
Galaxy Wars: The Asiar System

In a galaxy consumed by the devastating Galaxy Wars, humanity's survival rests on the shoulders of the ENHANCED—individuals bestowed with unique abilities by the enigmatic Aravians to combat the Troglodyte menace. At the heart of this epic struggle is Bellatrix, a sixteen-year-old girl initially unable to access her latent powers. Her life takes a dramatic turn when she inherits a necklace from her fallen father, unlocking a powerful system she dubs 'Amon.' Empowered and determined, Bellatrix enrolls in Demacia Military Academy, where she forges strong bonds with a group of allies. Together, they navigate the challenges of training, uncovering hidden truths about the war, and mastering their abilities. As Bellatrix and her friends grow stronger, they unite in a quest to bring an end to the devastating conflict threatening their galaxy. With teamwork, determination, and the newfound strength of Amon, they stand as humanity's last hope against the relentless Troglodyte onslaught. Read to find out what happens

F4V0_101 · Ficção Científica
Classificações insuficientes
34 Chs

33. Combat test (VI)

The referee "The winner of this round is Audrey Casey from Techies Frontiers class!"

"Next round is Diana Gales from weaponry class versus Sandra Fret from the enhanced frontiers class!" the referee shoute

The referee's voice echoed through the arena. Diana, stood poised on one side of the red circle. She tightened her grip on her katana, gleaming under the bright lights. Opposite her, Sandra Fret from the enhanced frontiers class, twirled her dual gun blasters, the sleek, high-tech weapons contrasting sharply with Diana's traditional sword.

[name : Sandra Fret]

[age : 17]

[race : Human]

[level : 2]

[strength : 25]

[agility : 30]

[endurance : 30]

[ability : healing]

The girl Sandra Fret, was strong and she seemed to be skilled with the blasters she wielded. I couldn't only anticipate the fight.

"Remember, the rules are simple: force your opponent out of the circle, and you win" The referee said. Both Diana and Sandra knew this, and both were prepared to do whatever it took to claim victory.

"Ready!" the referee called out, his voice cutting through the anticipatory hush. "Fight!"

Diana moved first, her katana flashing as she dashed toward Sandra. Her movements were fluid, honed by several weeks of training. Sandra, however, was equally quick, her dual blasters raised and firing in an instant. Bright bolts of energy streaked through the air, but Diana predicted the attack. She twisted her body, the energy bolts missing her by mere inches.

Sandra smirked, her eyes narrowing as she tracked Diana's swift approach. She fired again, a rapid succession of shots that lit up the arena with their intensity. Diana deflected one with her katana, the blade absorbing the energy. But Sandra wasn't just relying on her blasters; she was moving too, sidestepping and weaving to keep herself from becoming an easy target.

Diana reached Sandra, their close quarters neutralizing Sandra's range advantage. She swung her katana with precision, forcing Sandra to stumble backwards rapidly. Sandra's blasters were now less effective at such a close range, and Diana pressed this advantage. The katana's blade whistled through the air, each strike aimed to push Sandra further back, closer to the edge of the red circle.

Sandra pivoted, using her agility to create distance. She flipped backwards, her movements a blur, and fired a spread of shots mid-air.

Diana anticipated her strike, her blade a blur as she deflected the shots. One energy bolt grazed her arm, searing her skin, but Diana gritted her teeth against the pain. She couldn't afford to lose focus, not now.

For a moment, they stood at a standoff, breathing heavily. I could see the students in the crowd mumur, a mix of awe and excitement. Both Diana and Sandra were skilled as Diana has been training and preparing for this, and the outcome was far from certain. Sandra took a deep breath, her eyes locking onto Diana's with fierce determination. She activated a secondary mode on her blasters, the barrels glowing with an ominous energy.

Diana recognized the shift immediately. Sandra was charging up for a more powerful attack. Without hesitation, Diana charged forward again, closing the distance before Sandra could fully prepare. Sandra's eyes widened in surprise, but she quickly adapted, swinging one blaster like a club to ward off Diana's advance. The katana met the blaster with a resounding clash, sparks flying as the two weapons collided.

The force of the impact reverberated through both fighters. Sandra staggered, unprepared for the sheer strength behind Diana's strike. Seizing the opportunity, Diana twisted her blade, disarming one of Sandra's blasters and sending it skittering across the arena floor. Sandra's eyes narrowed, but she didn't waver. She still had one blaster, and she intended to use it.

Sandra fired point-blank, but Diana was already moving. She sidestepped, the energy bolt missing her by a hair's breadth. With a swift, fluid motion, she struck Sandra's remaining blaster, knocking it from her grasp. Unarmed, Sandra was at a clear disadvantage, but she wasn't finished yet. She lunged forward, using her strength and physical abilities to grapple with Diana directly.

Sandra's enhanced strength was formidable, but Diana's training and experience in close-quarters combat gave her an edge. She twisted her body, using Sandra's momentum against her, and threw her towards the edge of the circle. Sandra skidded, barely catching herself before she crossed the boundary.

Diana advanced, her katana at the ready. Sandra, now weaponless and cornered, breathed heavily, sweat glistening on her brow. She looked up at Diana, a mixture of defiance and resignation in her eyes. Diana hesitated for a split second, recognizing the determination in Sandra's gaze. But she couldn't afford to let her guard down.

With a final, powerful strike, Diana swung her katana, not to harm but to push. Sandra, caught off balance, stumbled backward. She tried to recover, her feet scrambling for purchase, but it was too late. With a look of grim determination, she fell backwards, crossing the boundary of the red circle.

Healers quickly attended to the and started to heall both their would, it didn't take much time since none of them were severely hurt and they both had healing abilities. The referee raised his hand, signaling the end of the match.

"The winner of this round is Diana Gales from the weaponry class!" he announced

"Good fight," Diana said simply, her voice steady despite her exhaustion.

Sandra took the offered hand, standing up with a nod. "You too. That was impressive."

As they left the arena, Diana couldn't help but feel a surge of pride. She had won this round, but more importantly, a testament to her dedication and skill.

The referee's voice once again echoed through the arena, announcing the next match. Diana glanced back one last time, her mind already shifting to the future battles ahead. She sheathed her katana and walked off the field.

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Your faithful author


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