
Chapter 133: The Urban Legend of Ziyuan Town

"If you want to make a deep impression, you still have to count the bgm in Ziyuan Town. It's super scary!"

"Yeah, the dark purple background of the town, with the weird music, every time I go here, I'm scared to death. I really want to play with others, or skip it as soon as possible."

"Don't dare to go in at night, it's really scary!"

"Ziyuan Town, I haven't been to it yet. Is it really as scary as you say?"

"Hehe, the ghost tower of the core building here is full of graves of dead Pokémon, and there are a lot of ghosts, can you say it's not scary?

Legend has it that the Rockets came to poach the Caracallas in order to sell their precious skulls. A Gala Gala mother was killed in order to protect her child, Kora Kora, and the ghost lingered in the tower. "

"It is recommended that players with heart disease do not stay in Ziyuan Town for too long. My buddy said that a friend of his had a heart attack yesterday. When his family sent him to the hospital for rescue, they found that he was playing Pokemon before he fell ill. And it was terrifying that he was in the ghost tower at the time."

"Fuck, is it true? It's not because of staying up late playing games, right?"

"More than that, it is said that half of the bgm in Ziyuan Town will die suddenly when they hear it,"

"There are people who believe such a fake word, you see, I'm not paying it back now."

"Don't be kidding, in fact, this is true. When Wang Jian finished the first version of "Pokemon", he selected some players for the internal test. A friend of mine went to the internal test. He told me that Ziyuan Town was the first bgm is a melody using two different frequencies in two channels. There is a sense of dislocation, giving people an extremely frightening psychological experience. After listening for a long time, it will cause dizziness, nausea, and even vomiting and memory loss, so it was urgently modified. It's over, what you heard is not the original version."

"Ziyuan Town is really a weird and evil sect. I saw a big guy in the group said that he accidentally saw a rotten white palm on the third floor of the ghost tower, and even bones could be seen under the peeling flesh, which scared him. Get out now."

"This should be an Easter egg designed to make the atmosphere more terrifying. It is said that when you talk to NPCs in town, someone will ask you what the white hand on your shoulder is..."

"It's fake! It's all rumors!"

"That's right, I even got through to Ziyuan Town and haven't seen it."

"A very good buddy of mine in high school told me this, the night before yesterday he worked overtime as usual until late at night - don't be surprised, he's a programmer, but the sky was overcast and he'd never seen it so dark The night was dark, and the streets were empty, only the dim lights of the street lamps.

The wind at night was a little cold, and he couldn't help shivering. He was walking home while looking at his phone, when he suddenly caught a glimpse of a shadow in front of him and was startled. Guess what happened to him? "

"Fuck, don't be scary!"

"It's Grandpa's favorite ghost story link again."

"By the way, does your story have anything to do with Pokemon?"

"My buddy took two steps back in fear, but the shadow didn't move. He boldly used the light of his mobile phone to shine over it, and when he took a closer look, it turned out to be a broken schoolbag.

He breathed a sigh of relief, laughing at himself that he was surprised by a broken schoolbag. However, when he was about to step over, he found that the pocket on the side of the bag seemed to be a somewhat outdated little overlord handheld. "


"My buddy is also a person who likes to play games. Naturally, he pays attention to the information of Pokemon. When he saw this little overlord handheld, he recognized it at a glance, and he couldn't help but be surprised and suspicious. Isn't Pokemon yet on sale? Why is there a handheld here? Who is playing a prank?

He originally wanted to walk away, but after taking a few steps back, he saw that there was no one in the darkness, and out of curiosity, he picked up this little overlord handheld. "

"Then what? Your buddy lost contact?"

"Edit, I'll see how you edit it."

"Don't curse people blindly, if my buddy loses contact,

Can I still hear his story?

However, after he picked up this handheld, some strange things did happen, and he was still heartbroken when he told me about it.

When he got home, he immediately turned on the handheld and found that there was only one game called "Pokemon Black".

'"Pokemon Black"? ' he thought to himself, 'Isn't Pokemon only fire red and leaf green? '

By the way, in the "Pokemon" you played, didn't Dr. Big Wood give three initial elves, the little fire dragon, the wonderful frog seed and the jenny turtle at the beginning?

However, in this "Pokemon Black", the protagonist's initial elf is a ghost that exudes black energy and has a weird smile. "


"Mom I'm afraid!"

"And this ghost has only one skill, which is 'curse'.

When the protagonist carries this ghost and fights with the trainer, any attack will be ineffective against it, and as long as the curse skill is used, the opponent will even die with the Pokémon, and these trainers will no longer be able to return to the trainer after the battle. Appeared, with only their tombstones left on the map.

At the end of the game, I returned to the ghost tower in Ziyuan Town. The old man who accompanied many graves turned out to be the protagonist many years later.

When you control the protagonist to walk out of the ghost tower, you will find that the world is empty, only the protagonist is left.

However, at this moment, the ghost that slaughtered countless people along the way suddenly began to attack the protagonist!

The protagonist is undoubtedly under the curse, and the game crashes when the protagonist dies.

After my buddy finished playing this game, he felt that his whole body was not good. He looked in the mirror before going to bed and found that his face was pale.

He had a nightmare on the night he finished playing, dreaming of the figures of many trainers, sweating all over his body, as if shrouded in endless darkness.

When he woke up, he planned to throw away this little overlord handheld, but found that "Pokemon Black" in the handheld had disappeared.

When telling me this strange story, he said that he suddenly remembered something.

The broken schoolbag I saw that day seems to be the same style as the one carried by the protagonist in "Pokemon"..."

"Damn it! I'm at home alone now, and I feel the cold wind blowing behind my back, and I get goosebumps!"

"So the old man in the ghost tower is the protagonist many years later?"

"Nima, it's the same as the truth, it's a liar."

"I'm scared to death, my little heart is beating wildly."

"Hey, is the story you told true or false!"

"Thinking about it! It turns out that Pokemon is a supernatural game!"

"I...I don't believe it! The demons and ghosts go away!"

"Prosperity, democracy, civilization, harmony, freedom, equality, justice, rule of law, patriotism, dedication, honesty and friendliness..."

"I'm in Ziyuan Town right now, I was so scared that I ran out quickly..."