
Chapter 144: Oh, stupid woman

At the same time as the development of "The Boring Life", Jin Yuanguo was in a high school.

"Hi George, can you be my boyfriend?"

The accused boy, George, was thin and tall with a cold expression. He looked like a vampire walking out of the TV screen, handsome and arrogant.

Originally, he was wearing headphones, looking down at his phone, as if he was playing some game.

When he realized that he was being stopped, he immediately showed an impatient expression.

The girl who confessed to him on the opposite side had beautiful blonde hair, fair complexion, and an excellent figure. She looked at him boldly and eagerly.

The corridor was surrounded by many excited young men and women, and they coaxed: "Promise her, promise her!"

Not only is George tall and handsome, but he is also a famous genius in the school. He doesn't usually listen to lectures in class. He either sleeps, plays games, or does anything he is interested in. He still holds the grade firmly every time he takes an exam. First.

The teacher was also very indulgent to George because of his grades, and he didn't interfere with others during class anyway.

His handsomeness, coolness, and good learning charm are also admired by these girls in the school. Many people have confessed to him, but none of them have been successful so far.

However, the girl who confessed to him today is not ordinary. She is Jenny, the cheerleader of the school basketball team, and the recognized school flower.

It's a golden boy and a girl, a natural pair!

"Promise her, promise her!" The men and women in the corridor became even more excited, some whistled and some girls screamed.

George coldly pushed the girl aside: "I'm sorry, I don't like girls older than me!"

"Oh~" The people who eat melon next to them made a disappointed voice.

Jenny turned pale with anger and pointed at his back: "Go away! If you rejected me, you will definitely regret it in the future! Go to regret it for the rest of your life!"

George sneered and put on the earphones again.

What a joke, this stupid woman, still wants me to regret it for the rest of my life?

She doesn't think she's more fun than the game, does she?

This morning, when he was browsing on the game forum he often visited, he saw someone recommending "To the Moon". It seems to be a story-oriented RPG game from China. It has just been localized, and both PC and mobile versions are available. .

The landlord's recommendation was extremely exaggerated, "If you can't cry after playing this game, then your lacrimal glands must be made of steel", which made him a little curious and went to Jin Yuanguo's game platform to search.

It is amazing that "To the Moon" has received thousands of reviews on the game platform, and the rating is still close to a full score. It is incredible. George is also a gamer who has a lot of knowledge, but it is rare to see such an exaggerated rating. game.

Generally, a full score or close to full score can only occur when there are few evaluations of the work. As time goes by, the evaluation will gradually decrease. After all, a thousand players have a thousand "Go to the Moon", not everyone will like it. a game.

In the comment area of ​​"To the Moon", he just glanced at it and quit. If he was accidentally spoiled, the experience would definitely be bad.

He was going to experience the plot of the game himself to see if the landlord who recommended the game was so exaggerated.

He had been playing for half an hour on the way to the school by the school bus. At present, he has a preliminary understanding of the main line of "To the Moon", which is to help Johnny realize his wish to go to the moon.

There is also a string of unsolved puzzles, the paper rabbit in the basement, the black platypus...

From the content of this half hour alone, the plot is very bland, and there is absolutely nothing that can be called a masterpiece.

Oh, but the music is pretty good.

George intends to get through the game before school today.

"Ding bell~"

The bell rang and the students returned to their seats.

George was playing "To the Moon" with his mobile phone and earphones on, and he didn't mean to take it back at all.

The chubby math teacher walked into the classroom with the lesson plan and the triangular board, glanced at George and then withdrew his eyes, looking as if he was not surprised: "Boys and girls, look at your slack look, you had a good time this weekend, um Bring up a little bit of energy, otherwise you won't be able to understand what I'm talking about today! Class!"

"Hello teacher~" The students sat up a little bit and answered with a higher voice.

"Well, that's right!" The math teacher nodded with satisfaction, "What we're going to talk about today is..."

A young boy with a face that looks like a pig's head suddenly raised his hand and said in a resentful tone: "Teacher, George, he plays games in class!"

The classmates were stunned for a moment, then chuckled and whispered, "Pigtou likes Jenny, and he wrote a love letter to her. He must be jealous because Jenny confessed to George!"

"Hee hee, George is handsome and has a personality, and his studies are good. It's only natural that Jenny likes him! I also like George very much, but I have a self-knowledge, and I'm very satisfied to admire his back in the back!"

"But George rejected Jenny's confession so ruthlessly. Couldn't he be Ki?"

"Isn't that just right?"

"makes sense!"

The pig-headed boy was tragically ignored by everyone.

"Genius can always have some special treatment! If you can get the first grade in every exam, you can also apply to the principal for the right to play games in class!"

The math teacher shrugged noncommittally, with a playful smile on his round face, and said something he thought was a wit: "Okay, let's continue the class, don't disturb George to concentrate on playing games!"

Through the headphones, George faintly heard the laughter around him, which seemed to be related to himself, but he didn't take it to heart.

Glancing at the content written by the math teacher on the blackboard, I saw that it was the knowledge I had already mastered by myself, continued to play the game with its head down.

I think that the principal had asked him to talk once because of this issue, and asked him if he had no plans to skip grades, and finally acquiesced to his behavior.

In the game, Dr. Watts and Rosalind have begun a journey through memory.

The love and murder between the two doctors adds a bit of fun to the bland plot.

And Dr. Watts occasionally came up with a humorous and sharp complaint, which made George unable to help bring up a knowing smile on the corner of his mouth.

However, as the plot of the game continues to deepen, one mystery after another emerges.

Even if Riva is unwilling to treat her condition, she will use the money to build a house and stay by "her" side.

It turns out that this "she" is an anthropomorphic name for the lighthouse, but why is Riva so obsessed with origami rabbits? What's the motive behind her odd behavior? Does Riva really have some kind of mental illness?

After the old mysteries are solved, new ones emerge, and this suspense inspires George's Yuwang to pursue the truth.

His brows were sometimes wrinkled in doubt, sometimes stretched for the warm and romantic plot, and sometimes smiled a little by Dr. Watts' rants.

Unconsciously, the two doctors explored the depths of Johnny's memory, and George was also shocked by the strange black and white scenery in the memory space, the fault of despair and suffocation, and the eerie music.

"omg..." George couldn't help but make a very small voice.

The astonishing turn made his eyes wide open unconsciously, and even his heart beat faster.

What is the memory buried deep in Johnny?