bowed. I mean everyone. Waves and waves of people on the streets yelling for their king. It made me think. How could one man bring so many people to tears when they never talked to him. Because he was their King? That didn't seem right. Everyone knows that he was a good king. But not in his later years, the deaths in his family destroyed the man. Yet so many people bowed to his cold corpse. It made me feel weird. Proud to be a part of his lineage but knowing I would never receive this reaction made me angry. Just because I'm a bastard.

We got to the dragon pit and only the main court was there. The main Targaryen branch, The small council, The Velaryons, even ArchMaester Vaegon, and finally me. All the dragons with riders were out even Verminthor was there closest to the pyre.

We stood there staring at his body for a few minutes when my father finally said "Dracarys" and with that his body turned to ash. As he burned Ser Otto took my father and the small council to resume 'running the kingdom'. Not even a day of mourning for the family. Then the Velaryons left with Princess Rhaenys hugging Aemma and Rhaenyra then patting me on the shoulder. Corlys seemed to measure me up before nodding his head. I was confused by that. Aemma took Rhaenyra next, she was crying the entire time and seemed ready to sleep. Then it was Daemon and me. We just stood there watching the flames.

"Does this mean I'm no longer your squire?" I asked after a while. He chuckled and simply nodded.

"Grandfather told me to take you to Dragonstone." He said and I was stunned. Why would I go to Dragonstone?

"Why if I may ask? I thought I was to be in the Red Keep for a while longer" I said, confused about my position in court now that my biggest shield was dead.

"He wants you to have a dragon. Told me, 'Promise me Daemon you'll give him a chance to prove himself to our family'. I'm sure you remember our trip to the Dragonpit a while ago. Yes, he wanted to see Verminthor, but he wanted to see if he would choose you." He further explained and I was still stunned.

"But the only dragons at Dragonstone have never been tamed". He simply looked at me with a sad look.

"Then I wish you the best of luck nephew. Now come along, we leave now. I already told your father I would take you with me to look after Dragonstone for a week or two." He said and a saddled Caraxes came forward. I've never flown on a dragon before, sure seeing all the dragons when Daemon took me to carry his bags so he can venture off to who knows where on Caraxes. But I think seeing a dragon and flying on said dragon are two completely different things. I stared wide eyed at Caraxes, and he simply huffed and lowered his body to allow us on. Daemon grinning went up first.

"Come along nephew, we don't have all day". I still stood there nervous; fire made flesh indeed. Even the straps for the saddles were warm and his scales were even hotter. It didn't seem to bother me however, as I finally amounted the courage to climb up and got strapped in with chains. Daemon grabbed the whip and told me to watch him as he gave out the commands in Valarian.

"Sōvētēs!" he yelled and with a rush the dragon launched into the air with me screaming the whole time and Daemon laughing.

Haemon POV 113 Dragonstone

When we finally landed in the main court yard at the keep. My legs were jelly, and I landed on my bum. Daemon nimbly unsaddled himself and helped me up.

"I forgot no one took you flying yet nephew, even Laena had a better time from what Rhaenys told me. And she was younger than you." He said and I could only stare at Caraxes with wonder.

"Come, let's eat and rest. Tomorrow you will test your blood. and hopefully, you'll come out alive with all your limbs." Daemon said leading me inside while laughing. The Castellan, a Celtigar knight by the color of his clothes and the crabs on his chest.

"My prince, we weren't aware of your arrival. Forgive me. We have food ready, and rooms are being arranged." He said nervously. I understood why. Daemon didn't have the best reputation among those not named Targaryen, I believe I grew on him as his squire, or rather nephew as he said now. I don't really know the sudden change.

"Lead us to the food and you'll be forgiven Ser...?" Daemon seemed to not really care about him.

"Ser Terrence Celtigar" he said proudly with his head held high.

"I could tell you were Celtigar by the crabs on your arms. I only wanted your name. Now the food Ser." Daemon said, and Ser Terrence seemed taken back by the bluntness but simply nodded and led us to a dining table with loads of food. Daemon seemed happy as he grabbed a goblet and filled it with wine and sat down with his legs on the table. I simply sat with a 'thank you' and started eating. Ser Terrence didn't even acknowledge me and walked away saying that the servants will bring us to our rooms when they are ready. Daemon simply grinned at the lack of acknowledgment but wiped it off his face when he saw me look up from my plate.

"Now nephew, it will be dangerous going into the caves of Dragonstone. But it is your quest alone. Tomorrow at first light, I expect to see you getting ready for this achievement. We'll see if you're a real dragon like grandfather told me". Daemon said with a smile on his face.

"And If I succeed? How will the small council take this?" Daemon seemed to think for a second.

"They'll have no choice but to do nothing. They can't challenge the dragon. We rule them. Seven hells, Ser Otto might bitch about it. Plus, you have me at your side, so is your father. The King now." Daemon explained with that same sly grin on his face. I only nodded and continued to eat. Soon enough our rooms were ready, and we bid each other a good night.

Viserys POV 113 AC Kingslanding

The day was somber, the Red Keep still hasn't recovered from the death of grandfather. Rhaenyra locked herself in her room only giving permission to Aemma and Haemon to enter. Speaking of Haemon I haven't seen him since the funeral.

"My love, have you seen Haemon?" Aemma seemed ready to belittle the bastard but simply said she saw him last at the funeral.

"You mean he hasn't returned?" Aemma seemed to freeze at that but simply shrugged.

"Your bastard isn't my responsibility. Daemon was with him, when I left." I was going to say something but what she told me stumped me. Daemon didn't tell me he would be resuming his duties with Haemon as his squire. I opened the door and asked my Kingsguard, and they shook their head. I then summoned a small council meeting.

"My lords have you any news on my son?" Ser Otto seemed offended that a small council meeting was called for this, and the rest seemed confused.

"Your grace what do you mean?" Lord Beesbury asked.

"It appears my son is missing then. No one has seen him nor Prince Daemon." I said softly, the realization hitting me.

"Your grace, some of the servants saw Caraxes take flight after the funeral. It's safe to say that Prince Daemon took him somewhere." I let a sigh of relief escape me, and I smiled.

"Well, that's good then. Daemon can be trusted, do we have any idea where he's going?" Just as I said that Lord Corlys and Princess Rhaenys entered the room. Lord Corlys seemed to be angry. While Rhaenys seemed conflicted.

"Your grace, I was expecting your bastard to be ready to serve under me as my squire today, and yet he is nowhere to be found. Now my wife tells me Daemon has taken him to Dragonstone!" I was stunned. Dragonstone? Why would Daemon take him to Dragonstone.

"Now husband calm down, the question is still the same though cousin. Why has your brother taken what was promised to us?" Rhaenys seemed to calm him for a moment, but the heat in her words was just the same maybe more threating. I only looked to them and my council members in confusion. Then I was angry. How dare he take my son from me.

"Princess Rhaenys I am ordering you to go to Dragonstone to retrieve my son. Lord Corlys ready ships to depart in a few days in case they are not at Dragonstone. I said as my anger was boiling over now and my face red.

"Your grace surely this isn't needed? A dragonrider and ships to search for a bastard." Otto said in mock concern. I simply glared at him.

"I am the king now. I have given a command. Lord Corlys prepare the ships and Rhaenys be ready to depart. Council dismissed." I said as I sat down. Everyone shuffled out and Otto seemed ready to leave as well.

"Not you Otto. Not yet." I said and gestured to the wine Infront of him. He sipped it.

"What gives you the right to question my decisions?" I asked and Otto seemed to be uncomfortable for a second then quickly smiled.

"It is my duty as hand to make sure you are making the correct choices, just as I did with your grandfather." He said with a bow of his head.

"And you think searching for my son needed correction?" I asked my anger rising again.

Otto seemed to think about his words for a second. "I just want to make sure the recourses of the realm are used wisely. Sending a dragonrider to look for your son might send the wrong message to your vassals." How dare he.

"You dare! He is my son. What would you have me do? Do nothing? Send a single knight to Dragonstone to collect him from his uncle? If it were Rhaenyra, I'd send the all of Westeros to look for her. So, tell me Otto. Why does the search for my son, the blood of the dragon warrant such questioning?" Otto seemed ready to respond but I quickly raised my hand to cut him off.

"Forgive me Otto, that was meant as a rhetorical question. I can understand how you could confuse it for a real one. You are dismissed. Remember, my son may be a bastard, but he is still my blood, and you will start treating him as such." He seemed conflicted

"Of course, your grace" With that he rose and with a bow he left. I filled my cup with wine and drank. I drank until Aemma told me Rhaenyra wanted to see me. I smiled and we both went to her room.

"Where is Haemon father" Rhaenyra asked me, commanding me to answer.

I sighed "I don't know for certain little one. I believe he Is with your uncle at Dragonstone."

"But he's supposed to be here to play with me. He's my knight" She said angrily with a hint of sadness.

"Oh little one, he'll return. We must wait." I said as I held her in my arms.

"Why did he go to Dragonstone?" She asked. I didn't know how to respond to that.

"I don't know Rhae. Daemon didn't tell me he was going to take him." She didn't seem to like that answer because she tried to get out of my arms.

"what's at Dragonstone for him? Thats not here. Surely uncle Daemon brought him there for a reason" What is at Dragonstone for him? Only dusty tomes and caves. Dragon caves. It seemed Aemma and I came to the realization at the same time. We looked at each other and with wide eyes and simply said.
