
Chapter 2

•Game making system download successful

(Drip blood on the ring)

In this game a ring accessory is needed for classes for example a person doesnt know whats suitable for him the classes who was suited to him will choose that person.

thats why they didnt have freedom to chooses classes due to the limitations of power.

she did as what the AI told her to do after that a notifications sounded behind her ears.

•congratulations player you've choosen a random class (rewarded:Random Bow,Random Arrows+100 gold coins)

Those rewards are based of what classes you are of course with an exception of gold coins its just extra rewards to make sure players can start smoothly.

it might be few reward but its enough to the begginer players since weapons are rare even in the begginer and gold coins were the higher one.

the token has class gold,silver,and etc

thats why 100 gold coins enough for living in the game.

At the hall which full of millions of player a girl with ordinary but hidden apperance she wore black clothed and black mask causing others to suspect her a boy.

of course it was no other than Yukina when others looked at her they will think that its hard to get close to her.

bustling streets ,different classes.mysterious player were all in hall recuiting some players.

she seem confused about her outfit why is that my outfit looks super ordinary while other players were not.

"random classes..."she mumbled

'Then why did I got bow based on the book the bow means for archer so did the bow was suitable for me ,and I was choosen to be archer?'

she sigh as she equipt her equipment.

"wait....wait a moment."she seems to notice something.

a red dot was in righ side of the screen.

she clicked it and saw tree skills with a random ? above.

"eh?"she was stunned that she almost spout out a mouthful of blood.

"did I just see it clearly or maybe I'am dreaming?"

'the heck are you serious? why was that I didnt have a skill whats that mean?!!?!'

meanwhile why she was frurasting over the system .a 3man party were walking near her.

"mister"a boy who was twenties call her.

but she doesnt seem to notice him.

'this system is killing me how dare you!'she anger that she had to urge someone to kill someone.

"Mister"his name was Jerome.

he still called many times but the other party completely ignore him causing him to irritate.


"What?"Yukina upon hearing someone insult her she was totally full of anger that she wants to release it.

'for him to call me mister who do you think you are? me a mister?!I am a lady stupid brat'upon thinking of it her right legs kick his stomach before the boy could react.

Jerome whipe the traces of blood in his lips.

his eyes lit up as he eyes admired the girl.

based on the begginer the beggining didnt even contain such strength the way the girl did it thats why the 3man party even she was amazed.

'is this the strength of her classes woah I can believe that every class contained extraordinary power or different power.

what will happen if we managed to get her in our party maybe it will shake the other players

well there is so many lucky type player who managed to get such classes.'

cough cough.

when she realized what she did she said "Oh I apologize I was just-"before she can finish the words she will said she was interrupted by the girl name Sue.

"No its okay from what I heard your voice seems to be a girl thats why you misunderstood us anyway its not your fault it ours because we mistaken by your outfit."

"Great okay then."she was planning to leave when he was stopped by a pair of hands of Sue.



"will you be willing to joined us on Friendship party?"Sue offered her hair,waiting to her answer.