
WAR 4:01 Memories

Trixie awoke in darkness. Shadows moved around her. The back of her skull ached. She struggled to make sense of where she was, not remembering what had happened, fearing she had been captured again.

Sitting up, she felt nauseated and fought not to be sick. Bile rose in the back of her throat. Clutching at her stomach, Trixie fought against the cramps seizing her abdomen.

“We have her memories. I'm processing them now and comparing them against the records from the Swift.”

This was a woman's voice, she was sure of it, and that gave her hope. It wasn't a thinker or a master. She had to be on the Rift Valley, but how? Try as she may, her memories eluded her. Her mind was hazy.

Trixie reached out, groping at the darkness. Her legs swung down over a ledge. She could feel the edge of a stiff mattress. There were soft cotton sheets under her fingertips.