
Galactic Soldier Building An Empire

First Lieutenant of Galacticum Federation Junior Troopers (GmFJT), Cory Grieves had been assigned a mission far away from home. It should be a peaceful patrol mission, until they suddenly got attacked. Chaos and silenced scream in the space. The troops scattered, being attacked and ensured of a total annihilation. Cory Grieves among the victim, unconscious, thrown into an emergency warp. Unbeknownst to him, he landed into an unnamed planet. In his hand is a key evidence and his only hope of survival. Can Cory survive in this planet? *** P.S: Cover Art is not mine, I only edited it. Image by Liuzishan on freepik Image by liuzishan on Freepik. P.S: English is not my first language. I also has little to zero experience in writing novel, so please bear with me. Thank you for reading. Edited using Canva.

MoonCaits · Ficção Científica
Classificações insuficientes
29 Chs

Meeting Locals - Part 1

[Rebooting System]

"Ugh" My head feels heavy.

[Registering User]


Someone is speaking very clearly. However, I cannot see who is speaking. My views trembled and murky. I pressed my forehead to ease the pain.

[First Lieutenant Cory Grieves, changed to Major - Cory Grieves]

[Command Repairing Cells and Synchronizing - In Progress]

Bit by bit my views become clear. I see my right hand, it was red, dark red.


I sit down on my pilot seat, checking the monitor. The navigation system only shows a blank indicator, which means I am nowhere, outside the territory of the Federation.

Panicked, I regulate a deep breath, in and out from my nasal.

Alright, calm down. Where am I? How far is home? I checked the navigation log, the speed, time, and warp direction.

No, this is not right. The warp is too far, the log became haywire after a sudden jump and attack.

At least I am alive.

Suddenly the ship alarm beeped. The monitor shows the falling indicator and rises in gravity. All of the signs indicators are directed to one cause.

The ship windows show a big blue and green planet, and the ship just falls to this unknown planet.

"Ok, Boost Fuel. We need to get out of the atmosphere."

/Error, broken exhaust./

"Sh*t, Ok, calm down. Emergency landing boost."

/Error, broken nozzle./

"Parachute! Open Parachute!" I pushed the button many times.

The ship just falls faster, accelerating and gaining speed. Knowing the gravity indicator, I will become a red paste in a matter of minutes.

/Error, cannot open hatch./

"... Guess I am dead."


Frustrated, I hit the parachute button harder. Luckily the parachute opened and the ship jerked with momentum before touching the seawater. My head bumps into the ship wall and my views began to black out.

Not again.

[Stabilizing heart rate]

[Repairing cell]

[Synchronization completed]

***** ***** *****

"Ugh." I woke up again inside the ship, I feel buoyancy in my body.

I tried to open the hatch but failed, so I kicked the hatch many times until it broke open. A breeze tinkling my face skin, smelling a hint of salt.

I stand on the ship, while the ship floated on the sea. A sea, some mountains and birds soaring on the sky.

[Adapting Body to the atmosphere completed]

This voice again. When I heard this voice. I thought I was dreaming or there was something wrong with my head.

"Who are you?"

[ I am unnamed nano AI - Integrated with the body of Major Cory Grieves]

"Nano AI? my god."

Nano AI is a topic of debate in the Federation. Some oppose the development of it, scared of the impact the AI can controlling the body and how it will fall into the Bug's hand. Some approved the technology.

The topic successfully split the federation into two factions, balanced. And now inside his body rest forbidden and illegal technology.

Is this what Captain Cecil mentioned before? The mission? So that's why we got chased and got attacked by the Bugs.

How f*cked up.

[Registration completed]

[Major Cory Grieves]

[Age: 27 years, 2 Months, 3 weeks, 1 day]

[Height: 175 cm]

[Weight: 68 Kg]

[Blood Type: O]

[Gene: East Asian 78%, Caucasian 22%]

"Wait!" I just realized what it just said. "Major Cory." two ranks above? I got a bad feeling about this.

[Answer. First Lieutenant Cory Grieves considered dead. Based on the regulation two ranks were given as an honor]

"Great, now I am already dead." I got away from the ship, landed on a sandy beach. "I need to patch the wound on my forehead."

[Answer. The wound already sealed, the internal injury has already healed. The Body has been set to adapt the atmosphere, air, and the gravity of the planet]

"You can do that?" I tried to breathe and moves my body, tried to run back and forth. Trying to touch my whole body, from the head, to abdomen to toes.

I was flabbergasted. The wound and the pain are just like a lie.

"No wonder you become a topic of debate." I sigh.

[I am honored]

You can even receive compliments?

"Alright I need to scavenge what left from the ship."

In the ship I saw a lot of things. A Military grade Knife, fire starter, cooking utensils, seasoning like salt and pepper. Formal military uniform, and Emergency Rations enough for a week.

I feel a mixed feelings. Glad that they prepared a lot so I can survive, and a sad feeling that they really dumped us in an unknown planet.

[Suggestion. Launch observation drone on the stratosphere]

[The drone already linked with AI communication system]

"I see. Will do."

I packed my Lightweight Proton Gun and the survival kit. Then launch the observation drone to the sky.

"By the way what's your name?"

[Answer. Unnamed. Please register with a name]

"Okay." I was pondering to give a best name. There is no way I will give it a pet name.

"Nano AI. NAI. Maybe NIA. Right Nia, sounds good. Your voice is like a girl too."

[Registered as Nia]

"Pleasure to works with you Nia."

[Pleasure is mine Major.]


Suddenly a human scream could be heard.

[1.2 km on 11 o'clock]

"Roger, let us see." I run toward the voice.

***** ***** *****

(Princess Aura POV)

"Princess Aura, you must run! We will hold them back!"

"No! I will not leave you all, I will also fight!" My hand is shaking while holding a sword. My left shoulder dripping blood without cease, and I cannot feel it.

Erlin, my second escort is not better. Tired, sweated and bleeding heavily, yet she barely stand guarding me with her life on the line.

"Old man watch out!" Erlin screams.


The Warwolf bites into the oldman necks, but he still managed to stab it in the abdomen.

"Die you! Seneval Kingdom pet b*stard! Ugh!" The Oldman coughing blood.

"Noo!" I screamed, hot tears filled my eyes.

"Princess Aura. Please live. Ashtary Goddess save the Creols Kingdom." The Old man spoke in his last breath.

The Four warwolves left attacked together from different directions, they were trained and coordinated.

"Princess, stay behind me!"

Ashtary please save us. Please.

I cannot feel my arms. My sword dropped. My eyes dimmed, yet I saw a beautiful light moving. Fast and passing through each of the warwolves body. The Warwolves dropped one by one.

Ashtary is saving us, thank you my Goddess.

I fell and blackened out.

I made the first chapter an Introduction event with a third-person view. The future chapter will be a first-person view. I hope it is not too weird for you guys. And please enjoy the read.

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