
gacha club system (beta version)

fhon is a hoples man he died he got a system harem the end i own nothing about gacha life

Marx_Cipriano · Videojogos
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9 Chs

going out

I have a nice chat with them to know more about them and it's quite productive as we come to know each other better. Through there's still a lot of doubt about each other they can't possibly resist the cuteness of my daughter

They request some things such as beds, PC set(for Milly), etc

I just noticed the lack of bathroom, but yeah I can build that later with the help of others

They are still getting used to their body, they said that only having 2 skills is hard, but It's not like we can do anything about it. At least we have the attribute advantage as I think corruption and dark element might be rare in this world.

I am not a common sense less idiot to run around with a treasure even through the treasure is common to me and easy to get.


Usalina " This is amazing, pyon~!!!!!"

She's really excited as she took some leafs and inspected them

Milly "Hmmmm taste bitter, but not bad"

She's really reckless, she shouldn't eat such unknown plant

Me "That might be poisonous"

I warned her as I carry Alicia in my embrace and well I don't know why she's always playing with my face and hair. My scalp really hurts from her pulling my hair, but nahhh who cares, as long as she's happy it's ok.

Ehhhh, I really don't know why women always wear something so short, women are really weird.

I just ignore them for now as I walk around the forest looking for weird stuffs and skeleton birds

Alicia " Papa, nohhh birds??? birds!!!"

Alicia looks very excited as she saw more birds, still skeletons, but it posses some feathers

Me : "Do you want to take it as a pet????"

I asked her, I guess I have to catch it, but it flew to us itself very curious

Alicia "Yay, pet!!! Ali pet, papa?????"

She's very excited and happy as she poked the skeletal body of the bird

Milly "Hmmmm that doesn't seems to be a dark element creature, weird"

Milly murmur on the side, but loud enough for us to hear

Me "I think it might be born from magic, but usually skeletons posses dark element. Hmmmmm I think we can study some later"

I replied and she just nob as she and Usalina followed us

Alicia "Nohhhh, Papa, Ali want magic!!!"

Ali said as she looked at me with a very innocent look

Me "Of course, when papa got some books for you"

I said as I pinch her cheeks, but for some reason she look downcast

Alicia " Nohhhh, books bad, Ali not want books, bad bad"

She looks like she tripped on something

Ohhhh my God it will be hard to teach her

Milly " You don't like books too??? "

Milly just mysteriously appeared on my side

Usalina : Pyon~ Don't scare Ali!!!

Usalina hopped in

Alicia " Yay aunties!!!"

Ali happily looked at them and say something that caused to 2 to mysteriously choke on nothing less

Me " So Ali, do you love AUNTIES???"

I joked arround which earn me a soft glare from the 2

Milly " It's sister, not auntie"

Milly poke her chubby cheeks

Alicia " Sister???"

Ali asked which brought back the energy of those 2

Usalina " Pyon~ Yes, yes, call me sister Usalina"

*Happy pyon~ sounds *

Me "Hahahahahaha let's sit on that rock so that you can take a break"

I said to them and so they agreed, we are not really that deep in the forest. We just walked around and we can still see the Falls not far from here and there's a river nearby us which will be an excellent place to fish

We soon reach the stone and since we got a bit hungry I took some sandwich enough for all of us

Milly "That's pretty convinient"

She took her share and sit next to Ali whose playing with her new pet

Alicia "Papa, nohhh pet need food"

Ali said to me as she raise her pet towards me, does a skeleton even need to eat????

Nahhh nevermind, I gave her some food for her pet and then I let her play with her 2 new sisters watching her

Since I don't think anything bad will happen as we didn't spot any dangerous creatures on our way I walk towards the river and took out a fishing rod and pulled some earthworms for bait

I am not really expecting for anything to happen or will I even catch anything???

I rest there and was about to leave my rod when suddenly something pulled it and it's quite hard

Milly "You catched something???"

She asked as she walked towards me while piggybacking Alicia who looks very excited

Me : "That's pretty obvious!!"

I grunted as it's hard and I think it's a big catch

Usalina got attracted too and soon watch me at the side, really the only one cheering is Alicia

It's hard and took long when I soon caught it and to my surprise and the others it's a....

to be continued