
Game Between The Greatest Anomaly And An Omnipotent Being!

Ken the Anomaly dies in an orchestrated event and finds himself in a play that is beyond Earth in the literal sense. In that place, he meets Thraxis the omnipotent, who offers to play a game with Ken. A Game full of hidden intentions but filled with fun and challenges that both enjoy. Thraxis gives Ken a being that is sealed away as a system that in a way is someone that could overthrow Thraxis. And Ken as the Anomaly was able to suppress the system. The game begins: With the player being Ken the Anomaly, Thraxis the omnipotent, and the Eleis the system. All major players who play simple games that could decide the dominance of everything ================= All the images in the chapters and the cover are original! More images in my discord!!! Discord link: https://discord.gg/ACPzTJuPCz

Sky_novel_lover · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
67 Chs

The Anomaly Meets The Omnipotent, The Game Begins!?

 "I am going out, Haruto! Need anything?"

Ken asked as he opened the door to leave.

"Going for a walk? Picking me up a juice or something!" Haruto replied, his tone laid back and lazy. Ken looked at this lazy guy and shrugged 


He agreed ruffling his white hair a habit he had never been able to grow out of and left. On his way to he couldn't help but notice an oddity something very bizarre 

"Why the hell is everything so quiet...?" he questioned out loud, growing cautious. He continued to walk but kept an eye out for anything but unfortunately, no matter where he looked there were simply no signs of life, "This is Tokyo, damn it..." 

Ken mumbled as the sense of eeriness was really getting to him, after all, he was in Tokyo the most populated city in Japan and the whole world! Yet, the silence was everywhere he went.

Ken started to head to the main streets and it was empty as well. No people were around, no stores were open, and no animals were in sight. 

He grew uneasy and decided to turn back, his hand on his phone ready to call in an emergency but then.

Honk! Honk! 

The sound of a truck honking came, making Ken Snap back immediately. His eyes widened in horror as there was a truck barreling down at him and it wasn't far, close enough to hit Ken!

Ken's body reacted and he leaped to the side but the truth was already in front narrowly missing him... well, the truck was persistent, it swerved and went straight at Ken who gritted his teeth in rage, and unwillingness.

Right before the impact, he glared daggers at the driver but again the inside was empty and now it was too late for anything...



"... Where am I?" Ken questioned to absolutely no one as he stared into nothing in particular as this place was... something else, specifically beyond Earth in the literal sense. He was simply floating around like cosmic dust right now.


He looked around a bit and was amazed and confused.

"So this is space, damn cool" he commented nonchalantly, not really being sure of anything, "But I am dead...right?" he questioned skeptical to no one again, he was only speaking his mind out. 

"Yes, you are dead..." A voice rang out making Ken look around in confusion trying to find the speaker but there was no one, "But even I don't know why you are here... you are an anomaly," the voice rang out again its tone perplexed and a little amused. 

"Umm, ok that doesn't help... also where are you talking from," Ken couldn't help but ask, a little bothered by the lack of info he had on the situation at hand.

'Hmm... Got hit by a truck with no driver, on an empty main street of the most populated city and appeared in space... A new way to prank? Would make sense if I hadn't walked and changed direction so many times...' 

Ken started to speculate in his mind but his eyes kept looking for anything he could associate with a prank or a play.

But he could do nothing and his speculations were also getting him nowhere

"...I am in the 4th layer of space right now," the voice rang out again answering Ken's question.

Ken stared blankly, "Yeah, I don't remember skipping classes about astrology... Mind just coming to whatever layer of space I am in?" He requested as he paid attention to any movement that could prove any of his assumptions correct or even feasible.

The space right in front of Ken seemed to distort and compress, the light bending around it and then a tear in space appeared showing darkness that appeared to never end. 

And from that darkness, a figure stepped out, it was a man who was possibly in his 20s but also in his teens. 

'Is tech so advanced that, visuals are this good...? Or this some new trick?' 

Ken thought as his heartbeat raced madly, his lack of knowledge making him worried and uncomfortable. 

Ken looked at the figure and gave him a good look over, but failed to recognize him. 

The man in front was built like a Greek god, his muscles defined and very clear, which was enough to make anyone famous but then his looks were something else. Gray hair, gray eyes, sharp facial features, almost 6.4 feet, and overall he looked like someone who would steal the girl without even trying 

Then a figure started to manifest in front of him, particles like things started to gather and a figure took shape.

It was a man who looked to be in his 30s, he had light gray hair with the same light gray eyes and a handsome face. he wore a red T-shirt with shorts not hiding his Greek god-like physique, no it was more defined and lined than any Greek god's statue or body, he was a little taller than Ken who was 6.2, and overall he was a man who looked he would be happy to steal anyone's woman. 

"My name is Thraxis and I was standing in front of you, but since you currently only possess the senses and power level of a normal human you weren't able to see me," Thraxis explained casually as he floated in front of Ken.

(Image of Thraxis!!!)

"Well, thank you for the explanation... I understood nothing" Ken bluntly remarked, "And my name is Ken," Ken introuded in the same way. 

Booth stared at each other, one not knowing the situation in discomfort and the other not being able to understand why the other party was there in bafflement.

"So, now what? Will, you end this play?" Ken asked not being open to play around here. 

"... I don't know, and this isn't a play or an advance prank or any of those speculations you made," Thraxis responded making Ken pause in uncertainty. 

"So, you read minds? Or was it a lucky guess?" Ken asked uncertainly, '9257193' Ken through up a random number and looked at Thraxis with narrowed eyes.

"Yes I can, and 9257193... Do you believe me now? Or are we going to play this little game?" Thraxis questioned in amusement, "I am down for it~!"

"No... I am good..." Ken rejected immediately, as his mind recoiled from the confirmation of Thraxis being able to read his mind. "So, why am I here?" Ken bluntly asked directly going to the main question he wanted to ask.

"If I had to answer then I would be just standing here, you are an anomaly," Thraxis stated and smiled, "Want to play a game?"

Ken thought for a bit and answered, "Sure, I see nothing to do here," 

Thraxis grinned with excitement, "How about a game where you put everything on the line?" 

"A game that would be fun for both..." Ken shot down Thraxis's game plan unhesitatingly, "I don't know if this is some prank or shit but I ain't playing with that level of shit..." 

He stated his reason making Thraxis shrug, "A measured answer, fair enough," Thraxis conceded and smiled. 

"What game do we play?" Ken asked making Thraxis's smile widen. "A chain game, filled with annoying challenges but also hellish twist, but I will guarantee you that you would enjoy it." Thraxis declared making the space quick for a second. 

"As long as it's fun, I am fine with it," Ken agreed not aware of what he was getting himself into.

"Let's make the playground the anime you watched earlier," Thraxis announced, his excitement overwhelming. 

"That world? A fake paradise that turned into a hell? What a pain, but sure why not," Ken agreed here as well, going with the flow now. He wasn't getting anywhere or understanding shit but was making the decision according to the floor and his heart.

"Alright then, let's spice things up a bit as well! It would be unfair for you alone to play against me!" Thraxis ripped the space and pulled out a small orb that shined in silver brilliance. "I present you 'The Anomaly system'! Perfect for you, something that will help you out but also make you have plenty of headaches from all the trouble it will cause~!"

The silver orb launched into Ken's chest and disappeared at an incomprehensible speed, "..." Ken only saw the orb disappear from Thraxis's hand. 

"Now let's begin!" Thraxis clapped his hands and Ken vanished. 

Thraxis stared at the place Ken was and smiled smugly, "It worked better than I expected" He remarked as he looked at the sea of stars that surrounded him. 

"The greatest anomaly and the most abominable system... Sigh, Ken my friend you will also suffer from that system now, I wish you the best of luck~!" Thraxis cheerfully wished and faded away.


Plz comment!! I get motivated when you all comment!! 

I have many images on Discord!! 
