
Three years later

Sunagakure. Three years later.

Inside the Kazekage's office.

"How's the development of 'dome' coming along?"

"It's progressing at a decent pace. Construction shouldn't last any longer than a month, give or take." Yashamaru slightly bowed his head, facing the Kazekage, who was seemingly buried in paperwork. Although he was used to it, it still felt a little weird to bow in front of Gaara.

"Yashamaru, how many times have I told you now? Drop the formality. It's awkward." Gaara sighed in frustration. Even though he was now the village's leader, the feeling of Yashamaru addressing him as 'sama' was nothing short of repulsive to him.

"Gaara-sama, I'm sorry, but I can't fulfill that request. As the Kazekage's subordinate, I must use the correct form of speech."

"Ugh... Shira, can you try to talk sense into him?" Next to him, a taller, more muscular version of Shira was standing with his arms behind his back. As the Kazekage's right-hand man and bodyguard, he was always around.

"Yeah, Yashamaru-san, you should listen to Gaara for once! I tried using honorifics... But I just can't." With an innocent face, Shira spoke casually. He was the only one in the village, apart from Rasa, his siblings, and Chiyo, that still treated Gaara like before.

"Anyways, back to the earlier topic." Gaara went on to discuss 'dome.' It was a project he had started a year ago, which consisted of building a massive glass-dome around the entire village. This glass was modified using Fūinjutsu, allowing it to reflect heat and keeping the inside cool.

This project was massive, but with the resources he had built up over the years, it was nothing for Gaara. Soon, their goal of turning Suna into an 'Oasis' would be accomplished.

In the last three years, many changes occurred in Sunagakure and rippled into the entire ninja world. Through advanced technology brought by the system's processing power, they quickly grew stronger, economically, and on the military side of things.

"Gaara." Suddenly, a voice sounded from behind the door. It turned out to be Kankuro, who was back from a crucial S-rank mission, involving information gathering about the Akatsuki.

"Kankuro, you're finally back. How'd it go?"

"It was just as you said. Two suspicious people are currently headed to our village. They're taking their time and should arrive in a day or two. From the looks of it, they're from the Akatsuki." Kankuro was surprised, Gaara's prediction had somehow come true.

"As I thought... Anyways, thank you for your hard work. Leave the rest to me." Gaara smiled as he rested his chin on his hands. 'They' were finally making a move, and he wouldn't sit by and watch.

Getting up from his seat, he took of the Kazekage robes.

"Kankuro, Shira, Yashamaru. I'm going to leave the village for a moment, so take care of everything for me. it's an order."

"Where are you going? Could it be... Gaara. They're after the tailed beasts; you know that, right?" Kankuro was worried. He heard that the members of that group were all infamous S-rank criminals, all of whom were feared by their respective nations, including Sasori...

"Do not fret. Also, don't tell Temari, or anyone for that matter, about this. I'll come back shortly." With a serious face, Gaara said his farewells and disappeared from the room, leaving the other three speechless.


'Finally, the time has come.' Gaara was prepared for this moment, but he still felt like it was surreal. In a few hours, he would battle it out with Sasori and Deidara, of all people. Now, the timeline would genuinely be altered.

"But, it's the start of my plan..." Finally, he could put things into motion. Heading to his secret lab, he opened the sealed door and made his way inside. Turning on the lights, Gaara revealed the people inside.

They all wore dark cloaks, with oni-like masks hiding their faces. In total, there were thirty-eight of them, split up into four groups. Three of them were ten people, while the one in the center counted five people.

"Gaara-sama!" Seeing their lord enter, all of them dropped to their knees, bowing their heads. Three people walked to the forefront, respectfully bowing.

Unlike the rest, they weren't wearing masks.

The one on the left was Tayuya. Her hair grew longer, and her features became more and more refined. She had truly become a beauty that could destroy cities.

Next to her, Kidomaru had all but one of his six arms behind his back, respectfully lowering his head. He had grown a beard, and his eyes seemed to contain even more intelligence than they used to.

Sakon still had Ukon's head hanging from his back, as they both respectfully closed their eyes in their master's presence. Apart from their lipstick, they now hand a few piercings across their face, making them look even more intimidating.

"Greetings, all of you. The day has come... Today, all of you will leave this training facility!" With a dominant air, Gaara observed his subordinates. Seeing them unreactive, he smiled. They had been trained to perfection.

"Tayuya's squad will head over to the land of water to capture a boy named Yukimaru. Once you capture him, I want you to use him to summon the three tails, make it submit, and bring it to me." Throwing a scroll to Tayuya, Gaara continued.

"Kidomaru. Your squad will leave for the land of stone, to capture the Jinchuriki of the four tails."

"As for you guys, Sakon, Ukon. Both of you will head over, with your squad, to Kumogakure and capture the two tails jinchuriki."

"of course, all of this will be done in the utmost secrecy. No one needs to know who you are and where you come from."


Hearing their devoted answer, Gaara smiled. They were all capable of using the perfected curse mark and could use stage two to enter a mode close to sage mode.

All of these squads were strong enough to take an Akatsuki member on, not to mention a tailed beast. He needed them for his plans.

"You may leave!"

Obeying Gaara's orders, they became invisible, leaving the lab. Smiling, Gaara looked satisfied. All of them could use the 'transparent escape' technique, which he had taught them himself. They were the perfect tool assassination.


Special thanks to Frozoka Swaggins, God Erebos, and Daniil!

Don't forget to drop some stones!


There are currently 2 more chapters on P.a.t.r.e.o.n!

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