
Game Of Thrones: Another Dragons

Once upon a time, there was a guy named Jay, just your average college student leading a pretty ordinary life. But one weekend, he decided to watch the last episode of the Game of Thrones series. Now, Jay had mixed feelings about the ending. He wasn't thrilled with it, no matter which way you looked at it. If Daenerys survived, well, she went on a crazy killing spree due to her extreme emotional issues. That wasn't exactly a happy ending. And if she was dead for good, why did Jon have to go into exile? Jay thought Jon could've made a great king with Bran's guidance, the guy they call "the Broken." For Jay, there were just too many unnecessary deaths that messed with the emotions of fans, from the beginning to the very end. But, with a not-so-happy heart, Jay decided to call it a night. After all, he had to wake up early for class the next day. Little did he know that this would be his last night as a human. When he woke up, he had become something else entirely—a monster.

AmouxCreationsX · Livros e literatura
Classificações insuficientes
103 Chs

Chapter 21

The Emperor paused, considering Bahamut's proposal. Then, Bahamut declared, "I can grant you dominion over all of Yi Ti, a power greater than any Azure emperor that has ever existed. Only if you are willing."

The Emperor's blood pulsed with a newfound vitality, yet he maintained caution, gripping his hand tightly. "And what must I do in return?" he inquired.

Bahamut responded, "Appoint me as the one who wields power in your realm for a span of twelve years. In return, I will elevate you to the esteemed position of the greatest emperor under the heavens before my departure."

On that day, Azure Emperor Bu Gai issued an imperial decree that astonished his subjects. It named Bahamut as his second Chancellor, a position of unparalleled authority second only to the Emperor and Empress. Throughout history, there had only ever been one Chancellor, but now, a dragon also held the esteemed title. The people were bewildered by this edict, struggling to comprehend how a dragon could hold such a role, since they didn't witnessed the events in the palace.

As Chancellor, Bahamut was granted a residence close to the palace. Emperor also ordered the construction of a grand podium for Bahamut to rest upon when needed. In addition, the Emperor provided a residence for Elia and her children, as well as the Naathi people who had accompanied them.

With Bahamut's newfound position came an abundance of resources, and he used his influence to appoint esteemed scholars and martial masters for both Rhaenys and Aegon. These mentors provided them with a more comprehensive education than Bahamut could offer with his fragmented knowledge.

Emperor Bu Gai fulfilled his end of the bargain, allowing Bahamut to create his own army even a real chancellor is not allowed to do. While it was a difficult decision, the Emperor had faith that the dragon would honor their agreement and not betray him as a human might.

Emperor Bu Gai, often belittled as the weakest ruler of his time, had underestimated the intelligence and capabilities of the beast before him. He had been given a unique opportunity to achieve his desires, but he let his guard down, failing to comprehend the true depth of Bahamut's wisdom and power.

Bahamut, however, was determined to keep his promise. He would elevate Emperor Bu Gai to become the greatest ruler, one who would unite the entire land, much like the legendary God Emperors of old. But once Bahamut departed, the Emperor would once again return to being one of the weakest and most hopeless rulers in the history of Yi Ti.

On that fateful day, Bahamut issued another Imperial edict in the Emperor's name, commanding the summoning of an army 30,000 strong. Their purpose was to deal with General Pol Qo, known as the Hammer of the Jogos Nhai. This ambitious general had bestowed upon himself imperial honors, declaring himself the first of the Orange Emperors. His capital was the sprawling garrison city known as Trader Town.

Bahamut's audacious move sent heralds to all the regional princedoms, warlords, and petty kings. The message was clear: they must bend their knees before the Emperor, or face the full force of his wrath. This bold action by the dragon sent shivers down the Emperor's spine. He had never anticipated that Bahamut would challenge the entirety of Yi Ti in his name. As an Emperor with no heir but a few daughters, he was terrified at the prospect of losing his head so soon. But it was too late; the dragon had already set events in motion, and the Emperor had no choice but to watch helplessly.