
Galaxy Online: Harem Across the Universe

Kenny Stone, an average but intelligent man, was going about his monotonous, day-to-day life when he died due to an unfortunate accident. However, to his surprise, he was soon transported into an alternate dimension! Posessing the first-ever artifically created body, he soon discovered that this universe had many differences from his own. Countless aliens lived in tandem with humans? The universe was interconnected by a single online game and system? Nudity and sex in general were viewed with complete indifference? Kenny found out that it was up to him to spread the greatness of intercourse on an intergalactic scale, all while becomming the greatest Galaxy Online player to exist! ---------------------------------------------- * after a chapter title means sexual content other than sex. ** after a chapter title means sex and can include all other forms of sexual content. Cover is not mine, let me know if the original artist wants it removed.

RelicFarmer · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
16 Chs


Kenny Stone had always considered himself to be a rather average man. He didn't have any particular ambition, goals, or dreams even, and lived his life on a day-to-day basis. So, after dying in a freak accident and waking up to himself floating in a glass stasis tank strait out of some sci-fi movie, he found that a slight grin had appeared on his face.

One day ago.

The sun began to set as a heavy sigh escaped Kenny's mouth. He locked the door to his company's building and, putting the keys in his jean's worn pocket, he quickly shuffled to the back of the building where his bike was locked up. A cold breeze blew through the trash-filled alleyway, prompting him to wrap his thin jacket tighter around himself.

Arriving at his bike, Kenny swiftly undid the cheap lock that secured the vehicle to a rusty pole. Carefully sitting on it, he made sure his backpack was secured to his back before pedaling off, leaving a creaking noise in his wake. He could only shake his head at this; once again, he needed to oil it.

The bike was his only mode of transportation, after all.

Kenny lived a rather bland life. From check to check, he made ends meet, rarely going hungry but also never being able to splurge on anything. Since graduating college with a bachelors in English, he never had any good, or even average, luck.

With a degree Kenny should have been able to get at least a somewhat well-paying job but whenever he applied for anything, something always happened to the position.

Either it was taken by someone else or the company no longer needed the position to be filled; there was always an issue. However, he eventually managed to land a job for a copy-editing company, making a measly couple dollars above the minimum wage while working through the entire afternoon to late evening.

He had no family to support him either. His parents had both died in a car accident when he was in high school and they were never close to anyone, leaving him alone. Luckily, the inheritance they left him was enough to pay for his tuition, but that was it. Coming out of college left him flat-out broke.

Arriving at his cheap one-bedroom and bathroom flat, Kenny quickly locked his bike up, eager to get away from the cold wind. It was just as the sun that he climbed up the stairs to the second floor and turned left, entering his apartment that was a few doors down.

A lackluster grey room greeted him. A single green plant decorated the otherwise miserable environment. A nearly-full trash bag sat in the connected kitchen.

Making his way to his bedroom, Kenny sat down on his mattress, unpacking all his stuff and changing into a more comfortable outfit. He still had to wear his sweater though, as the landlord kept a tight grip over the temperature and he had no control over it.

Kenny rubbed his eyes before unzipping his backpack, carefully taking out his phone from it. As his most important item, and the only valuable item that he hadn't pawned from his college days, he always opted to keep it in a secure location.

Leaving it in his pocket always made him feel a little paranoid that it would fall out.

Having finished unpacking, Kenny made some minute-ramen to sate his rumbling stomach. Finishing the meal, he took a short shower and brushed his teeth.

He then jumped into bed. Pulling up his blanket, he plugged in his phone into the charger next to him and spent some time browsing random topics that managed to hold his faint interest. An hour later he began to feel sleepy and decided to call it a night. He had a long day ahead tomorrow.

"Uugh," Kenny groaned as he blinked himself awake, the alarm on his phone ringing in his ear. He didn't need to look at the time to know that it was five in the morning. Shaking his head, he didn't hesitate to get up and ready. He had his first job to go to.

While Kenny couldn't say he was making a lot of money, it certainly was enough for the average 23-year-old to live somewhat decently alone. What forced him to take such extreme saving measures was his illness. The medication alone forced him to work a second job to pay for it, not to mention the various other fees that came along with it like doctor visits.

Making sure to lock the door to his place, Kenny held his jacket closer to himself. The cloudy sky signaled the impending poor weather and with his luck, he wouldn't be surprised if it rained.

Sure enough, around ten minutes later, as Kenny pedaled down a street, he found himself barraged by a sudden downpour. A frown etched itself into his face but he said nothing, only increasing his pace.

The sun had yet to fully rise, and along with the dark sky, left Kenny with rather poor visibility. The street lamps helped a bit, but compared to the downpour it was useless.

Suddenly, he heard the roar of an engine approaching from behind him.

'A truck?' Kenny thought, clicking his tongue. He quickly swerved to the rightmost edge of the road, as there wasn't a sidewalk or curb. The noise closed in on him at an astounding speed, making Kenny wonder if the driver had any sense driving so fast in such poor conditions.

Thankfully, the delivery truck passed by Kenny without any issue, only faintly splashing him as it tore down the dead center of the road. It soon exited his sight, leaving him alone in the dim light.

Thats when a deafening crash shook the air, not even ten seconds after the truck had passed him.

"No fucking way!" he shouted, standing up and pumping his bike's pedals as he homed in on the origin of the noise. Soon enough, he came across a rather disturbing scene.

Smoke trailed into the clouds from the wreck of the truck. The driver had crashed it into a building, likely due to a loss of traction based on the tire marks on the other side of the road. Shattered glass and concrete was scattered all around the area.

Kenny leaned his bike against a wall and ran across the street towards the truck to get a better look at the scene. However, to his horror, he slipped around three-quarters of the way through the road, falling backwards and directly slamming the back of his head on the asphalt.

Unfortunately, this killed him.

* * *

Inside a hi-tech laboratory was a stasis tank containing the floating body of a flawless, clotheless man. His physique was one of some work of art; the body of a slim and tall marble statue and matching face that bordered perfectly between handsome and charming. The man had long, white hair that flowed around him and, upon the opening of his eyes, revealed a pair of pale, golden irises.

At first, Kenny was shocked to find himself in such a futuristic environment.

However, having all the experiences that he lived through, it didn't take long for him to accept the situation and begin thinking about what happened to him.

His last memory was seeing the accident and running to it before he slipped? Kenny wasn't sure so he decided to look around.

Surrounding him was a large grey room highlighted by various glowing green pipes and beeping machinery. Had he been kidnapped and taken by some mad scientist?

Despite floating in what looked like water, he didn't have any problems breathing, which was something impossible with Earth's current technology.

'Wait, what happened to my body?' Kenny exclaimed internally after looking down at himself. Replacing his bony, flat stomach were tightly cut abs. In fact, as he looked as his arms, legs, and chest, he found that all the muscles on his body were of a similar tightness.

He had suddenly become fit, and based on the white hair floating all around him, it was much more than just his physique that had changed.

'Should I try breaking the glass?' The brief thought flashed through his mind before he dismissed it. Although he felt great, better than he ever had before actually, he didn't know anything about what was happening to him. It would be safer to take it slowly.

Thinking so, Kenny decided to just wait it out. Whoever put him in this tank hopefully wouldn't just leave him there forever.

And, to his surprise, at the finishing of that thought, a muffled but charming voice entered his ears.

"He's awake! It actually worked!"

A beautiful woman wearing a white lab coat entered his view before standing in front of him, a smile brightening her face. Kenny couldn't help but widen his eyes at the sight of her.

Long, luscious purple hair spiraled down her shoulders, a perfect match for her deep eyes of the same color. She looked to be in her early thirties, but it was difficult ot tell through the tank.

Since the lab coat was fully buttoned, Kenny couldn't make out her exact proportions, but the curvy outline alone spoke literal volumes. If anyone told him she wasn't some famous model or actress he would think they were just bullshitting him.

"Hold on a sec, I'll get you out of there. Give me a minute." Saying that, the woman hurried over to a nearby console and tapped its screen a few times. Soon, a whirring noise was emitted and the water level around Kenny began to lower until he was standing upright, albeit completely soaked.

Next, the glass surrounding him also lowered and a rush of cool air caused him to shiver. The woman, however, paid this no mind.

She walked circles around him as she seemingly inspected his body, not appearing to mind his nudity in the slightest. She nodded her head a few times, muttering to herself, but also occasionally frowning.

In the midst of her scrutiny, Kenny also got a better look at her.

While her body was stunning on its own, her face was something else. Kenny had never seen someone with such a sexy natural appearance.

Unknowingly, a smile spread across his face. Seeing this, the woman raised an eyebrow. Turning around, she began walking and waved her hand, indicating for him to follow. Of course, although Kenny was greatly confused, he still followed her.

They passed many other contraptions before reaching a winding, industrial staircase that the woman didn't hesitate to climb.

Arriving at its top, Kenny was greeted by a small room with a few lab coats hanging on its walls. He watched on as the woman began to unbutton her lab coat.

Slowly, the coat fell over her shoulders, revealing her clothing underneath. Kenny's eyes widened, realizing that all she wore was a black tank-top and matching thong. Her full assets were on display, and indeed, they were quite impressive.

Even her nipple could be seen stick out, showing that she wasn't even wearing a bra.

Kenny considered himself to be a man of high standard but even for him, the sight of her large ass barely being contained in the thong and bouncing as she moved caused blood to rush into his dick.

The woman, even more surprisingly, seemed completly unaffected, both by her lack of clothing and his rising half-mast.

She looked at him, smiling while opening the door behind her.

"Why don't you come inside and I'll explain everything."

Thanks for reading! I will be trying to write one chapter every day but it may take two max as I prioritize quality. Please tell me any feedback or questions that you have.

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