
Gamble of Fate

Li Yang grew up as an orphan, facing constant bullying and adversity. However, as time passed, he uncovered his innate talents which set him on a path of achievements. Using his intelligence and sheer determination, he climbed the corporate ladder and eventually secured the position of the CEO in a major company. Just when life seemed to have taken a turn for the better, Li Yang made a startling discovery that his family lineage still existed. This revelation thrust him into a tumultuous conflict between his newfound family and formidable adversaries. One of the most harrowing challenges he faced during this time was the kidnapping of his beloved wife. In this world, battles are not fought with traditional means; instead, participants use special cards to summon monstrous creatures as their champions in combat. As he delved deeper into these conflicts, Li Yang unearthed an alarming truth: the world stood on the brink of potential destruction.

welsoon · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
169 Chs

Chapter 154: The Mystical Abyss of Enigma

The vast void, previously just an empty expanse, now beheld a mesmerizing, swirling gateway of multicolored mist. The entrance to the 'Enigma of the Dark Abyss' was an awe-inspiring sight. Mr. Henry, his voice echoing the gravity of their quest, warned, "The Enigma is fraught with peril. While opportunities within are boundless, they are always accompanied by lurking dangers that might snatch away your very existence."

He unveiled a radiant gem, its core shimmering with an inner luminescence. "This isn't just any stone. It's an Adamantine, an ultra-rare gem essential for the most intricate alchemical processes. You need to collect a hundred of these from the enigma's depths. Be swift, for the first to emerge with a complete collection will secure the victory."

As Li Yang, Lysander, and Lyria braced themselves, so did Eclipse and his comrades. With a deep breath, they stepped into the mystic mist. Li Yang waited for his friends to enter first, ensuring their safety. As he crossed the threshold, a wave of dizziness overwhelmed him. When his vision cleared, he found himself not in the void but amidst an expansive, otherworldly forest. Lysander and Lyria were nowhere in sight, suggesting that the Enigma had its own whims about where it placed its challengers.

This forest was not of the ordinary realm. The skies painted in hues of gray and blue looked almost as if twilight and dawn had merged. The trees stood majestically, their trunks as wide as houses, their canopies so high that they seemed to brush against the heavens. Some leaves shimmered in iridescent colors, while others were transparent, revealing veins that pulsed with bioluminescence.

The atmosphere was thick with a mix of intrigue and danger. Every so often, a gust of wind would pass, carrying with it whispered secrets of the forest. Strange, luminescent creatures flitted between trees, their wings creating ripples in the very air. In the distance, cascading waterfalls flowed from floating islands, their waters shimmering in colors not known in the regular world. The ground, though appearing solid, had a certain elasticity to it, bouncing slightly with every step Li Yang took.

Here and there, ethereal flowers blossomed, their petals radiant and shifting colors. They released intoxicating fragrances, each carrying a distinct emotion - from the sweet scent of nostalgia to the spicy aroma of adventure. The very air seemed to be alive, pulsating with ancient energy.

Despite its beauty, an undertone of danger was unmistakable. Shadows lurked behind the iridescent foliage, and the distant howls of unknown creatures echoed ominously. Some trees had eyes that followed Li Yang's movements, and some waters seemed to have a sinister depth, with shadows of creatures lurking beneath.

With the awe-inspiring yet treacherous landscape before him, Li Yang knew that this quest for the Adamantine would be unlike any he had ever undertaken. With resolve, he began his journey into the heart of the Enigma, ready to face its challenges and mysteries.