
Futanari World

Note: Each chapter is +5000 words, so don't judge the book because of how few chapters it is! === For unknown reasons, a plane crashed and killed our protagonist, who was immediately sent to another world, which is said to be a game, [Futanari World]! Now, if she wants a new life, she needs to finish this game, which she wasn't given any information, only advantages and then thrown into an Academy of Sword and Magic! Come along with this new Futanari as she grows up, learns more of the world and slowly learns the secrets that make it up! ===== Support me and motivate me to write much more! pa-tre-on.com/Ero_Hacker Want to talk to me? Come to my Discord: https://discord.gg/rz4RpnGX46 Webnovel constantly blocks the illustrations of the characters, even though there's nothing much, just for showing a little skin, it ends up deleting. Then access: https://www.scribblehub.com/series/680367/fta-world/

Ero_Hacker · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
62 Chs

Chapter 20 - Disaster!


Read up to 4 weeks worth of advanced chapters, support me!: www.pa-tre-on.com/Ero_Hacker

Come to my Discord, have access to images of the characters without Webnovel blocking them: discord.gg/4CdW8ygQQX



PART 1 – The Power of Music! (+18)


I had my doubts, but I talked to Rasum, I don't regret that conversation.

Rasum is an incredible man, a genius, he is passionate about music, more than I am, music is his life.

I listened to him talk, a few others got involved in the conversation, it quickly became a high level conversation that I found difficult to follow, but I did my best.

Annie was also being the focus of attention elsewhere, as my value had just skyrocketed, respectively hers having my full support, too!

Time passed pretty quickly, until Jessica came up to me.

"Sorry Mr. Rasum, Mr. Tibeti… I have to steal her for a few minutes!" - Said Jessica pulling me, thank you, you're saving me now, because I'm already getting a headache.

"Oh, no problem, the young lady was already about to collapse!" - Rasum laughed and the others followed, I looked at them, because if they knew I was at my limit in this conversation, why did they continue?

"It's always good to learn more!" - Said Tibeti, an old friend of Rasum, who plays the piano.

Finally being able to breathe, Jessica hands me a glass of wine, I take it, I need it!

"Thank you, she was dying there, lots of information and the old people can't stop talking!" - I say exasperated.

At first it was extremely fun, but after 20 fucking minutes, I didn't even know how a score could be discussed for so long!

"I've been there, so I know what it's like!" - Said Jessica laughing bitterly.

"Apparently no one saved you, right?" - I ask already getting the answer from his expression.

"Roxana, how about we go somewhere more secluded and talk about the song you're going to make for me? I'm really excited, especially after the piano show!" - Said Jessica very excited and holding my hands.

I understand her wanting a more secluded spot, as she doesn't want the chance of someone stealing the lyrics. - "Okay, but let me talk to Annie first, I also want to see if she needs help."

"Oh… okay!" -Jessica said, sounding bittersweet… well, I can't help her disgust for her, bitch!

Coming up to where Annie is, I see her chatting with great joy... well, she's noble, she's used to dealing with this much attention.

"Can I talk to her for a few seconds? Fast thing!" - I say intruding.

"Oh sure, no problem!" - Said a man and everyone else in the group agreed, I pulled Annie.

"What is it, honey?" - Asked Annie very excited.

"Your stamina for this is greater than mine… well, Jessica wants to know more about the song I'm going to give her and so she doesn't have the chance of being stolen, she wants somewhere alone, I think it will take 20 to 30 minutes, but if you want me to stay, I can save that for another day." - I say calmly.

"Ah…" - She opened her mouth but closed it before saying. - "She took the opportunity to ask and you can't refuse, right?" - I nodded and she sighed.

"No problem, the songs are yours anyway, just don't get bewitched by her!" - Annie said sternly, I give her a smile and kiss her. - "Unfortunately I already fell under the spell of a witch named Annie!"

She smiles at me, then she walks back to her little group and I go to Jessica. - "I have a green light, how about guiding the way?" - I smile at Jessica who was very excited.

I don't know why all this excitement, of course, I have my suspicions, but I think it's just my mistake, there's no way this girl likes me, she must be 1 decade older than me, not to mention we never did anything for her to like from me, I also treat her horribly and obviously I'm using her here, impossible for her not to have noticed, but as it will be beneficial for her, she just took advantage.


Soon we arrived in one of the many rooms prepared for guests who want more privacy!

I think these rooms were intended for sex, as there must be a lot of sexual favors going on here.

I don't care about that, I didn't come here for that!

Soon we went to one of the rooms with the door open, there was no one inside, I made a point of investigating before Jessica locked the door.

I don't bother and go to the minibar and grab a bottle of water to drink, as everything is free I don't have to worry about paying a fortune for a sip of water.

Soon I hear a sound of something falling to the ground, I get confused and look back, where I choke on the water.

"Holy crap!" - I give a scream, because I didn't expect that suddenly, Jessica would be naked, semi-naked in fact, since she is only wearing a thin panties that must be stuck in her defined and soft ass…

"Cum! What are you doing?!" - He asked drying my mouth and chin, I frown, I didn't come here for that!

"Stop making a fool of yourself, do you think I didn't notice your eyes on my breasts and ass?" - She laughs, well, I didn't hide that much, but still.

"It means nothing!" - I say coldly, but she just laughs as she approaches, be quiet you bastard, don't get excited or Annie will rip off her pair of dangling pearls!

"Well, you owe me for using me so blatantly to get into the VIP area!" - She said as she touched my shoulders, leaning her body on me, her breasts pressing mine.

"Is two songs enough to make up for it?" - I ask, I don't know where she wants to go with this, but if it's just songs, we're even.

"Ahhh~ no!" - She said pulling me hard to the bed, but I refuse to go and she pouts.

Looking me in the eyes she says. - "I saw the pictures of you and your little toy, what was his name again? Oh! Renner Boulfim!"

The instant she says this, I frown… so did she see the images or… they were automatically downloaded.

I clenched my teeth, this is kind of humiliating.

"Really Rox? You fucked the Frozen King's son? A Duke to boot, isn't he afraid of being torn to shreds?" -She started laughing, threatening me, I clenched my teeth and then grabbed her neck.

"Do you want to threaten me?" - I ask coldly.

"Nope! I want you to fuck me!" - She said laughing, without any fear.

"Do you know the feeling of knowing the location of an incredible treasure, but not being able to take it? This is very frustrating! Torture! Anida more knowing that someone so inferior and with such mediocre skills, has access to this treasure!" -I appreciate the comparison, but I squeeze her neck harder, suffocating her.

"Be careful with the words!" - I say coldly, she swallows her saliva with difficulty and then I throw her on the bed.

She starts coughing, sits up and says while looking at me. - "I want you, I don't mind being a lover or anything, I want you and of course, I want your wonderful songs! I didn't want to use these cards of mine now, but after that show of yours…"-She stops talking, but I see it in her hungry eyes.

I think about what to do, then I let out a sigh and then I start taking off my clothes, where I see joy in those beautiful eyes.

I don't like how it ended but I have to do it for Renner's sake, this was my oversight and I can't make him suffer, not to mention if his father finds out about his son's stuff and that I potentially took his anal virginity … I am dead!

Therefore, I need to shut up this arrogant bitch!

And so my clothes fall from my body, I'm only in my sports underwear, which I quickly remove.

"You have a better body than I imagined and… this is even bigger than in the pictures!" - Jessica said smiling teasingly at me.

Snorting, I go to the bed and soon press her against it, our eyes meet, initially startled, she is soon smiling at me.

"So, just go-" - Before she finishes talking, I give her a kiss, she widens her eyes, why did I kiss her? I just want her to shut up!

My left hand slips between her legs, I start stroking her pussy, then inserting my finger slightly, pushing her wet panties into her pussy.

She lets out light moans, then her hands soon touch my already hard member, stroking it, showing that she is very skilled with her hands.

Soon I break her kiss, I see her smile as she licks her lips. - "You are better than I thought, but having so many women, it's normal!"

I don't say anything and I just position myself better in front of her, while I open her legs, I see her smile, she blushes slightly, which makes her much prettier and sexier.

Groaning because she pisses me off, but I can't help but get turned on by looking at this slut!

Then I pull a condom out of my storage item, rip the seal off it, and fit it onto my cock.

"Protection, I would rather have your daughter, but I understand, you are still young!" - She said, which makes me angry.

My cock is already sputtering, so I grab it and start pounding Jessica's soaking pussy, as she bites her full lips and her eyes burn with anticipation and desire!

Snorting, I move her thin panties to the side, where I quickly tuck them in, the lube from the condom helping, as does her soaking pussy!

"Aaaahh~ THIS! FINALLY!" -She lets out a high-pitched, satisfied squeal, as I grit my teeth and fall on top of her, supporting my body with clenched fists close to her head.

She looks at me, smiling ecstatically. - "You don't know how much I wanted this… seriously, those pictures drove me crazy!" - She said hugging my neck and reaching my ears.

Next were her legs hugging me. - "Please, roll me up with all your strength, don't have mercy on me, just as you didn't have on Renner!"

I growl and then kiss her again, shutting her up, my hands go down and reach her plump and soft waist, I pull her up, our lips part and she lets out a happy moan, along with a laugh.

Soon my hands advance to the back of her neck, I pull her head to the bed, then my hips start to propel.

"Oh~ God! That!" - She happily moans, as I vigorously thrust my hips, the shock of the sounding flesh, her fragrant smell, her melodious voice, all of this ignites a burning flame inside me.

I clench my teeth and then hug her, pulling her onto my lap, I suck her breasts vigorously, she hugs my neck and moans full of pleasure.

Holding her waist, I lift and lower her incessantly, her screams filled with pleasure echo like a masterful melody!

Soon she screams in a higher pitch and fiercely steals my lips, then she comes on me, squirting into my abdomen, drenching me.

She starts to pant, but I look at her and say. - "It's just the beginning, bitch!"

"Oh? Wait~" - She wanted to say something, maybe because she was sensitive, she wanted me to wait? NO!

I thrust quite aggressively into her pussy, I feel her magnificent body shudder in my arms, I nibble on her nipples, before releasing her and pushing her onto the bed, my cock escaping her pussy, my cock throbbing as she writhed in pleasure, panting and looking at me like I'm a monster, a monster she's more than happy to indulge!

Without hesitation I grab her arm and pull her away, putting her face down on the bed, where I have a vision of her wonderful ass, which I was mesmerized a few times… seriously, what a beautiful ass!

Soon I move away a little, hold her legs and start to arrange her the way I want, putting her on her knees with her ass in a high position, giving me a full view of her pussy and anus, those huge and soft buttocks.

Swallowing my saliva, I soon bury my face in them, grab them and feel my fingers sink into that soft flesh.

My tongue invades her delicious pussy, I hear her happy laugh, along with her melodious moans.

It doesn't take long for me to stop that, I satisfy my hunger to stick and rub my face in that huge and wonderful ass, that millions of people must have the desire.

Then I fit my cock into her pussy, grab her waist and pull her hard.


The strong slap of flesh clashing echoes!


A howl echoes from her lips, she squirms, her fists balling into the bed cover, she shudders and I feel her insides tighten and suck.

Puffing back and forth, she screams, my balls hit her clit and more, then I start the frantic thrusts, I'll have no mercy on this bitch!

So I hear her screams and moans, sometimes she roars like a beast, I find that quite charming.

It doesn't take long for her to start peeing, I'm surprised, but I laugh, the drinks went down fast!

Then I lean over her, hold her face and move it to the side, I see her face contorted and full of perverse joy!

She looks at me, if this was a hentai, her eyes would glow with hearts.

Soon I step back and stand erect, but I pull her by the hair and give her a hug around her neck, hold her waist and say. - "You will have wished you had never threatened me, at least you would avoid thinking about me for the rest of your life!"

I will make sure that she never forgets me!

So I start thrusting fiercely as I watch from the side her face contort as she chokes a little, naturally taking due care, giving her time to breathe.

Soon I release her, she falls weakly on the bed, I hold her leg and lift her, giving her a hug, so I turn her on her side and start to fuck even more intensely.

I see her face contort, then I lean towards her with her leg still between us, she grunts, I grab her by the hair and pull her closer as I stand erect, thrusting into her pussy.

I steal her lips, she kisses me with a frenzied passion, I suck on her soft and tasty tongue, before finally pushing my whole cock into her pussy, rolling her uterus and I ejaculate nonstop, a heavy load, she lets out another squirt in her orgasm, which went far!

Panting a little, I step back and see the bag of cum hanging from my cock, kneeling on the bed, I see her sprawled across the bed.

Then I take off the condom and sit next to her face. - "Hey!" - I call her, she looks at me and smiles slightly.

Smiling at her, I smack her face with my cock. - "We're not done yet, at most 10 minutes have passed, we have 20 more minutes!" - I say smiling and she is surprised.

"But how about you enjoy some of your meal?" -Saying that, I take the condom to her mouth, make her open it and put it there.

She gets a little confused and surprised, but soon recovering her strength, she sits in front of me and starts to devour the condom, all her liquid is dry, she takes the condom out of her mouth and opens it, showing her mouth smeared on my sperm .

My cock throbs at the sight of this bitch who is extremely beautiful and hot, savoring my cum like it's the best delicacy in the world!

Groaning, I pull her into a tight hug, rub my cock in her pussy and she swallows.

"You are playing with danger!" - I say in her ear, she teases me so much, but I know, I started it, but fuck it!

Putting another condom on, I fit her pussy and went deep, she screams, then hugs me tight.

She lays down on top of me, I hug her wonderful ass and start to thrust steadily, I also lift her and lower her on my cock, she then more adapted to me, starts to fight back, but constantly she loses her control due to the intense pleasure.

Since I have practically infinite stamina, I can keep hitting it incessantly for a long time, I don't need to take breaks unless I want to change my position for more experiments.

But I don't want that right now, so in this position, I rock her world, like I'm a mechanical bull and she's the stupid girl challenging me, only with a dick in her pussy!

I see her wonderful face constantly twitch before my eyes, a while later, I ejaculate again and make her devour everything again.

Then I fuck her on all fours, crushing her ass with my crotch incessantly, driving her crazy!

And finally, after my 4th ejaculation, I probably far exceeded the allotted time, but sorry, I got a little carried away!

Panting a little, but soon stopping, I look at Jessica, her face on my crotch and her licking my balls, I stroke her head lightly and then I take out my cell phone, I get a call from Annie.

"Hello dear?" - I ask smiling.

{Where the hell are you?}

"I'm breaking up with this motherfucker, she found out about us using her, now I have to give her 3 songs!" - I say a half-truth, it's better she doesn't know what's going on, or she'll hate me for a while.

{... shit, okay, but watch out for that bitch!}

"Of course my love, I just need a singer in my life!" - I say smiling, then I shudder and say. - "Sorry, I have to go, she's coming back from the bathroom!"

{Okay, see you soon!}

With the call ending, I look down at Jessica with her mouth on the head of my cock, smiling at me and watching me. - "You're a bigger pervert than I thought!"

"Bones of the craft!" - She said laughing and spitting on my dick.

I hold her head and make her swallow all my cock. - "Bones of the craft!" - I tell her.

So I choke her, taking due care, until I end up in her throat.

After another ejaculation, I lead her into the bathroom, where we take a shower and it's obvious she's teased me and I press her against the wall, fucking her pussy until she begs for more, then I ejaculate really deep, before taking off my condom and of course and make her swallow it all.

After the shower, we got dressed, now my hair… shit!

"Don't worry about it, there's a hairdresser in the first room, he takes care of it, just show a picture of the hair as it was before." -Jessica said laughing as she got ready, using makeup from her space item.

She also used some medicine to make the red marks on her butt, arms and neck disappear.

Very convenient, she smiles at me, walks over and says. - "3 songs, but know that I'll want more and of course… I'm not just talking about the songs!" - She says with her hand caressing my member.

I look at her and sigh. - "Everything in its time and… delete the images!" - I say coldly.

"Oh why? They are so beautiful!" - Said Jessica.

"So I tell Renner Boulfim that I was hacked by one of his subordinates in an attempt to find a rotten one of mine, then they found his pictures, I wonder what the Frozen King's son will do with you…" - I say smiling and she turns pale.

"If you know what's best, don't you dare threaten me with it anymore, if you wanted to be dominated, all you had to do was ask!" -I say while I hold her chin, smile at her and give her a kiss.

"Ok… I'll erase… sorry…" - She said.

"Stop pretending, I know you don't regret it!" - I say rolling my eyes and she stays quiet.

"And if you want a photo, take these!" - I say while sending you several photos that I took, I even recorded some short videos while I rolled up your pussy!.

She is surprised by this, but smiles at me, so we went to see that hairdresser, we showed pictures before, in a few minutes he took care of our hair, leaving it identical to how it was before.


PART 2 – Attack!


Then we went back to the VIP wing, so I went to Annie, she was finally a little tired.

"Do you want to leave?" - I ask her.

"I want to, but I have to hold on a little longer, I think I'll sign a contract with Barto, from here, he's the best, even if you didn't like him." - Annie said and I frowned.

"He is sure? There must be something about his brother's 'scandal', Jessica must know the truth and so will he!" - I say, even though I don't know what it is, by the look on Barto's face at that moment.

"There is nothing to be done, Barto is the best choice and he is also from our Kingdom, it will not be a problem for us to meet." - Annie said calmly and I sighed.

"So what was it like to fuck the bitch? Did you like it?" - She asked suddenly.

"What?!" - I raise an eyebrow, she looks at me well.

"Are you going to say that he stayed there for 1 hour and you didn't fuck? Don't fool me Rox, I'm not an idiot!" - She said laughing dryly.

"Nothing really happened, in fact she even took off her clothes the moment we entered, threatening me and things like that, but I refused and managed to calm her down by giving her 3 songs, to make up for it we are using her." - I say as calmly as possible.

She looks at me, then asks. - "So what is this soft and clean skin? Like your brand new makeup?"

"Have you seen the bathroom in the rooms here? There is a jacuzzi, sorry but I took advantage of it, strange how easy it was to convince her, the problem was her using her leg to tease me, it was difficult, but knowing that you would hate to share me with her, I endured!" - I say sighing.

"You mean you took a hot tub with Jessica, she touched your cock with her foot and you didn't fuck her?!" Annie raised an eyebrow.

"Exactly!" - I say without hesitation, seriously, I feel guilty, but it's better to lie about it than to let her know, it will hurt less.

And I know she doesn't know anything, she's just trying to get a truth out of me, she and the others have done this to me a few times, so now I'm immune to this trick, bitches!

Annie looked at me, then at Jessica who I also looked at, she grunted and looked away.

"Not screwing!" - Annie said in disbelief.

"What it was?" - I ask with his sudden words.

"You really didn't fuck Jessica? Sorry Rox, but if it was me in her shoes, I would have fucked her! Compared to all of us, she is much prettier!" - Annie said, leaving me speechless.

Then she hugs me. - "Looks like someone needs a generous reward tonight, sorry for mistrusting you!" - She said and… I'm feeling like a horrible person, but I hug her and kiss her.

(3rd Person POV)

The reason Jessica reacted that way is that she started to like Roxana even more and seeing her hugging Annie made her very angry and frustrated.

Roxana literally came 7 times, not to mention she didn't even gasp as she recovered so quickly, showing she could go even further!

That means Annie has something she really wants, a tireless monster that can potentially take care of 6 women all by herself!

The thought made her extremely frustrated and seeing them looking at her, Roxana giving a slight smile, made her even more frustrated, which made her look away.

This made Annie believe that Roxana was telling the truth as Jessica looked frustrated and she would never think that it is due to her liking Roxana and feeling extreme jealousy and envy of her.


The meeting would last for hours, even at dawn, but Annie accomplished her objective, she scheduled a meeting with Barto for 2 weeks from now.

With that, it was time to end the party for them, so the two of them were on their way out... well, they wanted to leave the party, but just as they were reaching the stairs to descend from the VIP wing.


A huge explosion sounded, shaking the whole environment, Roxana quickly hugged Annie, who almost lost her balance and fell down the stairs.

Roxana quickly looked towards the source of the explosion, it was the entrance, where people began to enter, all wearing black robes with a creature with a goat's head and humanoid body on their hoods.

This is common knowledge of this world, something Roxana discovered in the first few days of school, it is the Cult of the God of Anarchy, Caprio!


PART 3 – Roxana's Fury!


Pow! Pow! Pow!

Constant gunfire rang out, several bodyguards confronting the Anarchy Cultists, who fought back, casting curse spells, just as their assassins ruthlessly advanced, slaying several people!

Roxana didn't stay to watch this, she went to try to go to where the VIPS were fleeing, even Jessica had called them, but that's when another explosion sounded, causing the death of several guards and potentially some celebrities.

Roxana managed to pull Jessica out in time, shielding them both with her body.

She then watched as the hooded people arrived, ghoulish laughter and they started shooting.

"Roxana, let's fight!" - Shouted Annie, pulling out a magic violin, she is a Barda, she can fight.

Roxana took a deep breath and nodded. - "Hide!" -She said to Jessica that she was terrified.

Soon Roxana activated her [Berserker] and Annie sang a support bardic spell, but she wasn't the only one, Jessica hiding, grabbed a flute and did the same.

[Annie Forgier released "Song of Courage(II)" on you!]

[Annie Forgier released "Heart in Love(I)" on you!]

[Song of Courage(II): +20% WILL, +5% STR, AGI and RES!]

[Heart in Love(I): 1/3 of received pain will be shared & 1/3 of Bard's stats will be shared!]

"Annie..." - Roxana was surprised by her bonuses, getting much stronger and her mind becoming even clearer than ever!

Annie was smiling, then Jessica's bonuses came.

[Jessica Clorintus released "Steady" on you!]

[Jessica Clorintus cast "Nymph Protection" on you!]

[Jessica Clorintus cast "Brave Warrior" on you!]

[Steady: +100% Physical and Magic Defense!]

[Nymph Protection: +100% Mental Defense & +100 Physical & Magical Defense!]

[Brave Warrior: +20 STR, AGI and RES & +100% WILL!]


Roxana snarled, feeling extremely powerful, so she charged with her axes in hand, the chaos cultists in front of her laughed at the advancing child, but then this child swung her axes at a speed that many of them couldn't even keep up with.

Quickly heads rolled.

"DISGRACE!!!" - Several roars came from the cultists, who rushed to attack her, but Roxana didn't even dodge, blades and hammers hit her, but… she has the [Perfect Diamond Body], with [Steady] and [Protection of the Nymph].

Her Physical and Magic Defense reaches a whopping 506.6!

[Calculation: 153.3(53+20(+5%)*2) +100 (+100%) = 506.6!]

With such a defense, the damage they do to you is meager or nullified!

That's the true definition of a wall of meat!


"COME TO ME YOU MISERABLE TRASHES!" - Roxana roared using [Provoke] against everyone, which quickly attracted the attention of occultists in the VIP wing.

Die you monster!

Cursed, die for your heresy!

Die in the name of Caprio!

The cultists roared with various vulgarities, Roxana seeing the opportunity, delivered a slash containing [Incarnate Rage], then a sharp, ferocious beam of bloody Aura shot out and slashed all cultists in its path.

"Wow! Look what we have here!" - A voice sounded distant, Roxana was confused, then she turned and saw Annie, she looked back in fright, because a huge and muscular man was behind her.

"First kill support!" - He said.

"NO!!!" - Roxana roared and activated her Aura without hesitation, her whole body exploding in boiling power, the pressure she put on her feet caused the ground to crack.

The man didn't even notice the changes in Roxana, as his fist covered by Aura, landed on Annie's head, sinking her to the ground.

Haha ha-

The man started to laugh, but was stopped.


His huge, muscular body flew like paper, slamming fiercely against the wall, almost destroying it, if she was of an ordinary building, he would be across the street!

"ANNIE!" - Roxana fell to her knees, holding her beloved in her arms, who was bathed in her own blood.

Without hesitation, Roxana unequipped her [Totem of Immortality], wanting to equip it on Annie, but...

[This World Secret can only be used by Players!]

"NO!" - Roxana roared and it disappeared, returning to its slot.

Quickly she took all the elixirs from her choker, pouring them over Annie, she is still breathing, her heart is still beating, even if weak.

"Roxana!" Jessica roared, kneeling beside him.

"Heavens, let me handle this!" - Rasum arrived too, taking something from his inventory, a potion full of vitality.

"Roxana! Go save everyone, we'll take care of the little one!" - Shouted Rasum intensely, understanding how powerful Roxana is.

Roxana breathed in an immeasurable hatred, an endless sadness!

Her whole body ached, luckily she could disable some of the effects of the bardic songs, thus preventing Annie from suffering further.

Without hesitation, Roxana charged at the unconscious wretch slumped against the wall in the Great Hall, the main forces of the Cult of Anarchy laughing as they killed and captured the important figures.

It was then that a bang sounded and everyone saw a bloodied head fall, leaving many confused.

"Apostate Mike?!" - Shouted one of the shocked cultists, everyone knows Mike's power, a Rank B!

How did he die? Many had this doubt and soon found the cause.

Coming from the VIP wing, a bloodied figure, crying blood and with intensely red eyes, a bloodlust that as soon as it left the VIP wing, covered the entire main hall.

[Something is awakening!]

A voice rang out and Roxana screamed. - "SHUT UP!"

Her scream, it is not known if it was for the System, or for the cultists screaming below, she threw Mike's decapitated corpse, then jumped and already delivered a ferocious and deadly double slash, creating two gigantic and brutal waves, containing Aura and Anger!


Two colossal explosions sounded as dozens of the cultists were torn apart.

"I WILL KILL YOU ALL!!!" - [Warcry] rang out with a tremendous fury that shook everyone's minds, even B-Rankers, even A-Ranks, the few, trembled feeling the continuously rising fury.

Roxana at that moment didn't even look human anymore, bathed in her own blood and that of her enemies, her body had grown, she was in a bloodthirsty frenzy, along with an incredible tension and several buffs that slowly came to an end!

The cultists took their courage from whom they serve, the God of Anarchy, Caprio, so they attacked this irrational monster, but one that had eyes as sharp as those of a serpent, which analyzed everything.

Even in her fury and madness, Roxana wasn't dominated by any of this, she was in complete control!

And her control told her not to hold back!

Blades hit her, but in the end, it was all futile, ignoring them, she waved her axes which already started to show high signs of wear!


An intense [Provoke] reverberated, Roxana looked at a man and advanced on him, who advanced with a spear.

"DIE HERETIC FREAK!!!" - The B-Rank spearman roared, his spear hitting Roxana's chest, but in the next instant, his blade broke and the body of the spear spilled over.

"What?!" - He screamed in shock and was soon decapitated, shocking everyone around.

"WHERE DID THIS MONSTER COME FROM?!" - Roared a woman who drew her whips, exposing a beautiful face and a snake tattoo on her face.

She lunged at Roxana, her Aura exploding and she lashed out with incredible speed, her whip containing blades that slashed at Roxana and sliced her flesh... no! They cut her skin!

Roxana ignored the superficial pain, she grabbed the whip and pulled the woman back, but she dropped the whip and drew two swords, advancing and slashing fiercely at Roxana, only to notice the edges of her swords going blunt, but leaving deep gashes across Roxana's body. .

But Roxana didn't care and lashed out in a frenzy, every second she was getting stronger and stronger, her fury continually growing and she was losing her sanity.

"Apostle Megi, we are here to help!" - Several rank C and B cultists came running to help deal with Roxana.

"NO!" -Screamed Megi of Rank A, she understood that the monster in front of her is getting more and more crazy and powerful, she is barely able to dodge.

But it was too late, her subordinates were stubborn and wished for death!

"DISAPPEAR! INSECTS!!!" - Roxana roared, launching a fierce blow that devastated the ground, reaching even innocent people, but she no longer cared about it!

The rage, the blood, it all culminated in an indescribable desire to kill and Megi, the strongest here, became the target of his will to kill!

She attacked her incessantly, a cut from her blunt ax hit, but it didn't cut, it tore Megi's flesh and Megi screamed painfully!

Megi tried to retreat due to the pain, but Roxana's other ax came down, she slashed with her sword as she retreated, but her mistake was creating such a huge opening!

Roxana advanced on her face like a beast, Megi saw this bloodthirsty demon charge at her, terror flooding her mind and her heart racing.

Soon her face lowered, terror rose and then her throat was slashed. - "Wait-" - Megi screamed pitifully before spitting blood.

Roxana used her Aura and Rage in her mouth, blasting Megi's throat and severing her with one "bite"!


A maddened roar echoed, Roxana snorted like a beast and then she looked, seeing her targets, many terrified, she dropped her axes and darted forward like a loom, with her bare hands she crushed skulls and necks like clay.

She focused her attention, ignoring the excruciating pain coursing through her body, she found more of these people, she ran and ripped them apart, the ones hiding and fleeing, it didn't matter!

[You unlocked A-Rank Skill: Blood Screening!]

- Blood Screening(A): Through your bloodlust, you can detect enemies at a distance of 100 meters, guiding your madness to those who are targets and not the innocent!

Roxana found her targets with surgical precision, annihilating them.

A plan that took months to structure, was annihilated by a 15-year-old girl and her irrational fury!

When the city's troops came, an A-Rank commander personally came to take care of the situation, he was amazed and terrified of the bloodthirsty demon amidst the sea of corpses.

"CURSE DEMON!!!" - He roared furiously and went to attack Roxana.

"STOP!!!" - roared Rasum entering the path.

"SKIRT!!!" - roared the Commander ready to attack.

"This young woman saved us! She is the wielder of a High Level Berserker Skill! She freaked out due to her lover being seriously injured, but she didn't kill anyone innocent, just the Cult of Anarchy trash!" - shouted Rasum obstinately.

The commander calmed down, shocked to hear this, then looked at that unrecognizable demon, who was actually standing still, panting wildly, shaking in excruciating pain.

"Fast! Look for the survivors, I'll take care of her!" - Said the commander more calmly, understanding the situation better.

"Child, you can rest now!" - Said the commander getting to Roxana, but she said. - "Shell… broken… need… to change…"

The commander was confused, so more crazed aura came out of his body.

"Shit! Can't save her, sorry kid!" - roared the commander, for him, this is a devilish energy, he has to finish it off!

"NO!!!" - Rasum screamed, but the commander cut with his sword, decapitating Roxana who did not resist.

But the scene that followed was even more impressive as everyone's vision blurred for an instant and the next, Roxana was intact, before she started vomiting, falling to her knees and then passing out from the intense shock!

This confused everyone, but Rasum was quick, moving forward to diagnose Roxana, even though he is a musician, he knows first aid and even, his class is [Healer].

He was soon shocked, feeling Roxana's incredible divine power, understanding that she must be an apostle of some God, most likely the Goddess of War, since Roxana has such an extraordinary level Berserker!

"She is probably an Apostle, I feel Divine power from her, different from Holy power, something much higher!" - Said Rasum to the commander, who was thinking about how to act.

Upon hearing that Roxana is an Apostle, he shuddered, not believing that he beheaded the Apostle of a God, this is deserving of divine punishment!

Shuddering, he believes that the God descended to revive his child at the last moment, he shuddered, thinking that he was close to death even now.

"QUICKLY TAKE HER TO THE BEST HOSPITAL IN TOWN, AS WELL AS YOUR COMPANY, THE KINGDOM WILL TAKE CARE OF YOUR TREATMENTS!!!" - Roared the commander without hesitation, knowing that his King will be more than happy with his decision.

(Note: Regarding Roxana's exaggerated power... well:

- Incarnation of Rage(SSS): Through a frenzied, illogical rage, you embodied the power of Sin, becoming its Incarnation! You survived after inheriting it, so the effect of using [Berserker] together with [Aura] is greatly reduced!

- Perfect Diamond Body(SSS): A perfect indestructible body, both externally and internally, whether physical or magical! RES × 2, equals Natural Defense, nullifying all damage up to that measure!

- Formidable Force(S): In the face of tense and life-threatening moments, a mysterious Force will emerge, increasing your Physical Attributes, equivalent to the Level!

- Bloody Frenzy(S): When in Berserker state, the more injuries accumulate on your body and the more enemies you kill, the greater the power exerted and the loss of sanity! +5~50%!

- Embody Rage(B): In the Berserker state, exert your life-giving, fury-filled power on your environment, empowering equipment or yourself!

- Berserker(A): Spend Stamina 5 times faster, in exchange for a frenzied increase in your physical power! +100% STR, +100% RES and +100% AGI! Duration: Indefinite!

- Aura of Rage(A): At the cost of 10 Mana and Stamina every minute, fortify yourself or items in your pose! +100% STR, +75% RES and +75% AGI!

It needs more proof than with its current stats, plus the huge bonuses stacked in the "Berserker + Aura" state, along with [Formidable Force], [Bloody Frenzy(+50% All Physical/Base Stats)] and among other buffs!

Roxana at this point, approached Rank A/S in terms of attributes and explosive power, but of course, lacks an arsenal of active skills, which she barely used during combat, even if it was not mentioned in the narrative.)