

Pia hummed as she cooked in the kitchen, wearing Mrs. Cordero's Apron. It was early in the morning, the rain outside still pouring. There was a candle beside the stove since the electricity went out around 7 pm the previous night.

It was her twin sister who came up with the idea of staying there overnight. Robert was still asleep and his temperature played between 38 and 39 degrees. They had to keep turns watching him through the night and were rudely awakened around 1 am when he suddenly sat up shouting something about the mango tree falling on him. His temperature went back to 40 then. It was a good thing Danny was there to hold him down, though he acquired some damages in doing so.

"Real strong kid..." she thought, "Nearly sent Danny flying across the room..."

Ria had to give him another shot to calm him down, and Angela cradled him till he went back to sleep. He was calling Belle over and over again. Angela looked really hurt.

"She obviously likes Robert..." thought Pia, "I just hope Robert feels the same, my poor sister is surely headed for a heartbreak..."

Her cell phone suddenly rang. She fumbled in her pockets and opened it.

"Daddy!" she said a bit surprised, "good morning, how's your trip to uncle Lorence's place?"

"Fine, I guess," replied her father on the other line, "The power's out here, called at home and the phones are dead. You and your sisters fine back there?"

"Yes, of course!" she replied, "Ria and Angela are still asleep though, want me to wake them up?"

"Don't bother." replied her father, "Just take care of yourselves and stay inside the house."

"But of course, Father! How could we possibly leave the house in this weather!" she said, crossing her fingers.

"Okay, I'll be staying here till Monday, then we'll be going back to Davao for the Bickly-Ibanez case." he said in a hurry, "Just tell your sisters I called to say hello, okay?"

"Okay Dad! Bye Dad!"

Pia closed her phone and placed it back in her pocket. She looked up and saw Angela staring at her.

"You're not telling him about this?" she asked softly.

"Of course not!" her sister replied with a lovely smile. "If I did that, then we would never have a chance to meet Robert's Mother!"

"I'm really sorry, ate Pia..." said Angela, "It really is all my fault..."

"I know." replied the other, "We'll think of a fitting punishment for you soon." she said with an evil laugh. "Right now, how about calling the others for some breakfast?"

Angela went back to the living room. Robert still lay on the couch since moving him up him room was too much trouble. Danny simply took the mattresses off the beds upstairs and placed them on the floor, moving the other furniture aside. He was currently slumped on an armchair, still fast asleep.

"I guess he deserves a little more sleep..." she thought to herself, turning to her sister instead. Ria lay on one of the mattresses. After a couple of shakes, she muttered something and went back to sleep.

"I forget, ate Ria sleeps like a log...." said Angela. She shook her some more till the sleeping Ria groaned and slowly opened her eyes.

"I'm awake! I'm awake!" she cried, Angela finally stopped shaking her sister with a sigh. Her sister sat up and rubbed her eyes. "What time is it?" she asked

"8 Am." answered Angela

"Breakfast is served" called Pia as she came into the room. Danny was suddenly awakened. He looked around the room and gave a big yawn.

"How's Robert doing?" he asked.

"Ria, go check his temperature." said Pia. Ria took a thermometer and went beside her patient.

"37 degrees..." she said, "At least it didn't get any higher. I'll give him another shot to keep it down." she looked at Danny, "Anyway, the patient needs to change clothes." she continued, "He's starting to perspire, a sure sign that the fever is leaving."

"He would be fine then?" asked Angela.

"Yes, he may wake up by this afternoon."

"Okay, I'll go get him some clothes." said Danny standing up

It was Danny who changed Robert's clothes. He was snickering as he did, looking at Angela's reaction. Angela angrily left the room and went grumpily to the kitchen instead. Her sisters were both there, having their breakfast. They gave the two cats some sardines. She took a toast and slumped on a chair.

"You seem like in a bad mood?" said Pia.

"It's nothing..." she replied, munching on the toast.

"You don't need to worry about Robert, you know." said Ria, "He's doing just fine right now."

"Yeah," said Pia, "I guess your cradling did the trick!" the two started laughing.

"Ha-ha-ha..." said Angela irritated. Just then, the kitchen lights went on.

"Ah, the power's back on!" said Ria smiling.

"I'll go check the phones," said Pia, "if it's fixed, I'll have to get back home to cover up for you two." she went to the phone and heard the soft beep of the dial tone. "Well, guess I have to get back then." she took her jacket from the stand and put it on.

"Hey, wait for me," her twin called out to her, "I'll go get some more medicine."

"I'm coming too." said Angela.

"What for?" the two replied.

"Well, for starters, I haven't brush my teeth yet..." she said a little annoyed.

"Oh, don't bother," said Pia, "we'll bring your things over!"

"Right, you just stay right here and take good care of Robert there." said Ria beaming.

"But..." Angela objected.

"No buts!" said the two.

"You're the reason Robert got sick in the first place!" said Pia

"And did you see how he looked at you that time?" said Ria with a sigh. "He was calling a different name though..." she added. Pia elbowed her.

"Now, you be a good girl and stay here, we'll take care of everything." said Pia.

"There's some porridge on the stove incase he gets hungry." said Ria.


"Goodbye!" said both.

Angela watched helplessly as her sisters left. The rain outside was still pouring and the wind strong, they pulled their jackets tightly as they left for next-door. Angela gave a deep sigh and turned around to head back to the living room. She found Danny there, sitting on the couch. He had a big bruise on his arm from last night. Ria bandaged it earlier. She fussed all over it as if it was a life threatening injury. Danny, on the other hand, seems to like the attention. He saw Angela looking at him with a frown and grinned.

"Sorry, all dressed up now." he snickered. Angela glared at him and sat on one of the mattresses.

"How's he doing?" she asked, not looking at the boy.

"Fine. His temperature dropped to 35." he replied

"That's reassuring..." she said in a low voice. She looked at the boy sleeping on the couch. "He was so strong..." she said. "I didn't think he could push you around like that..." Danny looked at his friend and smiled.

"Yeah, that's Robert. I was lucky he was sick..."

"But, why is he such a coward if he was really that strong?" asked Angela. Danny looked at her, a little alarmed, then his look softened.

"Why don't you ask him yourself?" he replied with a gentle smile. "You did wake him up you know."

"What's that supposed to mean?" she asked, blushing.

"You'll know..." said the other. "Now, if you'll just excuse me..." he said standing up, "I need some breakfast too."

With that, Danny left the room, leaving Angela with the sleeping Robert. Angela frowned and lay down on the mattress for a while. She hardly got to sleep since her conscience was bugging her all the time about Robert's fever. She closed her eyes for a while and decided to doze for a few minutes.

"At least his fever's going down now...." she thought. A few seconds later, she was fast asleep.

When Danny came back, he found Angela sleeping on the mattress. He pulled a blanket over her and sat on a chair beside his best friend, munching a sandwich. The two cats followed him from the kitchen and settled themselves on Angela's feet. He was still eating when he heard Robert groan. He looked at his friend and saw him coming round.

"Ei," he called to Robert, "'bout time you woke up."

"Umm...." the other replied, rubbing his eyes as he tried to raise himself. He ended up falling face first on the couch.

"Serves you right." said Danny with a laugh. He helped his friend up. "How you feeling?" he asked.

"Weak..." Robert answered, "and hungry..."

"Okay, I'll go get you something to eat." Danny stood up when Robert tugged his shirt.

"Hey, what happened to your arm?" he asked.

"You mean, you don't remember?" he asked.

"Remember what?" he asked

"Nothing. Anyway, Ange's sisters took care of it."

"Ange... where is she?" he asked.

"Right there fast asleep..." he replied with a smile, pointing at the sleeping girl on the mattress. "She was so worried about you last night, couldn't sleep a wink." he said, "Now wait here while I get you something to eat." Danny left the room and went to the kitchen.

Robert looked at Angela. She lay curled on the mattress, her small fists beneath her head. She looked so peaceful in her sleep with her lips slightly parted, her hair falling softly on her face. Her chest heaved slightly as she breathe, and from where he sat, he could see a glimpse of her full breast. He smiled to himself and sighed, feeling his face burn.

"She's real cute, isn't she?" Danny asked him, entering the room with a bowl of porridge. Robert jumped and looked at his friend, blushing.

"Yeah, I guess so..." he answered, "But she really could be a handful sometimes..." he took the porridge and ate hungrily. "Did you cook this?" he asked.

"No, Ange's sisters did." the other answered. "You never told me they were doctors."

"They were?!" asked Robert.

"Well, anyway," Danny continued, "When are you going to tell her?"

"Eh?" the other replied with a mouthful of porridge, "tell who what?"

"Angela." said Danny, "When will you tell her about Belle?" Danny waited for a reply, but Robert was quiet.

"I don't have to." he finally said. "She's got nothing to do with that, it's none of her business."

"But she has a right to know!" said his friend, "Don't you like her?"

"I do..." he replied after a moment of silence. "very much...." he looked at the girl sleeping peacefully and sighed. "That's why I can't get her mixed up with my past."

"I don't get it." said Danny frowning. "You're just gonna leave her in the dark?"

"Well, I think it would be best if she knows nothing about it." the other answered absentmindedly.

"She already does." said Danny. Robert looked at him, the porridge filled spoon in midair. "You kept calling her Belle. She looked real hurt you know." continued his friend. Robert placed the spoon down. "Besides," he added, "she kept asking me why you were such a coward."

"You didn't tell her, did you?" he asked.

"No, I told her to go ask you herself." Danny replied, Robert gave a deep breath. Danny looked at him, frowning. "Hey, don't tell me you have no plans of getting serious with this girl." he asked.

"I told you I liked her, didn't I?" replied Robert. "But the only reason we got this far is because she's looking after me." he explained, "At first, it was only to see her smile, but now... now that I have come to know her better.... I want it to stay that way. That way, I can take care of her too." he looked at Angela and smiled. "She really is such a clumsy girl you know..."

"Yeah, I understand..."said his friend, "Me, I just fell in love with her sister..." Robert spat the porridge out. "Hehehe..." Danny laughed, "I guess I can finally let your mother go." A flying spoon went straight to Danny's head. "Ow!" he cried, rubbing his temple.

"Which one?" his friend asked.

"Ria, of course, she's much sweeter, and funny too!" the other said, laughing.

"Hmph, you and your older women..." Robert lay back on the couch; he was getting a bit dizzy. "Can I have another bowl?" he asked his friend.

"Sure, just a minute." the other replied with a grin.


Angela turned over. All she did was close her eyes, but it seems that she fell asleep. She looked at Robert who was still sleeping on the couch and sat up. The two kittens were both asleep by her feet, cuddled together on a fluffy ball of black and white. She pulled her leg carefully and went to the kitchen where she saw Danny washing dishes.

"What time is it?" she asked as she sat on the kitchen counter.

"6 pm." the other answered, looking at his wristwatch.

"Eh?" she replied, "I was asleep that long? Have my sisters returned yet?"

"Yup, Ria dropped your stuff and gave Robert his medicine, then she said something about feeding Mr. Slingky" he looked at Angela with a frown, "Who's Mr. Slingky?"

"Oh, he's that snake we caught in the pool." said Angela. She watched Danny shudder. "So," she continued, "How's Robert doing? Didn't he wake up yet?"

"Yeah, a while ago while you were sleeping." said Danny, "He ate 4 bowls of porridge then went back to sleep."

"Oh..." Angela replied.

"By the way, there's some food in the..." Danny looked at Angela, but she was no longer there. He sighed and went back to his dishes.

Angela went back to the living room and kneeled in front of the sleeping Robert. He was still flushed and breathing hard.

"Robert?" she called softly, "Are you awake?" no reply. "Robert?"

She leaned forward and touched his forehead. It was still warm. She touched her own to check his temperature when Robert's eyes fluttered opened.

"Hello Ange...." he said with a sleepy smile, his face still flushed. Angela looked back, eyes wide open. She quickly pulled her hand away.

"Oh... you're awake..." she said nervously, "That's good..."

"Yup, feel so much better now..." he replied while sitting up. "How's your cat?"

"Still asleep." replied Angela as she showed Robert the black cat sleeping with Yang. "Thanks for your help."

"It's nothing." replied Robert with a grin. "And you? Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine..."

Silence... Danny scratched his head from where he sat, hidden from view to spy on the two. "Say something...say something..." he mumbled, but the two were quiet.

"So..." Angela finally said. "Guess I have to go home now..." she stood up and turned away when Robert took her hand.

"No....Wait...." he said, holding her back. Angela turned back to look at him. "Can you stay over for one more night?" he asked. His hand was so warm.

"Well... if one of my sisters stay over, then I guess..."

"Ask Ria to stay the night!" said Danny from behind the couch without thinking. The two almost jumped out of their skins. He clapped his hands over his mouth, but it was too late. Angela ran behind Robert and saw his friend squatting at the back with a big grin in his face.

"Die." she said. She aimed a kick at Danny who quickly ducked and followed with another. It hit the boy in the face. He fell backwards on the floor.

"Angela, wait..." called Robert as the girl took her things and headed out the door.

"I'm leaving." she said not turning back.

The two watched as the girl left the living room and heard the front door slam shut. They looked at each other. Danny had a red spot under his chin where Angela kicked him. He looked at Robert grinning.

"She sure hits hard." he said chuckling.

"Serves you right!" said his friend, "Look what you did! I really wanted her to stay over!"

"Eh? What for?" the other asked smiling mischievously. Robert suddenly turned redder than he already was.

"I'm gonna get you when I'm all better..." he mumbled instead. He lay down in the couch again and rubbed his temple. "What's for dinner?" he asked.

"Porridge." replied the other.

"Again?" asked Robert.

"Well, I can cook you some hotdogs if you like, but I doubt if you can keep it down."

"Okay... give me porridge..." said Robert giving up.

"Excellent choice, sir, more porridge coming up!"

Robert watched as his friend left the living room, singing in an operatic voice along the way. He took a deep breath and looked at the cats instead. The black and white kittens were still fast asleep, cuddling each other. Robert felt a little jealous of them. Just then, he heard footsteps coming from behind. He turned around thinking it was Danny and saw Angela instead, soaked from the rain.

"Don't ask." she said, taking her cat with her. "I'm staying up stairs. If any of you come near I'll kill you." with that she went stomping away.

Robert watched her, dumbfounded. Danny came in a while later with a hot bowl of porridge in hand.

"Ria just called." he said, "Said something 'bout Ange staying over till you recover...." he handed him the bowl and sat down. "She got here yet?"

"Yeah. She's upstairs." said Robert smiling.

~~~CHAPTER 19~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Hmp! Some sisters I have!" said Angela as she entered Robert's room. "Closing the door at me like that! I'm gonna get them one of these days!"

She placed her stuff by the bathroom door and went inside to fill the tub. It was a good thing her clothes were placed inside a plastic bag. The rain was still pouring outside and she didn't have a coat. She took a towel and dried herself. It was really cold and she didn't want to end up like Robert. She went back down stairs and boiled some water, glad that she didn't bump into the two boys then went back for a nice hot bath.

"Just right..." she said as she dipped a hand in the tub after pouring the hot water. She hummed to herself and took her clothes off then slowly took a dip in the warm relaxing bath, her anger fading away. "I hope the rain stops tomorrow." She thought, closing her eyes. "I hope Robert gets well soon..."

The next morning was much like the rest. The sky was still filled with gray clouds and the rain still pounded on the roof. Angela turned lazily on the hard bed. The pillows were little help since the mattress was still in the living room and she didn't want to go fetch it and see the two boys. She reached out for a pillow and hugged it against her body.

"So warm..." she thought, as the pillow hugged her back. She opened her eyes, surprised and was face to face with Robert, lying beside her, naked!

"Good morning, Angel." he greeted her. Angela sat up in alarm and realized that she was naked too.

"GYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!" she yelled, sitting upright on the bed. Robert dropped a picture frame in surprise. It shattered on the floor with a load crash.

"Just a nightmare..." the girl said relieved, her body sweating. She was fanning herself with her hand when she noticed the boy standing by the table. "Aaaahhh!!!" she screamed again, "W-what are you doing here?" Robert was silent. He slowly bent down and picked the broken pieces of the picture frame.

"Just... fetching something..." he slowly said.

He looked at the picture of his sister. It was only the glass that broke but the picture no longer looked the same somehow. Belle's smile didn't seem as sunny and her eyes as bright as he remembered. It seems that the picture had faded.

"I dropped Belle's frame...." he said softly, "Danny gave this to me...."

Angela looked at Robert. She slowly got out of the bed and watched him holding the picture in his hands.

"Are you okay, Robert?" she gently asked. The boy was silent. "Robert?" Angela asked again. Robert slowly looked at her and smiled, his eyes brimming with tears.

"I'm not even mad...." he said. One by one, he took the broken pieces of glass on the floor and placed it on top of the frame, he then stood up and dumped the whole thing in the garbage can.

"I fixed us some breakfast." he said, turning to Angela again. There was a gentle smile in his face. "Better come down before Danny eats it all up." with that, Robert left the room without looking back.

"Okay...." Angela called back, a little worried. "Guess it was my fault again..." she told herself when Robert had gone.

She went to the garbage can and took the frame out. Belle's picture was still in it. She looked back at her with shining eyes, the smile in her face so bright. Angela sighed and placed if back on the table. "I'm sorry for causing your brother all this trouble. I guess I really am such a stubborn kid..." she told the girl, "but I really want to take care of him." she added. "Please help me take care of him."

When Angela got down, the TV was on and Danny sat in front of it watching the morning news, a cup of coffee in hand. He looked up at her when she entered the room and grinned.

"Morning Belle.... Oh, sorry, Angela, right?" he snickered. Angela completely ignored him. She made her way to the kitchen instead for something to eat. She was so irritated the past evening that she forgot to take any lunch or dinner.

The smell of food greeted her senses even before she entered the room. Her mouth began to water as she reached it and saw Robert by the stove, wearing a blue apron. He turned around when she entered the kitchen and gave her a warm smile.

"There you are!" he said, spatula in hand, "I thought you'd sleep the rest of the day away!" he went back to his cooking. Angela sat by the kitchen counter and watched him toss the beef expertly in the frying pan. "Just as I thought, Danny ate everything up." he said while cooking, "I'm almost finished though, just wait a while..." he shook the pan a couple of times over the fire and placed the braised beef on a platter waiting by the side of the stove. He then took some cooked rice and dumped it on the frying pan together with chopped carrots and green peas, tossing and turning it several times before placing it on another dish. Then he took 2 eggs and placed it in the now empty pan.

"Here you go..." Robert served Angela her breakfast. "Eat your fill!" said he. He took a chair and sat opposite her, grinning at her as she took some rice and placed it on her plate. He then turned back to his cooking and placed a sunny side up on top of her rice.

"Go on, taste it!" ha said, still staring at Angela. Angela took some beef and tasted it. The meat was juicy and very tasty. Not too salt, not too bland, she could even taste a little spirit in it.

"This is great!" she told the boy before her, "You really cook well!" she took a spoonful of fried rice, the carrots crunching as she chewed. "Where did you learn to cook like this?" she asked him as she took a slice off the egg, the yolk trailing down her rice.

"Mom taught me." said Robert as he took some for himself, "She's not home most of the time so she decided to spend our time together teaching me lots of different stuff."

"This is really delicious!" said Angela with her mouth full, "You should open up your own eatery!"

"Hehehe..." he laughed, "I'd only get bankrupt with him around." he said, pointing at Danny who stood by the doorway, his nose sniffing the air.

"Ah, more of Robert's famous tapsilog!" he said as he sat beside Angela and helped himself to a plateful.

"Hey, you just finished a platter of rice a while ago!" said Robert frowning at his friend.

"Hey, it's hard taking care of you, you know, besides, my arm still hurts!" replied his friend with a mouthful of rice.

"But is it alright for you to be up and about like that, Robert?" asked Angela, "Are you really feeling better now? If your fever comes back, it would be far worst than the first one!"

"Don't worry," he assured her, "I feel so much better now, besides," he added, "all Danny here knows to cook are hotdogs and scrambled eggs."

"By the way," said Danny, "It said in the news that the storm is finally heading out the country."

"That's good news," said Angela, "I haven't seen the sun for 4 days now!"

"You think there'll be CAT practice tomorrow?" asked Robert.

"You're too sick to attend." said Danny, glaring at his friend.

"Maybe," said Angela, "they'll probably ask us to clean the campus."

"I wish they'd really start training us though..."said Robert. "We only have a total of 4 meetings and all we ever do is stand around doing nothing!"

"Yeah," said Angela, "that's because some students from the top section last year complained about a group of officers who supposedly fed them rotten food. The officers concerned got denoted, the privates became proud.... That's why our officers today are lax about our training."

"Hehe, you should be glad you only have that kind of training," said Danny with another mouthful of tapsilog, "back in Binunga high, Ricky and the others are 'taking care' of the juniors... he-he-he..."

"They're all officers, you know." Robert told Angela, "Danny here's exempted since he has a weak heart."

"Weak heart?" asked Angela with disbelief.

"Yup, I get tired easily." said the boy with a grin. "But it's not life threatening or anything, just can't do tiring stuff."

"He used to collapse all the time when we were younger." said Robert, "I was the one who always brings him to the clinic." he reached out to his friend and pat him on the head.

"So, what position did you get in?" he asked Robert.

"None." replied the other, "I'm a transferee, remember?"

"Eh?" said Angela, "You were supposed to be an officer?"

"Yup, he was supposed to be the corps commander if he didn't leave Binunga High..." said Danny, he took another serving of tapsilog, "Man, what a waste... remember what you had to put up with in 3rd year?" he asked his friend. Robert just smiled.

"Hey, want some more rice?" he asked Angela when he saw her plate empty.

"No thanks, I'm already full." she replied to Robert. She took a sip of coffee and took her dishes to the sink. "After you eat, go back and take some more rest, I'll take care of the dishes." she told Robert.

"Thank you Ange!" replied Danny with a grin.

"Wasn't talking to you." she told the irritating boy.

"Okay, I'll just go watch some TV." said Robert as he stood up. He took his dishes to the sink, and handed them to Angela. She took it without looking up.

"Thanks." he said.

"Um." replied the other, still not looking up. Robert watched her; he couldn't stop smiling. He watched as her face slowly turned red. "What are you still standing there for?" she snapped.

"Okay, I'll be in the living room." he said still smiling. He went past Danny eating on the kitchen counter and gave him a bear hug, grappling him.

"Ungrlll..." complained his friend, giving him a dirty finger, his mouth too full to complain.

Robert returned to his couch and sat staring at the news. He still couldn't help but smile. He was really happy Angela was taking care of him. He wanted to hold her real tight for a whole day.

"If only I wasn't too tired back in the bridge, I could have held her back..." he thought, "Danny even said I slept on her lap the other night." Robert smiled to himself some more, his face turning red. "I wonder what she would do if I hugged her now?" he asked himself, then shook his head from side to side. "She'd probably kill me."

The doorbell suddenly rang. Robert stood up and headed for the door and saw Danny running towards it. He looked at him and grinned.

"I'll get it." he said as he opened the door.

There was a tall guy standing outside the gate in the rain, wearing nothing but a pair of jeans and a black t-shirt. His head hang low and his arms were behind his back, as if he was hiding something from view. Robert squinted his eyes to see who it was.

"Is that Jon?" he asked Danny.

Danny just stood there, staring at the boy, he then took an umbrella from the patio and went to the gate. Robert watched as Danny led the guy in. He was thin and his skin darker. He stepped inside, pausing as he did. Danny was saying something as he stood in front of him, blocking Robert's view. The boy then stepped back and showed a small kid behind him. The kid was covered from head to toe with a large plastic bag, showing only the eyes. Robert watched as Danny led them in the house.

"Robert." he called as they neared them. He still couldn't see the tall boy's face since it was hidden behind the umbrella. "You may want to step back a little." said his friend.

Robert did as he was told as Danny closed the umbrella. He almost didn't recognize the tall freshman in front of him. He was bleeding from a cut on his forehead, his eyes swollen. His nose looked broken too and his lower lip looked like an over ripe tomato.

"Boyet!" he called to the younger boy, "What happened to you?!" he felt his stomach heave and turned away.

"You go up stairs, I'll take care of them." said Danny in a serious tone.

"Sorry.... sir Robert...." mumbled the tall kid. Robert didn't know if it was because of the broken nose or because he was really sorry.

"Who did it?" Robert found himself asking in a flat voice.

"Robert, up stairs NOW." said Danny, his voice raising. Robert hurriedly left, meeting Angela along the way.

"Was that my sisters?" she asked, wiping her hands on the seat of her pants.

"No. Some kid." replied Robert looking pale.

"Are you okay?" Angela asked with concern. Robert nodded and headed up the stairs. Angela watched him with a frown in her face and went to the living room to check who it was.

"I really didn't recognize them..." said the tall boy. He still kept his head low, the child standing in front of him. "I'm sorry.... but we had no where else to go..."

"Here." said Danny as he handed them the towels from Robert's couch. "And quit dripping your blood all over the place."

"Sorry.... sir Danny..." mumbled the boy as he reached for the towels.

"And stop calling me sir Danny."

"Sorry, sir..."

"What happened here?" asked Angela as she saw the wounded boy.

"Kid in trouble." said Danny.

"Hey, he's that kid I saw peeping in the house the other week!" she exclaimed. Danny looked at the boy before him.

"Sorry...." Boyet repeated, turning red.

Oh, shut up!" said Danny frowning. He took a first aid kit from beside the table and opened it. It was the same kit Ria used in his wounds the previous night. "C'mere." he called the boy. "Angela, help the kid out of that plastic bag." he said, pointing at the moving bag before the tall boy.

"No!" cried the bag. It turned to Boyet and tried to hug him, its arms tied underneath the waterproof bag.

"I'll do it." said Boyet as he unwound the piece of rope tied around the kid.

It was a little girl, about seven years old. She had the same eyes as Boyet (without the black-eye) and held on to her brother after the bag was removed from her. She looked cautiously at Angela and Danny before stuffing her head in his abdomen.

"She's real shy around strangers ...." mumbled her brother, "May-may, don't worry, they're my friends..." the kid looked up at her brother, then at the two strangers in front of her.

"Hello, so your name's May-may." said Angela with a smile, "I'm Angela and this is Danny." she pointed at the scowling boy. May-may stuffed her head back on her brother.

"May-may, go with ate Ange, she'll take care of you." said the tall kid.

"What about you?" asked the little child.

"Kuya Danny will take care of him." said Danny. He was smiling at the kid now.

"C'mon, I'll introduce you to kuya Obet." said Angela as she took the kid's hand. May-may looked up at her brother and cautiously took Angela's hand.

"Come then, let's go play at kuya Obet's room!" she said cheerfully, leading the child upstairs.

Danny watched as the two disappeared up stairs. He looked at Boyet, his expression darkening.

"Now. What happened?" he asked.

Robert took a deep breath. He was out in the balcony, his eyes closed, feeling the soft breeze in his face. The rain fell softly on the roof now and dripped off the waterspout, making a gurgling sound. It helped him relax after what he saw. The cold wind blew. He held the blanket he wore tighter around his body. It was there that Angela found him, his eyes still closed, a peaceful look in his face.

"Kuya Obet!" called Angela with a grin. Robert suddenly looked at her. His eyes wide open. "Oi, kuya Obet, can we play games on your PC?" she asked, still grinning.

"Eh?" said Robert. He saw the little girl hiding behind Angela and went closer.

"This is May-may." said Angela, "May-may, this is kuya Obet. Why don't you say hello to him?"

"Hello..." the child said softly.

"Hello there, you're gonna play games, eh?" he said grinning. The timid child nodded and stepped out from behind Angela a little. "Hey, how about if we use the play station instead?" he entered the room and took out a box from his closet. He then went to the dusty TV by his bed and turned it on. "So, what do you want to play?" he asked, pulling out a cardboard box filled with PSII CD's.

"Look, how do you expect us to help if you won't tell us what happened?" asked Danny the nth time. He was still cleaning the boy's wounds.

"I already told you, I didn't recognize them.." answered Boyet, his eyes looked down.

"Then what where you doing out in the rain in the first place?"

"I told you, we were just playing around..."

"Your sister was wrapped in plastic from head to toe..."

"Well, it's because she gets sick easily... so..."

"Then why where you playing in the rain in the first place?"

"Well, there was nobody home and I couldn't just leave her behind..."

"That's why you decided to take her out with you?"


"And that's when the thugs gang up on you?"


"Good thing they didn't hurt your sister. She looked unscratched." Danny finished bandaging his face and placed the medicine box away. "Even the cover on your sister looked well done." he continued. "If you really were chased by those guys and got beaten up, then how come your sister doesn't seem fluttered at all?"

The boy before him didn't answer. He kept his gaze down and rubbed his abdomen. He has been doing that since he entered the room.

"Didn't I tell you to take your clothes off?" said Danny. The boy didn't move. "I said take it off!"

Boyet looked at him, a little frightened, then obediently took off the shirt he was wearing. Danny's eyes widened as he saw his body. There were scars and bruises everywhere, both old and new. The scars looked like cigarette burns, some of which looked as if he'd had them for a long time. It went around his nipples and belly button. There were bruises everywhere; long ones, small ones, big round ones. It seems like someone had been using the boy's body as a means to vent their anger. Boyet took the towel and wrapped it around his quivering body. Tears of anger and shame filled his eyes.

"Tell me about your father." said Danny.

"Ahhh!" yelled Robert! "That's unfair! You were teaming up on me!" he protested as his character fell from another knockout "One more time! One more time!"

"Jeez, you're such a sour looser!" said Angela grinning. May-may sat on her lap and laughed with them, she held the joystick in her hands which in turn, were held by Angela, "Okay, I'll let May-may play by her self for the next round!" she said, letting go of the kid's small hands.

"Don't worry, ate Ange, I won't let Kuya Obet win!" she said cheerfully, her large black eyes filled with laughter.

"I won't go easy on you!" said Robert, making a face at the little kid. He's always been a sour looser.

The door suddenly opened and Danny stepped in with a serious look in his face. Robert looked at him, eyes narrowed. Danny signaled him to come.

"Wait for me awhile, will 'ya?" he asked the child, grinning, "I'll just go get some food from the kitchen." he stood up and handed his joystick to Angela, gently patting her on the back. She looked surprised but took it and smiled at May-may.

"C'mon, I want to see how good you really are!" she told the laughing child as the two guys left the room.

"His father, eh..." said Robert as Danny filled him in with the details. "Biological or step father?"

"Step father." answered Danny, "His real father left them years ago. This one's May-May's father."

"He willing to talk?"

"Not really. He fears for his mother and half sister."

"Oh," said Robert in a flat tone, "One of the stupid ones, eh?" they made their way to the living room and saw Boyet sitting on a chair. The wound on his forehead was covered with gauze and his eye and lip no longer looked as bloody. He tried to stand up when he saw Robert, but the boy pushed him back to his seat. He pulled the towel off the younger boy and stared at it with a dark expression in his face.

"Same as Mic." he muttered to his friend, "Worst, even..." he faced Danny and shoved the towel in his arms, then went to the couch and lay there, face down. Boyet looked at him questioningly, the other boy didn't move.

"So, what do you suggest?" Danny asked.

"What does he want?" answered the other, not looking up.

"I..."said Boyet uncertainly, "I don't need help... I just need to be stronger...!"

"You want to kill him yourself?" asked Robert. Slowly he turned around. The look in his face have changed drastically. His face was pale, his iris dilated, and his short spiky hair stood out in all directions, he smiled at them, his thin lips mocking. He looked like a psycho out for blood. "You gonna take all the fun for yourself?"

"No one's gonna kill anybody." said Danny as he approached Robert and shook him violently. "Wake up, don't let it win." he whispered to his friend, "Remember your promise." Boyet watched wide-eyed as the other fell slump on the couch. He wasn't moving.

"Robert is in no condition to listen to your story right now." said Danny as he turned back to the tall freshman. "He just had a high fever. I'm afraid he still can't control himself."

"Sir Robert is sick?!" the boy asked with concern, "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to bring more trouble..."

"Ei, don't worry," said Danny, "He's past that already." he looked at Robert still unconscious on the couch. "By the way, you did good last week." said he, "I heard Robert almost lost his temper."

"It was you who asked me to look after him, sir," replied Boyet, "I'm glad to obey."

"Just, remember, when he takes out that handkerchief..."

"Yes, I should either leave him alone or if worst comes to worst, try to stop him."

"And about your father..."

"It's alright, sir Danny, as long as we stay out of the house when he's drunk..."

"You have enough evidence to give him life, you know."

"But my mother still needs him, and my sister... she really does love him..."

"Okay, we'll think of something else then. You go up stairs and ask Ange for some dry clothes."

Boyet did as he was told. He saw Angela and his sister happily playing inside the room and held the towel tightly around his body. She gave him dry clothes and showed him the bathroom then went back to her game with May-may. Inside the bathroom, Boyet looked himself in the mirror.

"No." he said, his face darkening, "You don't deserve life. I'll kill you myself."


The two headed back home later that afternoon. The rain had stopped and they were able to see the sun setting after 4 days of rain. Robert had to call Ria to confirm that he was better and to let Angela back inside their house. She left saying she'd be back the next day to fix her room. She was blushing. Robert wished she'd stay till Monday. Danny stayed behind though; he called home and said he would be staying much longer to look after his friend.

"I told you I'm fine already." said Robert, giving a deep sigh.

"I know." replied Danny grinning, "Just can't bear to leave my best buddy!" he hugged him, pretending to wipe an imaginary tear, "Besides, I'd miss your cooking! And, I still haven't taken a dip in the pool yet!"

"Hey, it's cold as it is, you mean you still plan to swim today?"

"Nah, not today, I might end up like you." Danny turned the TV on and rummaged through the game CD's. "Tomorrow, maybe, I called the others up a while ago, you know..."

"Mic too?" said Robert after a short silence. Danny looked up at him.

"He's coming of course." replied Danny, smiling, "I asked Boyet to come with his sister too, he wasn't sure though."

"It was the same as last time, right?" said Robert. "That time we beat up Mic's father when we saw his scars...."

"Yeah, guess so, but Mic's our friend. That kid Boyet, we know very little about him. Besides, he hasn't really asked for our help."

"Neither did Mic.... hehe.... he sure was surprised when we showed up in his house that day...."

"At least his father's locked up now," said Robert, "and we're lucky your uncle was there to save our necks."

Robert gave a sigh and lay on his bed. They have placed the mattresses back, the other on the floor for Danny to sleep on. Danny held the joystick and selected two players in the fighting game he chose.

"C'mon, how about a one-on-one?" he asked Robert.

"Hmm..." replied the other. Danny looked at his friend and saw him sleeping. He smiled and pulled the blanket over him and went back to his game.