
Galactic Soldier Building An Empire

First Lieutenant of Galacticum Federation Junior Troopers (GmFJT), Cory Grieves had been assigned a mission far away from home. It should be a peaceful patrol mission, until they suddenly got attacked. Chaos and silenced scream in the space. The troops scattered, being attacked and ensured of a total annihilation. Cory Grieves among the victim, unconscious, thrown into an emergency warp. Unbeknownst to him, he landed into an unnamed planet. In his hand is a key evidence and his only hope of survival. Can Cory survive in this planet? *** P.S: Cover Art is not mine, I only edited it. Image by Liuzishan on freepik Image by liuzishan on Freepik. P.S: English is not my first language. I also has little to zero experience in writing novel, so please bear with me. Thank you for reading. Edited using Canva.

MoonCaits · Ficção Científica
Classificações insuficientes
29 Chs

Two Headed Snake - Part 3

It's been a day and a night passed. The morning light reveals the beautiful flowers in the meadow.

Exhaustion can be seen on the face of the boy. Aura and I are still holding on due to Nia's Body adaptation.

At night we did not sleep, only eats bread and water and then continued our trip. The horses also did not look tired and eager to go again.

It was not a smooth journey. We crossed the dense forest, and the horse jumped on the obstacle like a mountain goat climbing the mountain. If not for Nia, we might be puking after we got off the horses.

"Sister, the horse does not look tired at all," Forn asked, being confused.

"Yes, you are right. They are not war horses either." Aura also got curious, then faced on my way.

I feel like a thief getting caught in her eyes. "I used healing magic art on the horses, so they will not be tired. Let's continue our journey."

"What, you can use heal on the horses?" Aura said with a surprised voice.

"What? You can't?" I got a bad feeling about this.

Hearing from her tone, it looks like it is not common sense to heal inhuman species.

"Of course not. The healing can only be done to humans. Even the elves can not do that, there is no record of it."

Aura then sees the boy sitting in front of her.

"Forn, can you take it as a secret? Don't tell anyone that Cory can heal horses." Aura talking seriously to the boy.

"I...I will sister." Forn staggered while looking at Aura's eyes.

"Is it that serious matter?" I asked.

"Of course, it is," Aura interjected. "The Agean holy kingdom will treat that as taboo magic. Healing other than humans, especially monsters is linked with forbidden magic."

"Their influence is everywhere, and they are rac*st toward humanoid breed. We need to be careful." Aura continued.

"I will, thanks for the info." I nodded to her.

[Danger six enemies approaching, felines type detected]

I draw my sword. Holding a sword while riding a horse is hard.

"Careful! Wolves!"

Aura let go of one of her hands from the rein and forward her hands, her mouth ready to chant.

[Suggestion. Multiple floating energy can be cast]

-- You can do that? Alright let's do it --

I feel like growing many arms. The energy that is coming out from my body extends to the air. There are six of them and I can feel it.

Six blue fireballs floated behind my head.

[Locking target]

Six wolves waiting on the meadow run towards us with their saliva drolling from their mouth. I fired the fireball toward them.

One by one, the wolves dropped and died. One of the wolves jumps at me but jerked due to the impact of the fireball.

All of the six are dead, burned, and do not move. Meanwhile, our horses still moving fast.

"Looks like we don't need to stop!" I shouted and looked at Aura behind me.

Aura's jaw dropped and Forn looks at me surprised and excited.

"Wow!" Forn shouted.

***** ***** *****

[The Drone detected the target. A big Serpent, six meters]

I stopped the horse, and lift my right hand to stop Aura.

"Why we stopped, the village is just ahead," Forn asked.

-- Nia, any threat around us --


"The mutated Gamaconda is inside. My detection magics pick the sign. Six meters."

Aura nodded, and bring down Forn from her horse.

"You will stay here until we see the village's condition," Aura tells Forn to stay.

Forn want to protest but then nodded his head with a worrisome look. I don't know how dangerous this Gamaconda is. But if the platinum-rank adventurers are strong like Silia said, and they can not defeat it, then I need to be wary.

Bang! Boom!

Suddenly a loud voice comes out from the direction of the village. Smoke and dust billowed from there.


"Let's go!"

We command the horse to go faster to the location. Leaving Forn behind.

"Save them!" Forn shouted.

I will.

From the horse, Aura readied herself with two fireballs on her palm. I use Floating energy to cast blue fireballs and let them suspend in the air until I see the target.

I see the snake. The snake is huge and its height is six meters as Nia described. The skin pattern is beautiful but eerie red-skinned. There are two heads, and it is ready to munch the little girl in front of it.

"I will not let you!" Aura throws the fireballs at its head.

It's successful enough to blind the Gamaconda for a little while. However, there is no damage can be seen on its skin.

I throw my blue fireballs on it, right to the position where Aura's fireball hit.

The Gamaconda's head jerked to the side due to the impact. It groaned hurt.

"Careful!" Aura shouted to the little girl.

The Gamaconda struggles because it got hurt, and splashes its tail right and left until it is directed into the girl below it.

I jumped from the horse and jumped again with explosive energy on my feet, dashing to the girl.

-- Nia! --

"Avoid it!" A priestess, a bit far from my location shouted.

In front of the girl, I blocked the tail with my sword.

Its tail lashes very hard on me and my blocking sword. My body feels heavy like being burdened with a heavyweight. It is so heavy that makes my feet pierce the soil.

"Urrgh...Aaargh!" I screamed to my lung and deflected the tail to the empty field beside me.

The tail crushed the soil until it cracked big. The boom shakes the ground and makes a tremor. One of the broken houses fell to the ground.

Sh*t, my arms and legs trembled hard due to holding the lash.

[Repairing Cells]

"Run!" I urged the little girl behind me.

The little girl was shocked and froze in her position. Her pant is wet. Oh my.

"I am a sorry girl, but please bear with me."

With no other way, I grab the girl. Aura understands my intention. She undoes her magic cast and opened her arms widely.

I throw the girl with to her and she catches her body. Aura hugs her and falls to her back on the ground.


While I throw the girl, the Gamaconda throws its tail on me once again. Surprised, I throw a condensed blue flame on it.

The flame explodes, jerking both the Gamaconda's tail and me away.

I stand up and coughs. Blood drips out from my mouth.

[Repairing cell]

I spit the blood on the ground. "Aura gives the potion to the other wounded."

Aura nodded and runs with the girl to the other villager.

-- Looks like it will be a long fight --

[Changed the body to extreme battle mode, side effects will appear. Proceed?]

The d*amn serpent's pupil shrinks. It looks at me, not as prey anymore but as a threat.

-- Do it --

----- ----- -----

Name: Cory Grieves

Skill: Whirlwind slash sword

Mana cap: 10X Dark Turquoise

Magic: Fireball, Blue Fireball (Divine Flame), Healing, Air-suspended magic, Multicast

----- ----- -----

Name: Nia

Skill: Auto body repair, body adaptation, auto mana regulator, extreme body battle mode.

Connection skill: Full Connection

sub-connection skill: Partial connection, non-human connection

Movement: Blood medium, Water medium