

Spike Fierce is a well know fighter in the underground arenas of New York City. The G.S.F. is the battleground that most fighters dream of fighting in whether for the money, the glory, or an excuse to hurt people. What starts as a chance to win money becomes a deeply personal affair for Spike, when certain powers at be begin to hurt those around him.

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Part 4 - Emerald Maverick

Z had eventually picked up Crimson and Spike hauling them to the warehouse. Spike was set down in a bed and left to rest. Team Z's Health Manager Sakuya tended to the wounds on both Spike and Crimson. After thorough inspections she cleared both Crimson and Spike for combat for the Great Street Fight Tournament. Sakuya was an Asian beauty with long pink hair and gorgeous green eyes. She had juicy thick legs that stretched right out of her mini skirt. She kept in great condition thanks to her Tae-Kwon-Do training. Though she was a great fighter, her passion was in helping others and she has been the nurse for these street fighters for two years now.

Sakuya: Crimson... You're clear to fight but, honestly I don't think you could go four rounds.

Crimson:..... Heh... Spike did a number on me huh?

Sakuya: You said you got tackled into a car and slammed into the pavement. You mentioned there was a slight pain in your back. When the adrenaline fully dies down the injury could start to show. I don't want you to end up with a broken back.

Crimson:..... I'll know my limits Sakuya.

Sakuya: Promise me.

Crimson: Yeah, I promise. I don't want a broken back either.

Sakuya: Kay... Now be sure to get some rest.

Crimson: I will...

The days time passed by. Emotions swirl all around the warehouse. Spike Fierce slept for near twelve hours. It wasn't till around six thirty at night he got out of the bed he was crashed in. He looked around and realized he was in his room in the warehouse. He got out of bed and stumbled over to his dresser. He felt he would dress himself for the occasion. Jumping out of his reeking clothes of the day before. He jumped into a pair of black pants with a red striped design, he added his studded belt to keep them on good. He threw on a plain black shirt and slipped on his trademark gauntlets, the very same gloves his father wore in his fighting days. He then sat on the bed for a few minutes pondering on what he had planned for the evening. Quicksilver was still on his brain. The million dollars only now started to cross his mind. With that kind of money he could finally move his mother into a nice house. He could put his sister in the acting school she always wanted. Spike was only now starting to get motivated. He stood up. His eyes were burning with an intense passion. An aura of confidence surrounded him. It was as if a bolt of lightning surged through his spine setting his blood on fire. Spike Fierce was more ready to fight than he has ever been. He walked out of his room into the main hall. He saw everyone there. Crimson, Quake, Z, GF, and Sakuya.

Quake: You're awake! Holy shit dude! It's almost seven. G.S.F. starts at eight thirty!

Crimson: Which means we should leave for S.F.U. by seven thirty..

Spike: Shit....

Z: How are you feeling Spike?

Spike: Honestly... Fuckin' fired up! Ready to whoop everyone's fuckin' ass! Even you two if you're unlucky enough to end up in my bracket!

Quake: Eeeaaasy buddy!

Spike: I ain't your buddy, guy!

Crimson: Tch...

Sakuya: Spike, are you hungry?

Spike:.....Now that you mention it..... I'm friggin' starving....

GF: Eat up man! Sakuya made some excellent dinner.

Sakuya: Or breakfast for you. Heheh.

Spike: Thank you... Thank you Sakuya, for the food, for bandaging me up. thank you Z... for still having me around.. and dealing with my bullshit. Thank you Crimson.. for keeping me in line. Hahah.

Crimson: ..Heh.. -He nods-

Quake: Ahem... you forgot the homie, Quake..

Spike:.....Quake.. Thanks for being there dude. Hahaha.. Ehhh G.F., sorry I punk'd you last night.

GF: No prob... I most likely had it comin'....

After Spike filled up on food, he went to the warehouse phone and started to dial a number. He waited and his sister picked up on the other side.

Rayna: Hello?

Spike: Hey..

Rayna: Spike? Hey where are you? I haven't seen my baby brother once since I got beat up.. Aww you make me sho shadd..

Spike: Heheh.. Yeah sorry about that. I been doing some stupid ass shit. How are you?

Rayna: Well.... I'm in pain dude... But I'm alive. So I'm grateful.. plus my nurse is kinda cute.

Spike: Do you have to hit on everything that moves?

Rayna:.....Anything with a vagina, yeah I guess...

Spike: Ehh..... At lest your personality is okay....

Rayna: Hahahaha. You know it bro.

Spike: Rayna... I want you to know, I love you... and I'm sorry I didn't see you today..

Rayna: Hey... Spike this is starting to sound like one of those corny lines the action guys says before he goes off to die in an epic clash...

Spike: Tell Mom I love her too...

Rayna: Yeah it really is now. Spike what the hell's going on?

Spike: Tonight.... Is my last fight.

Rayna: What? Spike what the fuck are you talking about?

Spike: Whether I win or lose... I'm retiring. Mom.. will be so stoked.

Rayna: Spike..... You're entering G.S.F.?

Spike:.....And killing Quicksilver...

Rayna: Spike!! No don't you dare aaahhh... ahh.. oh god...

Spike: Rayna! Don't get all crazy on me.

Rayna: You... You're going to be killed.

Spike: Don't you know sissy? I'm Spike Muthafuckin' Fierce! -He hangs up the phone-

Rayna: You fuckin' idiot! Gah!!

Spike smirked at the hung up phone and turned the other way. He started shadow boxing in the other room warming up. Crimson and Quake eventually walked in and said it was time to go. At seven thirty sharp the three street fighters and Sakuya left the warehouse and started heading to the nearest bus stop. They caught the next bus and got off near a subway station. They walked down into the tunnel and waited by the tracks. When the eight o'clock train made it's pass they hopped down onto the tracks and started walking down the tunnel. They were not alone as many other folks were walking behind or in front of them. about two hundred feet deep into the subway track the man leading the way finds a barred door. He jiggles it revealing it only looks barred and reveals a secret passage. All of the people walk through the passage onto another flight of stairs. At the very bottom two huge bouncers were guarding a huge door.

The bigger bouncer on the right simply uttered, "Welcome to the Street Fight Underground." The two men then opened the huge doors allowing the flock of people to walk in. Spike, Crimson, Quake, and Sakuya entered the facility.

The Street Fight Underground, more commonly known as NYC's S.F.U.. The place was packed with all sorts of burly looking individuals. To the big chunky bearded bikers, the low pants hangin' gangsters, the punk ass looking teens, the nasty slut looking girls that hung around everyone. Anything labeled as the scum of society was roaming around in this wonderland of violence personified. There were pool tables set up around the place, old arcade machines, even slots and digital gambling games. If that didn't get your fill there were actual tables of poker and black jack going on as well. There was even a nice sized bar set up by the entrance corner, a punching bag and weight set on the other side of the massive venue. Novelty lights hung all over the place, there was even a half pipe, and a few stripper cages. The S.F.U. had everything you could want to spice up a boring night the only condition for entry, you had to be a bonafide street fighter or at least a guest of one. Should an unknown face wander in alone he or she would be beaten to a pulp or maybe kick ass and become a regular. Team Z were like celebrities in the S.F.U. and as soon as they walked in, the three of them were greeting and shaking hands with all sorts of individuals. As soon as they made their way into the place they sat by the bar and Spike greeted the bartender. She had light red hair in pig tails. She wore a lot of eye liner and had a bunch of facial piercings. She wore all kinds of black clothes looking like she just walked out of a Hot Topic store.

Spike: Heather! Baby girl, how's it goin?

Heather: Oh. Hey hunny. What can I get you pansies?

Spike: Most likely the usual you dumb broad.

Heather: Hah! Kay Hatorade with extra spit for Spike.

Spike: You and your in-direct kisses

Heather: Tch.. so water for Red? And a diet soda for the Queen.

Crimson: Heh..

Quake: Whatever bitch, jus gimme the stuff.

Heather: Sure you don't want some shots?

Quake: Maybe after I win. Hahah screw that, ready the champagne!

Heather:..... Hehehehahaha! Awww that would be cool if one of you dudes won. Don't let anyone know I'm playing favs. I'm rooting for you home town boys.

Quake: Thanks Heather.

Heather: Heheh. Knock em dead out there boys. I'll be back with your drinks.

Spike: Kay babe.

Sakuya: Here guys, I found a copy of the match card tonight.

Quake: Ooooohhh let's see.

Crimson: Hmmm.. Rayna's name is still on here.

Quake: Guess they didn't have time for a re-print. Spike, you're in the first round! Versing.. a question mark... Special guest? What the fuck?

Crimson: You're first opponent is a mystery... that's a bad start.

Spike: Fuck it... I'll drop the poor sap.

Crimson: I'm in the fourth round... Big Omni!?

Quake: Careful dude, sounds like a S.N.M. master or something. Hahahaha!

Crimson: Shut the fuck up...

Spike: Yo Crimson, Ashley is fighting in the round right after you... against.. M.P.J.? The hell? M.P... had a son?

Crimson: M.P.? Mysterious P? That Luchadore guy who was murdered by Quicksilver?

Spike: Maybe I'm wrong... In any case, Ashley's here Crimson!

Quake: Oooohh Ashley, tell me again how, not as awesome as Quake I am!

Crimson: Ugh... Seriously you two need to fuck off..

Quake: Man.. Harry is in this thing...

Spike: Psycho Harry?

Crimson: Who the hell signed that guy to their brand? Look he would've been fighting your sister.

Spike: Shit... So Ashley and Rayna were in, That means the Luminaire Girls have two brackets.

Quake: The old crone dished out some dough.

Crimson: Quake... You're in the last round.. against.... Belial?

Spike: Never heard of em...

Quake: So an all-star like me is gonna have to squash a noob. Ahh what a cruel fate the world imposes on others sometimes.

Sakuya: The fight card looks so stacked... I'm so nervous.. and I'm not even fighting..

Spike: Heh.. Don't worry bout us kay. You're here to help us if we get hurt.

Sakuya: Yeah... but I'm hoping I don't have to.

Crimson: -He rubs his side- ..(I already know I'm getting hurt.. I already know I can't win..)

Sakuya: ... Crimson?

Crimson: Yeah?

Sakuya: You.. Okay?

Crimson: Yeah..

Heather: Here you go guys! I got this whole cooler full of your three drinks of choice. You should go set up a base, let Sakuya sit on the cooler and stuff. It's almost time R.S. will probably start yapping soon.

Quake: Hey, thanks classy lady. How much?

Heather: On the house tonight boys.

Spike: Ahh Baby Girl, you're the best.

Heaather: Heheh. Good luck boys. -She blows a kiss at them-

Quake: Heh, -He grabs the cooler- Let's go dudes!

The four of them walk towards the area known as the pit. A perimeter surrounded by people already claiming a good sight to the upcoming fights. The pit had blood stains all over the floor as well as numerous cracks and indents from battles. Nearly twenty five years of fights took place in that very area. Quake sets down the cooler and hands everyone a drink. They force Sakuya to sit and relax and start drinking their beverages of choice. The clock ticked closer to eight thirty.

Out of the crowd emerged a black man in a baggy white shirt and low hangin' jeans. He was sporting a mild sized afro and had chains around his neck. He whipped out a cordless microphone and started greeting the SFU crowd.

MC: Yoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyo!!!! Yo!! Yo! Yoooooo! Hey what up S.F.U.!?

-The crowd roars loudly-

Spike: Heh.. R.S.. Doin his thang. Hahah.

Quake: Damn, it's almost time!

RS: Ahhhhh I feel the love yo! Kay let's get it started up in hurr! Tonight the S.F.U. has the honor of holding the Great Street Fight Tournament! This shit only goes down once every 4 years!! It's my honor to be the referee and M.C. for all you tonight! Ya'll know I'm originally from the 305 right son! But Ya'll know I love my NYC life!! How bout Ya'll!

-The crowd continues to cheer-

Spike: ...Ehh.. His mic skills sharp as ever.

Crimson: ...

Spike: Hey, you okay?

Crimson: ..... Might be getting butterflies honestly.

Spike: What? Hey man this is still our house man! Remember that and you'll be fine.

Crimson:... Yeah..

RS: Soooooo without further notice, Let's give a warm welcome to the host of our tournament. The mighty Boss Man of all of NYC, Love em' or hate em'. Give it up for Mr.Quicksilver!!

Quicksilver walks out of a back staircase and heads straight over to a throne like chair. The audience flares out with a mixed reaction. Some cheer in respect, cheer in fear. Others boo out of anger and hate, others yell random profane things through the crowd. Following behind him are his two lackeys Fro and Serpent. They stand by the sides of his throne like sentinels. Quicksilver then swishes his hand as some sort of signal that he feels acknowledged.

Spike: .....

Crimson: Spike?

Spike: Yeah?

Crimson: You're not thinking anything stupid are you.

Spike: I came to win Crimson.... He'll be dealt with some other time... after G.S.F...

Quake: Glad to hear you thinkin' that way dude.

Spike: Yeah..

RS: Well!! Now that we got all that shit outta the way!! Who's ready for some fuckin' fights!?

-The crowd erupts in a huge roar-

RS: Okay Then!! Homies get ready! I got the official re-print of the match card. As some may know, some may not, some fighters were special guests others may have been injured hence forth your copies have question marks and a certain friend of mine who is sadly injured. Rayna... Sweetheart get well soon baby.

Spike: Well, that grapevine really gets the word out.

Crimson: No shit...

RS: Aiiiiiiight! Let's start this up! Round 1! My god folks! This.... is a humongous treat. I mean, I been a street fight M.C. for three years now. Our first match features a legend. He's a man who has destroyed his foes for years in this very venue when it was still young. He has tangled with many legends of the game. He is a Four time champion of this very Great Street Fight Tournament. He's gotta' be a god tier odds on favorite for the whole night! Ladies and gentlemen, Welcome home to the S.F.U. a veteran of twenty years. Fighting under no brand, Hailing from right here in New York, New York! "The Battle Master" Touramus Craze!!!!!!!

The crowd ignites. Many of the older fighters in the crowd are in shock and many of them start bowing. Out of the crowd walks a tall ripped man, dressed in a black trench coat with no shirt on, revealing his ridiculously shredded physique. Wearing fitted blue jeans straight from an 80's action flick and ass stomping combat shoes fit for leaving tread marks on his opponents. He had long unkempt black hair flowing to his mid-back and scars on his face and chest. He walked casually to the pit and greeted the crowd. The crowd continues to roar.

RS: Man.... this is a true honor to be able to call a match that features Touramus Craze. With that being said, please don't take this as bias. Because now!!!! I introduce his opponent! This is a boy fighting right out of these raw streets son! He's instantly noticed cause of his weird ass green hair. This muthafucka is the most hardcore bad ass S.F.U. has seen in years. He drills his foes into the ground without mercy! Fighting under the Team Z brand! Right out of NYC! "The Emerald Maverick", Mah Homie!! Spike Muthafuckin Fierce!!!

Much like when Touramus was announced the crowd roared but this time most of the younger fighters were shouting louder. Soon the crowd was splitting up. Boos and cheers were roaring everywhere. One half of the audience was backing Craze, the other chanting Fierce. Spike walked out from his entourage and into the pit. He finished his drink and tossed the empty bottle as a means to try and look tough. RS ran up to Spike and gave him a handshake hug.

RS: Aight Ya'll know the rules. Anything goes. Sep for firearms. Don't any bitches be bringin guns up in here! This is a sacred ground, where warriors battle it out strictly melee! Whether it's dirty or honorable! No rules in a street fight! Anything you find or the crowd gives you can be used to aid you in combat. The fight will continue until one fighter gives up, goes limp during my response test, or if shit gets waaay too hairy and it it looks like you gettin muhfuckin' killed and I have to stop it myself! Also if in some event both fighters are downed Imma begin the ten count, should neither fighter respond before ten that's an official double knock out! You got it!

Spike: I got it!

Touramus:... -He nods-

RS: Aight then! Lets get this shit started! Round 1, Touramus Craze versus Spike Fierce! Fight!!

The two fighters take their stance and sit watching for a first strike. Spike moves a bit closer, as does Touramus.

Touramus: So.. You're Sean's boy...

Spike: What's it to you!?

Touramus: He was my greatest rival... Listen kid you hear that crowd. Their split in two. The generation of old.. refusing to pack up their shit all cheering me on. The generation of new hungry for recognition, all in your corner. It's so damn appropriate for me.

Spike: You gonna spit wind all day? Or we gonna fight?

Touramus: Heh... I'm curious... as to what the new generation can muster.. Do you kids deserve the torch that we've carried for years.

Spike: Doesn't matter old man! Your wrinkly bones are gonna drop it either way eventually.

Touramus: Then show me, Spike Fierce. Show me the power of your generation!

Spike: I'm tired of your shit old man!

Touramus: Go on! Hit me! Hit me with your strongest shot! One free one! I wanna know your strength!

Spike: Jeez you're one of those guys who gets a boner when he's in a fight aren't you!?

Touramus: Hit me!!

Spike: Shut up!! -He punches him right in the face-

Touramus: Rrr... -Eating his fist, he quickly retorts with a furious right hand of his own sending Spike straight to the ground boots up in the air and eventually rolling over face down, ass up-

RS: Holy Shit!!!!

Crimson: Holy Shit!!

Quake: Holy Shit!!

Crowd: -Begins chanting- Holy Shit! Holy Shit! Holy Shit!

RS: Oh mah god! Spike? Yo... you still in man?

Touramus: Disrespectful little shit! I said to hit me.. as hard as you can.. and you attack with that. You are a disgrace. It's a shame your father died before he could teach you how to throw a punch...

Spike: -His hand twitches, he pushes up off the ground and gets to his feet- You... Sunnuva... You want my strongest hit, bitch!?

Touramus: Come on!!!

Spike: Raaaaggghhh!!!! -He throws a wild left-

Crimson: "!" (A left?)

Spike: -He fakes out his punch and elbows him in the gut with his right, Touramus spits out his air. Spike then stomps his foot and whips a vicious four punch right-left combo across his face, releases his foot and uppercuts him with a powerful right sending Touramus flying off his feet and crashing into the ground.)

Quake: Fuck yeah! Spike Fierce Uppercut! Yo ass is done!

RS: Daaaaaaaam!!!!

Spike: Bitch!

Touramus: ..... -His legs lift off the ground and he kips up- Ahh.. Now that's more like it... -He cracks his neck, then his knuckles- Now that the warm up is done...

Spike: (Warm up!? I just... that was my best punch!) ....

Crimson: Spike's in trouble..

Quake: That was one of his finishers!! And that old guy seems hardly hurt..

Crimson: He's not.. He goaded Spike into nailing him with his best hits... Now he knows exactly how strong he is.. Spike's been scanned. Touramus is now picking him apart in his mind.

Quake: Fuck it, I don't give a shit who you are nobody alive can take punches from Spike Fierce and continue functioning for long. Whether it takes 1 or 15 Spike just keep punching.

Crimson: Let's hope Spike thinks that way...

Touramus: You ready kid?

Spike: Bring it on!!!!

Touramus jets at Spike with wicked speed. His dash so quick Spike's reflexes were unable to make a response. Touramus connects with a strong punch to his gut, then another to his chest then one more to the face. In an instant Touramus has nailed Spike with over ten furious punches, each one causing Spike to puke out his oxygen. In the midst of the beating Touramus under hooks both of Spikes arms and begins driving knees into his chest. After about six knees he tosses him across the floor. Spike Crashes into the concrete rolling towards the crowd. One of the crowd members punt kicks him right back into the pit. Touramus takes his time walking over to the downed Spike.

Trying to get up, Spike gasps for air and begins to try and make a plan for winning. Feeling completely outmatched he figures playing dirty was his only chance. Touramus stops about three feet from the struggling Spike and beckons him to get up and taste some more pain. When he reaches his feet he puts his fists back up and spits at him. Touramus grew angry and rushed him again at great speed. Spike again unable to follow his speed was pummeled by a parade of fists. Spike nearly collapsed but Touramus grabbed him by the collar of his shirt holding him up, and continued wailing on him with vicious rights like he was bag of sand.

"What say you now kid?" Touramus continued to taunt him.

Spike simply retorted by spitting right in his face this time. Touramus was then seething with fury, he attacked him with a massive headbutt. Little did he know that was his first actual mistake. Spike's hard head absorbed the blow like a normal punch while Touramus had shaken himself up like he had ran head first into a train. Spike then headbutted him again, and again. Touramus released his hold on him and stumbled backwards a bit. Spike saw the opening and took it. He charged in at full speed and speared Touramus right into the ground and started to assault him with mounted punches trying to viciously batter his face like Touramus had been doing to him this whole time. He dropped his fist over Touramus' face like a Black Bird dropping Atomic Shells. Spike was actually aiming at the pavement below his face to trick his mind into punching even harder. He was dead set on putting cracks in the concrete under Touramus' head, he wanted to put his adversary in a coma. That is what the current degree of Spike's anger had evolved into. Touramus continued to absorb the attacks showing minimal signs of feeling pain. He didn't even try to cover up. Touramus then brought up his leg kicking Spike in the back of the head. Spike was stunned for a bit then tried to continue punching him. Touramus kicked him again, then freed his right arm and punched Spike right off of him.

Touramus hopped right back up to his feet, as if he was still full of energy. Spike however tried to stand but was having trouble. His legs shook as he tried standing. He put up his fists again and provoked his foe. Touramus then chuckled and walked slowly towards him. "Heh, you've quite the tolerance for a beating, Boy!"

Spike then raised and eybrow, then raised his middle finger. "Shut up and fight me, Old man!"

Touramus dashed towards him with amazing agility yet again. Spike who had been absorbing the beating all night was finally technically sound. He could see his rush coming this time. It was as if the pain he felt caused his senses to sharpen, however it didn't seem to matter much. Spike threw a wicked left hook to try and catch his rival. Touramus easily grasped his attacking fist and twisted his arm. Touramus then swung over to his back and kicked Spike's knees in from behind. Spike dropped instantly and after he hit his knees Touramus quickly slammed his face right into the ground. Spike's head bounced off the concrete adding his own smears of blood the pit's collection. Before Spike could even try to get up Touramus stomped on the left side of his back. "Hey kid! You wanna see a neat trick?"

"Shove it up your ass!" Spike retorted.

"Tch.. I'll take that as an okay.." Touramus then grabbed hold of Spike's left arm and started to stretch it backwards, Viciously tugging it back towards himself.

Spike tried to squirm out of this torturous predicament but to no avail, he could not reach Touramus with his free arm or any of his feet. He continued to groan and growl in pain.

"Now... at this point.. you do a little twist and voila!" Touramus yanks and wobbles the currently stretched out arm and the un-nerving sound of a bone popping echoed throughout the whole venue.

Crowd: OOHH!!!!

Crimson: Oh my shit!!

Quake: Ugghh!!!! What the fuck man!?

RS: Holy shit!!! I know that fucking sound anyday! That muhfucka just pulled his arm out of his socket!

Spike: Aahhhhhhhh!!!!! Fuck! Fuck! -He rolls around screaming in pain, his legs kicking all over the place holding onto his left shoulder, sometimes letting go and pounding on the ground beneath him trying any and all sorts of things to distract him from the pain- Gah!! Ahh!!

Touramus: Ahahaha!!! That looks painful! It's been real, and it's been fun, but you're no match for me you bitesize little prick. -He turns his back to the currently rolling Spike and starts to make like he is exiting in victory-

RS: Shit.... I guess this match is over.. The winner is-

Spike: Hey fuck you, Robby Smith!

RS: Say what?

Spike: You too! Craze! Don't you turn your back to me you fuck! I'm not done yet! -He sits up- I'm.... Gonna kick your ass!!

Touramus: Hmm... Hahahaha! Kid get over yourself, anyone with even an amateur eye could see that your light years from my skill. Guts will only get you so far! You take a beating well, and I respect that. In a few years you may be as strong as your Dad, but right now your just the king of guts!

Spike: You respect me!? Well then prepare to respect the living fuck outta me!! -He starts rolling up his shirt and he shoves it in his mouth and bites down on the chunk of shirt as hard as he can-

Crimson: The fuck's he doing?

Sakuya: My god he's not going to?

Quake: You bet your ass he's going to! Come on you crazy mother fucker!!

Spike: -Biting down on his shirt, he then grabs a firm hold of his left arm and shoves the bone right back into it's proper insert once again filling the arena with the bone chilling sound of the pop- Ahhhh!!!!! Ah god! Shit! -He starts to flail around the ground again and begins coughing, wheezing, and even dry heaving over the pain- Ahh... Now.. -He slowly stands up to his feet- Come on!!

Touramus: You're a regular glutton for pain aren't you?

RS: What the fuck man!?

Spike: Ahhhhh!!!! -He starts to sprint towards his foe-

Touramus: Heheheh! Come on..

Crimson: ... (He's entered a radical adrenaline rush.. However... He needs a plan to use his short burst of invincibility.. Or maybe some unwanted assistance...) -He digs in his pocket- .....Heh..

Spike rushed Touramus head on and attacked with vicious punches. Touramus easily dodged them and retorted with fists of his own, one connecting to the ribs and the other to Spike's jaw. Unlike before, Spike this time ate the attacks and hardly even budged an inch. Touramus was surprised, and at that moment took a flurry of fist to his mid section. Touramus then shoved Spike away and tried to kick him. Spike caught his leg, pulled him in and threw a massive right Haymaker straight to his face. For the first time all night Touramus was rocked and he fell to the ground. He shook off the attack and jumped to his feet.

Spike was already there and tried to spear him but Touramus grabbed him and flew him right into the crowd. Stopping right before a lot of men. One of the crowd rowdies tried to strike Spike with a two by four piece of construction wood. Spike caught the weapon and yanked it from him, then smacked his attacker across the face with it. He then re-entered the pit charging Touramus with his favorite weapon. He went in with a leaping home run swing. Touramus held his arm up to block it, and the wood shattered across his defense. Spike was in shock and before he could even think of his next move Touramus thrust kicked him right out of the air and straight to the ground. Touramus then grabbed the broken wood and started to beat him with it while he was grounded.

Now Spike was in serious trouble, not even his demonic adrenaline could hold up forever. As he continued to be beaten he thought of a way out. It wasn't his style but he was so angry about the arm thing still, he thought anything he did to his enemy was justified at this point. As Touramus raised the weapon high for another shot Spike thrusted his foot as hard as he could straight into the groin of Touramus Craze. Touramus froze up and dropped the weapon. He squealed in pain and bent over holding his tender loins. Spike back rolled to his feet and charged the weakened Touramus wrapping his arms around his body, lifting him as high as he could and brutally Power Bombed him right into the pit's unforgiving concrete.

Touramus folded like a wallet and Spike then grabbed his left arm in pain and stumbled an elegant dance before falling right into the ground.

Quake: Nut-Shot To Power Bomb combo! Fuck you yes!!

RS: Holy shit son!! That was a Spike Fierce signature! He just Power Bombed that foo straight to hell! Tell Satan I said sup! But now both these muhfuckas is down! I actually get to do my ten count! Count with me if you like! One!

Sakuya: Oh god! Spike get up!

Crimson: Their both still moving... (Spike's completely outta juice... Craze is gonna beat the ten count before he does.. I can see it... Though that attack has got to have him rocked as hell. If Spike can just follow up with good enough knock out shot.. Touramus has eaten almost every finisher Spike's known for...) ....Spike!!

Quake: ..Shit he ain't gonna hear you over this crowd man! What do you need to say?

Crimson:.... Not much... -He whistles loudly-

Spike: -Across the pit, Spike recognizes the whistle as one of their signals. He glances over to Crimson and company-

Crimson: -He drops a pair of brass knuckles and kicks them across the floor straight to Spike-

Spike: -He stops the sliding knuckles and looks over to Crimson-

Crimson: -He nods-

Spike: Tch... -He nods back in understanding, he then rolls over facing away from Touramus as he slowly tries to slip on both of them on just his right hand-

RS: Six!!

Touramus: -He rises to his feet, fuming in anger from the power bomb. He yanks off his coat and throws it aside. He then cracks his neck again and starts walking over to Spike quite fast this time- I'm ending this shit!

RS: Oh shit! Craze is back on his feet and is marching over to finish off Spike..

Spike: -Now fully able to get up, he plays possum. Continually opening and closing his right fist now dressed in two brass knuckles. His right fist grew more anxious with each moment. He slowly rose up to his knees-

Touramus: -He reaches Spike and grabs a hand full of his hair pulling him to his feet-

Spike: -He quickly turns and whips the most furious right straight he's ever mustered, equipped with shiny knuckles over his pretty bad ass fighting gauntlet. His fist met right between Touramus' eyes, He felt the fist bust his skin and maybe even his skull. Blood shot out from the impact, Touramus' hold on Spike released instantly and he fell straight to the ground. Spike's punch so vicious also launched him straight forward hurling him to the ground as well-

RS: WHOA!!!!!

Crowd: -Goes silent-

RS: Let's see here.. Spike's getting up!

Spike: -He rises to his feet- ... Check em! Check em!

RS: Let's see here... -He inspects the limp looking Touramus. He opens his eyes and gets no response. He then lifts his arms several times and watches it fall limp over and over- .... He's knocked out... Holy shit!!! You hear that folks! Touramus Craze is unable to respond to my tests. He's officially Dropped!! Your winner by Knock Out!! The Emerald Maverick! Spike Fierce!

The crowd erupts in a huge roar. Every young fighter in the house was going crazy with cheers. Even some of the veterans were clapping and taking their hats off to him. Many were outraged by the outcome and not accepting it as a victory. Spike however raised his hand up high and released a huge sigh of relief.

RS: Let's hear it for mah man!! Come on ya'll we need to get a chant going for this mofo! He's been here for three years and doesn't have one yet come on! Aight I want all you muhfuckahs on the east side to shout Spike, and after that you west sided muhfuckahs shout Fierce! Go go go!! Spike! Fierce!

The crowd catches on to RS' pandering and soon enough for the first time in his street fighting career, Spike had a whole crowd chanting his name, louder than they ever had, in any venue. He looked all around him and soaked up all the praise. he smiled and for once after a fight felt some form of accomplishment. He walked towards his stable in pride.

Sakuya: Spike! My god sit down! -She sits him down on the cooler- God take your shirt off let me check everything.

Quake: Holy shit dude! You were fuckin' awesome! You just opened up this tournament by putting down a legend, from back in your Dad's time no less!

Crimson: I'll admit.. I was worried, but you pulled it out.

Spike: Thanks guys... I had a little assist... Heheh.. -He slides off the brass knuckles- How's my hand doc?

Sakuya: My god! What have I told you about brass knuckles! You might have broken your hand. -She starts feeling his hand and searching for any abnormalities-

Spike: Ow... ow...

Sakuya: You might have some sprained fingers... Take off your glove I need to wrap it.

Spike: Okay.. -He slips off his right gauntlet- Man I gotta do that three more times tonight...

Quake: I think that was your major hump, From here on your fights shouldn't be too hard.

Crimson: Hopefully your next opponents get as beat up as you. Cause nobody recovers from pain faster than Spike Fierce.

Sakuya: -She starts inspecting Spike's shoulder- .... Oh god....

Spike: What is it?

Sakuya: Spike.... I'm afraid.. you didn't quite pop it back in right.

Spike: Say what? But I've done it before...

Quake: Sick bastard...

Sakuya: Here... bite on this. -She sticks a cloth in his mouth-

Spike: -Muffled speech- Aww... come on.. are you serious!?

Sakuya: I'm sorry Spike... I'll be fast...

Spike: Fuck..... -He closes his eyes and bites down on the cloth-

Sakuya: -She quickly pulls out the arm and replaces it back in firmly to the spot it's meant to be, fast as lightning-

Spike: -The pain was faster this time but still immense when it popped back in Spike yelled loud profanity into the air- Ah god... Okay... Hoooo.... That feels.. That feels so much better.. Thank you. -He starts rolling his arm-

Sakuya: -Sigh- ... Don't do it again.

Spike: Tell that to my opponents.

Crimson: Speaking of which...

Touramus: -Now back on his feet he approaches the Team Z crew, A stream of blood flowing down his face- Heh! I'll admit.. It was a cheap shot, but you got me! Anything goes underground. You not only have the guts like a street soldier, but the cunning of a trickster as well. I let my arrogance take a firm hold of my being, and I lost because of it. However someday I would like a rematch, only fists next time.

Spike: Maybe... If you swear not to dis-locate any of my joints.

Touramus: No promises there... Until then, consider the torch. Passed... -He punches Spike right in the gut one last time-

Spike: Ugh!! Dah... you..

Touramus: Hahaha. Good luck on the rest of your tourna-

Quake: -He punches him right in the jaw knocking him out again- ....Ass-hole..

Crimson: Dude...

Spike: Thanks Quake.

Quake: Yeah yeah, Hey somebody get this guy outta our turf.

In a few moments some club bouncers arrive and drag away the knocked out Touramus. It isn't long before RS was revving up the crowd again.

Heather: Oh my god Spike!!! -She runs up to the crew and hugs him tightly-

Spike: Ahh ahh!! God what baby girl? What!?

Heather: The odds on you were 35 to 1, and I bet three hundred dollars on you!

Quake: That's like...

Crimson: over ten grand...

Spike: Jeez, you had that kinda money to throw away?

Heather: That's why it's called gambling baby!! -She starts to make out with Spike-

Spike: -His arms start flailing everywhere-

Quake: Damn!! Is there tongue in there?

Crimson: I... think so..

Heather: Muah! Ahh thanks baby -She slaps his shoulder and walks away-

Spike: Aaaaooowww... Jeez...

Quake: Huh.. wonder if she put any cash on me?

Crimson:..35 to 1.. Z must be a happy man right now..

RS: Aight that was just the first match! Yeeeeaaah!! Can I Hear ya'll give me a Yeeeaaah!!! Aight Ya'll electrified by mah main man Spike's performance. He's goin' on to the quarter finals bitches! Now let's all get fired up for Round 2!!! Introducing first!

?: Ahem ahem!! Hey now wait a sec Mr.MC!