
G r e e n

the green hawks are invading oh god (i will absolutely not be updating this regularly)

Bushija · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
2 Chs

CH 2

1 - pond wakes up to the hawks invading

2 - the townspeople are evacuated; they start traveling somewhere safer. The journey takes a month to get like 100 miles away.

3 - in the newspaper is something telling people about this new mission to put an end to the hawks, saying they've got a whole plan figured out. A majority of the "army" or whatever military thing is taking part in this, but it's still not enough people. The newspaper encourages people to volunteer for this mission. Pond is like "hell yeah" and Bob's like "ok fineee"

4 - a few days have passed, about a week, many people have applied, the mission's boutta begin. Pond says bye to her mum, buh bye to mom and dad. Here's where the family drama is revealed (the one about ponds dad)

5 - pond and Bob meet Shrub and they're like HOLY CRAP WERE AACTULLY MEETING THE COOL ARMY PERSON. Shrub was sent to lead the mission; she explains the plan. She explains how the army works. (this town's army ig works different than real-life armies because idk how those work, hope i dont offend a military general of the us army readjng webnovel lol).

6 -

bro im drawing a whole map to set this story up im so lost

Ch. 1

Pond woke up with a grunt of annoyance at the sound of loud sirens and horns outside. It was a Saturday. A Saturday! And she had to drag herself out of her warm, fuzzy blanket and into the frigid air, heavy, crusty eyelids and a mind-boggling headache. Oh yeah, and it was four in the morning.

Once she could process her surroundings, Pond bolted upright. Why were there sirens, what was happening, what was going to happen? She thrust the blanket off her, leaving it in a crumpled pile, scrambled out of the bed, and squinted her eyes to look out the window at the commotion below.

People were screaming. More people were chasing them, fast as birds – Pond realized that these people were from nearby towns, all randomly scrambled up, along with people who were probably from towns she'd never heard of. There were a lot of towns over this land, so Pond would recognize very few of the people from them; there were a couple million people, against just about ten thousand in her town.

So obviously, everyone was panicking. The invaders were shouting "GREEN" and "Hawk… will become… green…". And to Pond's horror, amongst the blur of fighting, the invaders somehow were making some of her unfortunate fellow townsfolk chant it as well.

Then she realized it wasn't the people doing that. A few hawks flew in and out of the crowd, joining the battle. She caught a hawk pecking its beak into one of the townsfolk's arms, leaving a small cut with blood welling up, and when the hawk emerged from the cluster of people, that person loudly shouted, "GREEEEEEN!" and proceeded to start kicking people around them. People ran out of their homes shrieking, terrified, while hawks soared overhead, shrieking down at the townspeople, loudly flapping their wings.

Pond ran out of her room, leaving the window in her dust, and slammed the door shut. She was met by her younger and shorter half-brother Bob, whom she shared this tiny one-story house with, standing beside the dinner table at which neither of them ate dinner. Pond never understood how he got up so early every day. But he did go to bed ridiculously early, too.

"What's going on?!" Bob cried urgently.

"What do you think?" Pond snapped back. "We're being invaded by green-obsessed people and a cult of hawks, that's what's going on."

The next thing they knew, everyone was being evacuated. Pond's mind was racing. [Describe Pond's emotions uh better.] She was within a crowd of people moving slowly away from the town into who knows where, while soldiers fought off the invaders behind them. Could we move any faster? Pond thought impatiently as explosions rang in her ears, making her head feel like it would explode, feeling the sweaty warmth of the people being evacuated, the smell wafting up her nose, screaming, crying children, their parents joining them. She briefly turned around, looking into the distance, to see flames licking at her and her brother's house, along with the buildings and foliage on the same street. The smoke flooded her nostrils, and she joined the numerous people in the crowd having coughing fits. She only realized she had lost sight of Bob when everyone had been evacuated and gone a safe distance away from the burning town.

Pond spotted Bob in the crowd and pushed her way through the crowd to reunite with him. She looked around at her new surroundings. It was a series of dry, barren lands that extended further than her eyes could see.

[dude just continue this chapter later this is goign nowhere]

[also maybe make the prologue]

[also give the town a name]

Ch. 2

The people ended up having to travel for a month to get like over 100 miles away. Pond and Bob later learned, from the daily newspaper that was chucked at the door every morning, that lately, this flock of hawks had been attacking and taking over several nearby towns. Its territory was almost 10 times the size of an average town. And there was barely competition; its population was up to the millions. The flock's home was a long distance northeast of the town Pond and Bob used to live in, and southeast of the new place the town had settled in.

The new town had been inhabited for about two weeks, and important locations had already been established. The town was in the process of being built, however. Everything was in construction. The dusty smell of wood flooded areas where buildings were being built, but everywhere else was quite nice. The areas that surrounded the town, which had been left alone, had fresh air, and the air smelled great. The new town was being built in a massive, long hollow, tucked in between several rolling hills and bright meadows. Lush foliage and a few willow trees were scattered across the territory.

Also, posters recruiting volunteers to join the army were put up.

"WILL YOU FIGHT FOR YOUR TOWNSPEOPLE?" Pond read off a poster in a dramatic, booming voice, which immediately made Bob laugh. Pond and Bob had been walking around the dusty town, just taking a look around at the progress. The poster caught their attention, pinned against a plank of wood that was a part of the bare, wooden bones of a to-be building.

Pond continued reading. "JOIN THE LANGDALE ARMY AND SERVE YOUR PEOPLE." Langdale's the name of the town. The poster's instructions continued: Go to Central Park for further details.

Bob's heart dropped as he watched Pond's light up. "Pond?"

Pond turned toward her brother, eyes smiling. "We're doing this!"

"No wait–"

"It'll be fun!"


"That's the fun part!"

"How–" What if Pond managed to drag Bob along, and he was thrown into this mission? Bob wasn't the most fearless. And serving for the army sounded stressful, with all of Langdale and other town's survival in his hands. And obviously in the others' hands. But still.

Bob continued. "I don't wanna do this. If you want to, you can, but I won't."

"Well, the meeting is in a month. So that's a month to think about it."

"Alright. Sure. I will." Bob straightened up. "But I doubt anything will change."

"That's fine," Pond said confidently. "We'll find out in a month."


Also ik it isn't good, like I said writers block

Bushijacreators' thoughts