
Game Between The Greatest Anomaly And An Omnipotent Being!

Ken the Anomaly dies in an orchestrated event and finds himself in a play that is beyond Earth in the literal sense. In that place, he meets Thraxis the omnipotent, who offers to play a game with Ken. A Game full of hidden intentions but filled with fun and challenges that both enjoy. Thraxis gives Ken a being that is sealed away as a system that in a way is someone that could overthrow Thraxis. And Ken as the Anomaly was able to suppress the system. The game begins: With the player being Ken the Anomaly, Thraxis the omnipotent, and the Eleis the system. All major players who play simple games that could decide the dominance of everything ================= All the images in the chapters and the cover are original! More images in my discord!!! Discord link: https://discord.gg/ACPzTJuPCz

Sky_novel_lover · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
58 Chs

The most aggressive monster


Complete a dungeon (0/1)

Reward: 5k and Decision in the next quest reward!

Penalty: lose the ability to wield any weapons.] 

"..." Ken stared blankly at the reward and then broke into a grin. "You truly underestimate me, a lot," He stated as he smoothly slashed a goblin in half as if it was no big deal. 

[Who knows, you might need it~! I have a very good plan for your next quest. So, you better be prepared~! I won't go easy on you~!] 

She cheerfully said making Ken's grin widen. "You underestimate me but I dont know your full capability... So, it really makes me wonder what you are hiding," He matched her cheerful tone while cutting two goblins. 

Ken ignored the dead goblins and sprinted deeper into the forest, where the number of monsters kept growing while the weaker monsters like goblins stopped appearing. 

and all of a sudden, something jumped at Ken who in the nick of time managed to dodge and make some distance. It was a dog-like monster but with thin brown fur and a very muscular body. 

(Image here!) 

"A bloody hound? Hmm, pretty rare... but it's weak, and its fangs sell for good coins so he is a plus." Ken stated with amusement and a little playfulness.

[That thing is 3x stronger than you... sure it isn't fast but by no means it is weak...] The system flabbergasted said making Ken chuckle. 

"huh? I don't need to go for a head-on fight here, just need to kill it fast and get moving" He exclaimed and rushed straight at the bloody hound which got low and growled then lunged at Ken who grinned. 

Ken's side instantly side jumped, avoiding the lung and on the spot did a spin his sword held in a reverse grip. He stabbed into the abdomen and let the sword go. 

"AWWWWOOO!!!!" The Bloody Hound screamed in pain as it desperately tried to get the sword off but it was too late for that.

Ken kicked the hilt of the sword making it plunge deeper while also cutting open half the abdomen and in a matter of moments it was dead from blood loss. 

[Well... wasn't expecting that but... it works... But that was a little brutal]

The system said with a tone of surprise and mild disapproval but there was a sharp edge in them. 

"Too troublesome to do head-on confrontation so why not pick that easier way... it's not like I am getting in trouble for picking the easy way out," Ken nonchalantly stated as he got his sword back, collected the fangs, and left. 

[Umm.... that was brutal...was it necessary to cut off the mouth to get the fang?] 

The system helplessly asked making Ken roll his eyes.

"Easier," Ken stated, "At this point you already know me. So, why bother asking such useless questions..." He confrontationaly stated.

[Was bored~!] The system's tone changed and it became laid back again [Why did you call me out~!? I was having fun seeing your dismissive and annoyed reactions~!] She really didn't care about what Ken did or was doing. 

If he massacred the entire world, she wouldn't care. So, why would she care about a dead monster... The simple answer: to annoy Ken.

"Your temperament changes like-"

[Don't continue that...] 

The system cut off Ken immediately, and just like that, "And you just prove my point that you know me well," He smugly commented making the system shut up. 

They continued their banter until Ken got into a fight, "Well this isn't looking good for me~!" He cheerfully remarked 

[It sure isn't~!] 

and the system followed up. 

In front of Ken was a dragon-type monster, but fortunately it didn't have wings... but it was most definitely faster on land... it was a massive lizard with scales and small brown scales covering its whole body. It was a meter tall and 10 meters long making it really stand out in the green forest 

"What even is this..." Ken bitterly asked as he got ready

[A Ground Drago, basically a massive lizard.] 

(Image here!!!)

"Hsssss" The Ground Drago hissed and took a step forward making Ken move instantly and well, he ran... Not even hesitating to throw the bag onto the Ground Drago's face.

[I thought you were going to fight it... and running won't help here... that things early 10 times faster than yours.]

The system disappointedly commented but also warned Ken.

The Ground Drago sniffed the bag,

[The bag hides the smell. So, it's going to ignore the bag] 

"I only need it to not kill me instantly here," Ken responded, his tone slightly resigned as he started to climb the tallest tree he could find.

The Ground Drago looked at Ken and rushed at him and arived under the tree in a matter of moments making Ken have a cold sweat go down his back.

[Now what? Should we wait it out? Ground Dragos are known for their patience; they can survive without food for months and once they spot their prey, they never let go, even if another monster appears and gets eaten, they will not abandon you. they are loyal~!]

"...the final one was unnecessary, and I have my own plans to handle this," Ken casually stated and jumped at another tree and the Ground Drago followed Ken like a shadow. 

Ken kept jumping from tree to tree and the Ground Drago kept following. After a while, Ken stopped and looked at a cave in the distance. 

[I see what you are doing... you want 2 kills... you call me lazy but you are the lazy one when it comes to extra work, I know for a fact you can take down that Ground Drago by yourself...]

The system helplessly accused Ken of making him laugh. "Hahaha~! I would have to lose a limb for that, and I am over 20km away from the city. Do you think I am risking it? Hell no~!" Ken exclaimed light-heartedly and humorously.

"Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!" A low growl came and the attention of both Ken and the Ground Drago shifted. 

"Well, fuck... Out of all the monsters in this god damned world it had to be this one,"


The system laughed crazily finding this situation hilarious. 

(Image here!!!) 

"An Andrewsarchus which seems to be very hungry as well..." Ken dryly commented as he drew his sword while ignoring the laughter of the system. 

The system's laughter started to calm down and slowly died completely, [Ok, I am done laughing and piece of advice, kill it here, and no, if you dont it will track you down till the city]

The system seriously advised making Ken's lip twitch, "I know that... this thing was in the anime..." Ken gritted his teeth as he watched the Andrewsarchus walk slowly toward the Ground Drago which was slowly backing off. 

"How much for a grenade..." 

[I don't recommend it, it won't do shit to this thing if you drop a C4 on it maybe it will take off a leg] 

"Thanks for the info. Now, how much for a stink bomb," 

[...You used me as a scale for this monster... 600 system points for one that would help you get this thing's nose useless] The system said disapprovingly but changed to a businesswoman in an instant.

"Buy it," Ken commanded as he got ready with his sword tightly gripped.