
Gamble of Fate

Li Yang grew up as an orphan, facing constant bullying and adversity. However, as time passed, he uncovered his innate talents which set him on a path of achievements. Using his intelligence and sheer determination, he climbed the corporate ladder and eventually secured the position of the CEO in a major company. Just when life seemed to have taken a turn for the better, Li Yang made a startling discovery that his family lineage still existed. This revelation thrust him into a tumultuous conflict between his newfound family and formidable adversaries. One of the most harrowing challenges he faced during this time was the kidnapping of his beloved wife. In this world, battles are not fought with traditional means; instead, participants use special cards to summon monstrous creatures as their champions in combat. As he delved deeper into these conflicts, Li Yang unearthed an alarming truth: the world stood on the brink of potential destruction.

welsoon · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
169 Chs

Chapter 82: Departure from the Infinity Plaza

The break of dawn cast a golden hue over the Infinity Plaza, where Feng Xuan, Lisa, and Li Yang gathered, brimming with anticipation. The surrounding area was abuzz with excitement, as not only were they waiting for Zephyr, but the entire event had drawn the attention of the prominent figures of Infinity City.

As the first rays of sunlight kissed the ground, a flash of light announced Zephyr's arrival, alongside the Lord of Infinity City. The plaza was now teeming with members of the Eight Great Families, who had come to bid farewell to the adventurers embarking on a new journey.

Lisa's eyes shimmered with tears as she bid her father goodbye, sharing a touching moment that symbolized the weight of the journey ahead. The silence was broken by the murmur of Zephyr, who produced a small card from his pocket. With a few muttered words, the card transformed, unfolding into a massive, majestic airship that hovered above the ground.

"This is a storage card," Zephyr explained, catching the trio's amazed gazes. "It's a convenient tool for storing items. Once you're in the academy, you'll understand its significance."

The three adventurers took turns expressing their gratitude and farewells to the Eight Great Families and the Lord of Infinity City. They climbed aboard the ship, the heartbeats echoing the promise of the adventures that lay ahead. Zephyr informed them, "The journey to the academy will take seven days. The airship is vast, so feel free to choose a room."

Upon entering, the interiors of the ship took their breath away. Polished wooden floors, intricately designed ceilings, and large windows that gave a panoramic view of the landscapes below made the ship feel more like a luxurious mansion than a mode of transport.

Li Yang chose a room facing the east, ensuring he would be greeted by the sunrise each morning. Feng Xuan, ever the strategist, picked a room that was centrally located, allowing him quick access to all parts of the ship. Lisa, with her love for serenity, selected a room that overlooked serene landscapes, where she could meditate and connect with nature.

The first day was filled with the thrill of the unknown. The trio explored the ship, discovering its many secrets – a vast library filled with ancient texts, a training room equipped with the latest technology, and a meditation chamber that resonated with calming energy. 

As the days passed, the journey was far from monotonous. Zephyr shared tales of his own academy days, offering invaluable advice and insights. Lisa spent her days honing her skills and connecting with the energy of the universe. Feng Xuan, not one to be left behind, immersed himself in strategic games and puzzles. Li Yang, on the other hand, found solace in the ship's library, absorbing knowledge about the academy and its legends.

On the fifth day, the ship encountered a massive storm. The winds howled and the ship swayed, but under Zephyr's expert guidance, they navigated through the turbulence, emerging stronger and more united as a team.

The final days of the journey were filled with excitement, as the majestic towers of the Central City Academy loomed on the horizon. The trio knew that while this journey was coming to an end, another one, filled with challenges and learnings, was about to begin.

As the ship descended, the vastness of the academy sprawled below them, signaling the beginning of their next great adventure.