
Galaxy Wars: The Asiar System

In a galaxy consumed by the devastating Galaxy Wars, humanity's survival rests on the shoulders of the ENHANCED—individuals bestowed with unique abilities by the enigmatic Aravians to combat the Troglodyte menace. At the heart of this epic struggle is Bellatrix, a sixteen-year-old girl initially unable to access her latent powers. Her life takes a dramatic turn when she inherits a necklace from her fallen father, unlocking a powerful system she dubs 'Amon.' Empowered and determined, Bellatrix enrolls in Demacia Military Academy, where she forges strong bonds with a group of allies. Together, they navigate the challenges of training, uncovering hidden truths about the war, and mastering their abilities. As Bellatrix and her friends grow stronger, they unite in a quest to bring an end to the devastating conflict threatening their galaxy. With teamwork, determination, and the newfound strength of Amon, they stand as humanity's last hope against the relentless Troglodyte onslaught. Read to find out what happens

F4V0_101 · Ficção Científica
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34 Chs

30. Combat tournament (IV) Day one complete

"Okay, begin!!!"

In the middle of the red circle, I was there, holding my heavy Labrys super tight. On the other side, Jenna, with her water skills, was getting ready, the air around her looking all watery and stuff.

Before she even did anything, I went for it, swinging my Labrys in a big arc. Jenna tried to block with a water shield, but my hit made it wobble and almost break.

She hit back, sending water spikes at me. I dodged them like a pro, feeling the cold water just barely miss me. Seeing my chance, I went for an attack, trying to throw her off.

But Jenna was fast, making a water wave to bounce away from me. She was super skilled with her water powers, being a level five and all. She landed smooth and sent a water stream my way. I blocked it with my Labrys, water flying everywhere.

We kept going, the sound of my weapon hitting water ringing out. With every swing, I could tell Jenna was getting tired, my heavy weapon being too much for her.

Feeling she was wearing out, I geared up for one last big move. I went for it, swinging my Labrys like there's no tomorrow. Jenna tried to make a shield, but she was too slow. I broke through, knocking her down and out of the circle.

"The winner of this round is Bellatrix Gonzalez from the weaponry class!!" The referee said, and I stepped off the stage.

The healers attended to Jenna and healed the few bruises on her, as I tried my best not to do too much damage to her, only a few light slashes with my Labrys.

There many other fights that came after mine including Audrey's

"The winner of this round is Hannah Derick from the weaponry class!!, next fight is Ben Jart from the enhanced class versus Audrey Casey from techies class"


[name : Ben Hart]

[age : 18]

[race : Human]

[level : 6]

[strength : 25]

[agility : 25]

[endurance : 30]

[ability : Earth]

'He is kinda strong' I thought as I checked his stats 'But Audrey's stronger'

They both stepped on the stage and were ready to fight. Audrey was wearing tech gauntlets on both hands, looked like she wasn't planning to use her ability in this fight


[name: Tech Gauntlets]

[level : 15]

[defense level : 10]

[offense level : 15]

[increases strength by: 3]

[increases agility by: 5]

[ranged weapon : made out of steel and powered by a C rank wolf core. Consists of blasting knuckles, energy storage and auto shield]

[weapon is equipped by Audrey Casey]


[name : Audrey Casey]

[age : 16]

[race : Human]

[level : 5]

[strength : 30+3]

[agility : 45+5]

[endurance : 30]

[ability : Electricity]

The both of them stood facing each other ready to fight "Begin!!!" the instructor shouted

Audrey started with the first attack by blasting beams of energy at him which he blocked by raising walls of earth. Then he created numerous large spikes and shot them at her all at once.

Right as they were about to hit her; "Shield!"; a wide, glowing blue coloured shield appeared from the gauntlets and blocked all the spikes from hitting her.

'That was so cool' I thought to myself as I watched

Not giving the boy a chance to make another move she immediately retracted the shield and shot beams of energy from her gauntlets. Knocking him out of the red circle, and ending the fight in a split second

"Winner of this round is Audrey Casey from the techies class!!, next fight is .....

More fights came up and the combat tournament lasted till exactly 9:00pm. Since it was the first day of the tournament, there was a total of 200 fights.

When it was over we were all sent back to our respective dorms and all the students and staff left the arena.


{Later that night 10:15pm}

"Hey Bella" I heard Audrey call out my name "Oh hey, I saw your fight that was pretty cool" I said "Thanks" she replied. "Have you Diana?" I asked

"No, isn't she in the infirmary?" she asked "Nah... I already checked there's no one there, and the nurse said that everyone was discharged already" I answered

"Hey guys! wait up" Audrey and I turned around at the same time and saw Diana running towards our direction. "Hey guys where are you headed?" she asked "We're headed to the cafeteria to have dinner" I answered "Same" she said and we walked to the cafeteria together.

The cafeteria was packed, almost all the first years where there having dinner, since the academy kept everyone from eating since 9:00am in the morning and it was going to be like that for the next two weeks of the tournament.

Luckily our usual table was empty so we sat at it, we ordered dinner and started to eat.

Three girls then walked up to our table "Hey loosers, we need this table... so scram" one of the girls said. "Excuse me" I said standing up from my chair

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