
Galactic Soldier Building An Empire

First Lieutenant of Galacticum Federation Junior Troopers (GmFJT), Cory Grieves had been assigned a mission far away from home. It should be a peaceful patrol mission, until they suddenly got attacked. Chaos and silenced scream in the space. The troops scattered, being attacked and ensured of a total annihilation. Cory Grieves among the victim, unconscious, thrown into an emergency warp. Unbeknownst to him, he landed into an unnamed planet. In his hand is a key evidence and his only hope of survival. Can Cory survive in this planet? *** P.S: Cover Art is not mine, I only edited it. Image by Liuzishan on freepik Image by liuzishan on Freepik. P.S: English is not my first language. I also has little to zero experience in writing novel, so please bear with me. Thank you for reading. Edited using Canva.

MoonCaits · Ficção Científica
Classificações insuficientes
29 Chs

Silver Ranked - Part 3

"Please put your name, age, main weapon, and magic element you used," Silia explained the registration form to us.

The word. I forgot I cannot read the alphabet on this planet yet.

[Collecting data. Please ask each sentence Nia will try to convert]

-- Right, will do that --

"Aura, sorry. Can you help me?"

Aura looked at me and just realized. "Right, I forgot."

"You don't know how to read?" Shawn looked at me curiously. "Where are you come from?"

A million light years from here. "Not from this continent."

"I see. Sorry for asking, Since you are strong enough I got curious about how strong the others are in your country."

"Hmm, in hand combat and shoo-, archery, I am still wet behind my ears."

That was true. I might be a first lieutenant due to my achievement. But in terms of skill and technical combat, I am still losing to my comrades in the army.

Aura tells me every word written in the form. Meanwhile, Nia parallel converted the word from my vision so I can understand.

Silia takes the forms from both of us and reads them carefully. "So you both are swords users. For Magic Aura's element is Fire and Cory's elements are Fire and...Life?"

Aura said that Healing magic falls into the category of life magic. So I just wrote it that way.

"Dual elements. Including Life magic. That is so rare." Shawn pondering.

"This is the paper measurement, please take each."

Aura takes the paper, and the paper color changes from white to light yellow to magenta, light red to dark red.

"That is a high amount of mana. You could become an elite in the great magus tower." Silia surprised.

Shawn nodded. "The lady showed great two fireballs in the palm. No wonder. It was a difficult feat."

It is my turn to touch the paper, but the paper does not change in color still white.

-- What happened? --

All of the adventurers watching when it was my turn.

[Put the magic in the paper. Output?]

-- Okay, maximizing output --

The paper color changed in my hand rapidly to black, then suddenly the paper crumbled to small dust.

All of the adventurers watching me were flabbergasted. Shawn and Silia's frozen, no words coming out of their mouth.

"Take out the five-grade paper. No, bring out the ten-grade too." Shawn urged Silia.

Silia, who is just conscious of Shawn's command, runs hurriedly toward the basement storage. Only half a minute later he bring two different sized of paper.

"What happened?"

"Use the five-grade paper first," Shawn told me and handled the paper.

I just nodded and do the same thing to the paper. The paper reaction is the same, it got crumbled.

All the watchers gasped. They are murmuring between themselves.

"As I thought." Shawn exhale. "Because of your mana capacity, the paper can not hold the mana flow."

I see. Oops. I outdid myself again.

Mana capacity?

-- Nia do the people here store potential energy in their bodies? --

[No, not that I see in Aura's Body function. It is only the ability to create imbalance.]

I see, so it is a misconception of the inhabitants.

"This is the only ten-grade paper we got in the basement." Silia handed me the bigger paper, and her hand trembled.

-- Nia, restrict the mana flow just about the paper result comes out. --

[Restricting output]

The paper changed color, but now it is not fast as the previous one. It changed to light turquoise color.

Everyone gasped when the color changed in the paper. Aura looks excited and proud at the same time.

"Do you want to register as an adventurer? You can get a higher position in the great magus tower. The salary will give you a comfortable life." Shawn said.

I shake my head.

"Alright, that's all of the tests. I don't think a fighting skill test is needed. The higher rank the guild can give both of you is the silver rank. Silia will give you the explanation."

Silia explained to both of us the guild system and regulations.

The rank consists of 6 levels, Copper, Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Palladium, and Mythril. Every rank increase needs the successful rate of mission taken. Increasing to Platinum and above needed a fighting skill test with the assigned veteran. The Palladium and Mythril needed recommendation from the guild leaders and respective authorities.

The mission can only be taken with respective rank and a maximum of one rank above the adventurer rank.

Adventurers can establish a group of adventurers/a team with a maximum of six members. The group rank is the same as the individual rank. And the system is also the same.

Quite simple.

Silia gives us both silver-colored adventurer tags.

"The card is free. But a fee will be deducted if it is lost. The mission data will be collected in the card, and the payout from the mission will also be stored. The Gold stored can only be drawn in the guild." Silia explained to us. "And also, please draw blood to your card for safety identification."

Our fingers got prickled, and blood dropped on the cards. They glow and then the glow vanished.

-- Nia, have you gotten inside the card --

[Negative, part of Nia vanished. Need more understanding from Nia adaptation]

-- Interesting --

"Congratulation. Both of you are now silver-ranked adventurers. You can take silver rank requests at the request board."

***** ***** *****

(Shawn's POV)

I still can not forget that day.

It was my day off that day. I feel nauseous every time I see piles of paperwork filling my desk. I feel that adventuring getting easier than tracing numbers on those d*amn papers.

The deer's bar is always become my favorite place. I still remember the nostalgic feeling of my adventurer's day. Doing a mission the drinking after it finishes.

"Guild Master!" A girl I know opened the bar's door. Her breath is fast.

Ah, sh*t. I look away, pretending to not take notice, and continue drinking my beer.

"Where is the guild master," Silia asked.

The entire people in the bar directed their gaze at me.

Oh, F*ck you, guys. I sighed.

"Guild Master!" Silia almost cried.

I heard all of her stories. Then I jumped out of the bar. I can feel my forehead twitch.

That f*ck*ng pig again! The Guild's reputation is already low.

But when I saw what happened, I got so confused. I thought Dorg want to kill a newbie, but what I see is a pair of cold eyes that does not hesitate to kill. No emotion, no anger, no hesitation, or a scared feeling. Just cold.

I jumped to stop him fast. But then my eyes spun. My eyes filled with a view of the standing adventurers and roof. I can feel the cold steel pressed on my neck.

What? Am I getting thrown? An ex-platinum adventurer?

The next scene is always burned in my memories. The strongest mana paper we got in the guild, for the first time is used. I always thought that it will be stored in the basement forever.

A newly registered adventurer was able to throw me, and threaten me with a knife and I could not do anything. The mana this newbie has is on par with the senior magus in the magus tower.

Looks like a legendary adventurer will be born in Krim's adventurer guild. I got excited.

Thank you for your support, comment, and pointers. I will try to add the status of MC and NIA in the next chapter. Please enjoy the read c:

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