
Game Between The Greatest Anomaly And An Omnipotent Being!

Ken the Anomaly dies in an orchestrated event and finds himself in a play that is beyond Earth in the literal sense. In that place, he meets Thraxis the omnipotent, who offers to play a game with Ken. A Game full of hidden intentions but filled with fun and challenges that both enjoy. Thraxis gives Ken a being that is sealed away as a system that in a way is someone that could overthrow Thraxis. And Ken as the Anomaly was able to suppress the system. The game begins: With the player being Ken the Anomaly, Thraxis the omnipotent, and the Eleis the system. All major players who play simple games that could decide the dominance of everything ================= All the images in the chapters and the cover are original! More images in my discord!!! Discord link: https://discord.gg/ACPzTJuPCz

Sky_novel_lover · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
58 Chs

Sophy! And the 6th floor

17 minutes since the quest.

Ken killed another pack of dire wolves, and this pack was much larger than the previous one. This time, he only had a torn arm muscle. He obliterated the pack, a total of nineteen dire wolves.

Well, they might grow in number, but with each kill, Ken gets stronger, so it would only be natural for him to be able to kill them all easily and with little trouble.


Name: Ken Valxin. 

Level: 27 → 32| 29% done!

Class: None | Pick a class!!!!!! 

Title: Anomaly, The Hunter of Aggressors, The Strongest Player

Power Level: 312 →438

Magic level: 10 


"Hmm, my leveling speed is finally slowing down," Ken spoke his mind out loud while he continued to run through the first floor of the dungeon in search of the second floor. As if on cue, a path that led straight down appeared.

Looking down, it led to two places: one to the second floor and the other deeper. At the very bottom, there was a small stream of water.


The system roared in irritation. If she had a form right now, she would strangle Ken without mercy.

"Hahaha~! Did you forget this was in the anime? I was looking for this," Ken said, unhesitatingly making the irritation of the system skyrocket.

He jumped in and went straight to the stream of water and followed it.

[Ugh... fuck off, I bloody hate you...]

The system cursed and didn't bother cursing more.

Ken followed the stream of water down a tunnel and got to the fourth floor with ease, but...

"Of course, if there is water, there has to be some thirsty monster lurking around it... but..." he remarked as he looked at the tiger that was curiously looking at Ken.

(Image of a tiger)

[Why is there a tiger here... also, why is it so small...?]

The system perplexedly questioned.

"How would I know that... even I am curious here..." Ken plainly replied as he jumped in front of the tiger, which was really small, nearly coming up to Ken's knee.

[Ok, this little one is too small, it is a familiar and not a monster,] the system concluded.

Ken kneeled down and petted the tiger, and it started to purr happily.

"LEO!! DON'T RUN!!! DON'T LEAVE ME BEHIND!!!" A scared girl's shout came from the distance, making both Ken and the little tiger look in that direction. "LEO!!!" the shout came again, and this time the sound of running could be heard as well.

In a matter of moments, a girl came running from around a corner and jumped towards the tiger and Ken, who both took a step back, making the girl fly off to the stream of water in an awkward position.

Ken looked away, and so did the tiger. The girl was in a very awkward position, having her butt pointed at Ken and the little tiger, with her skirt flipped up, making her underpants visible.

[Hmm, you caught a glimpse. She has nice taste! pink panties, and I must say her ass is pretty round and smooth. A suggestion: smack it.

If you do, I will forgive you~!]

"..." Ken ignored the system and glanced at the little tiger, who was looking at Ken with helplessness. Ken picked up the little tiger and looked at the girl, who had sat down... on the water stream...

[She got herself wet... up and down now,]

the system remarked with amusement as the girl had literally sat in the stream of water.


A minute later

"So, who are you?" Ken asked as he looked at the girl who was now sitting on a rock.

"Oh right, My name is Sophy," she introduced herself as she took off her armor-like mage clothes that were wet, leaving only her small skirt and her black leather corset with loose laces on the side, exposing her side boobs.

She had long pink hair with pink gem-like and a very cute and pretty face making her look like an idol or a noble lady 

(Image of the Sophy)

'I have absolutely no idea who this is...' Ken thought as he observed the girl in front of him, who was looking back at him with a smile. "Well, then I will be on my way. I have some work," Ken stated and walked in the direction the water stream was going.

"Eh? Wait, can I accompany you?" Sophy asked as she followed behind, almost falling as well. The little tiger quietly followed behind Sophy, shaking its head at Ken, who looked at it.

"Ask your familiar first. Also, I am going to the 10th floor, so for a non-combatant, that would be too dangerous, even with a familiar," Ken stated, making the little tiger nod its head.

It gently bit Sophy's leg, making her pause. "Umm... I see. Well, sorry to bother you then! I hope we meet again!" she happily exclaimed, making Ken feel odd and weirded out, she just asked to accompany a stranger.

'...I really don't want to meet you again,' Ken thought as he nodded and went on his way. He started to sprint, following the water stream closely, and finally, a monster appeared, and it wasn't harmless.

It was an orc, a green humanoid pig that was two meters tall with a very fat body. It was alone and was drinking water.

Ken rushed behind it and chopped its neck, cutting right through and making its head fall into the water stream. An easy kill.

He didn't bother with it anymore and went on his way, going down another tunnel that led to another floor.

"Hmm, 5th floor," he muttered and scanned the area, his eyes landing on another tunnel, making him grin. "Well, directly to the 6th? I don't mind having such shortcuts," Ken remarked, purposefully making sure the system was hearing it.

Ken walked over to the tunnel; it was narrow, but he would easily fit.

In the back, the system grumbled in irritation as she watched Ken go through the dungeon while making sure she was hearing every word.

Ken dropped to the 6th floor and started to follow the water stream again, which this time led to a dead end.


The system shouted in joy, making Ken laugh. "Come on, did you forget that I was on the 6th floor? And it hasn't even been half an hour? Also, don't forget that the deeper we go, the more entrances there will be!"

Ken cheerfully exclaimed, making the joyous mood of the system freeze.

[I hate you...]

The system muttered, making Ken laugh.

[Sigh... if only you had smacked that round ass of Sophy... what a missed opportunity... She even had pink panties...]

The system added, making Ken awkwardly pause. "...Never thought you would be so into that," he commented as he sprinted.

[I have seen some weird shit... So, it's natural for me... but YOU, someone in his teens, didn't smack that ass... I AM DISAPPOINTED!!!]

The system yelled, disappointed.


(Image of Sophy) this is the best I could make...