

Ever felt trapt in a video game? Saya has a lot to deal with normally, but getting stuck inside Fushionheart is a whole different matter. She must learn to use her skills to survive and hopefully avoid more problems on the way.

Peaceful_Star · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
15 Chs


The crowd was bigger than anything Soul had ever seen. People were all everywhere trying to locate each other. Soul had hoped it'd be more organised than this. It was more hectic than anything she'd have ever seen before.

"How are we supposed to find anyone in this crowd?" Soul asked trying to see if there was any order anywhere. People were even shoving back and forth not even sure where to go. She spotted a stage with a mic and suddenly a thought occured to her. "Come with me, Moonflower. It's time to organize this better."

"Everyone! Attention please!" Soul yelled throught the mic. Everyone covered their ears and stopped trying to talk over each other. "Let's be real a minute. We're never going to find our friends and family this way. I have an idea if everyone would please form a line. No pushing!"

"Who made you queen?!" A fairy boy yelled out.

"No one. You have to sieze your opportunity. Not wait until someone gives it to you." Soul replied easily. "Now to begin, each person will write their screen name, real name and the person they are looking for. We'll pin it to the wall behind me. As we go, it'll get easier to track down your lost one."

"That's really smart, Soul." Moonflower said quietly, though he could be heard through the mic. "Fill this out, Moonflower. You're the first test dummy."

"Gee, thanks." Moonflower smiled though and filled out the paper and pinned his on the wall.

"This is going to take a while. Why don't you go help BlueFrost?" Soul watch Moonflower leave and silently wanted to leave with him. She was usually the responsible one and it seemed nothing had changed.

"Why don't you take a break." BlueFrost walked over to Soul and handed her a meishu.

"My favorite!" Soul exclaimed taking a gulp of the sweet liquid. "There are so many."

"I remeber the announcement said one million. Remember?" BlueFrost gazed at the people as they stood in line. "I think they know what to do now. No need to stay and wait around. It's late. Let's go to the room."

Soul nodded and followed BlueFrost away from the stage. Luckily, everyone was staying in line and following the earlier guidlines. She looked back at the wall that was slowly filling up and finally put it out of her mind.

The room was a two bed and one bath, however, Moonflower was already sprawled out on one bed. They looked at each other and looked away.

"I can take the floor." BlueFrost said sliding his cloak off and laying it on the floor.

"Nonsense. We can be grown up about this. We'll share the bed." Soul grabbed his cloak and folded it into the drawer. I'll take a shower real quick and then you."

"It's a bath, by the way. No showers here. The bathtub is nice though. I already took one, too." BlueFrost smiled and sat on the empty bed taking his shoes off. Soul turned toward the bathroom and hid her blush as she went in. She'd never had a sleepover around a guy before. She didn't count Moonflower for many reasons.

Soul shook her head and tried to calm her thumping heart. Maybe a bath would clear her mind. She quickly undressed and slid into the water. It was surprisingly warm.

Soul dried her hair as she stepped into the room. She stopped mid walk and stared. BlueFrost only had his leather pants on. His bare chest was muscled and toned in all the right ways. He really knew how to disign a character. His green eyes opened and she felt her heart thump hard

"Oh, you're done." He sat up and moved over to the far side of the bed

"Yeah. Good night." Soul crawled under the blacket and noticed he'd stayed on top. She wondered if he was hot or something. It felt a little chilly to her. Then a thought occured. Was he really that much of a gentleman. Touched, Soul felt a smile come to her face.

"You can get under the cover, Blue. It's too cold not to. Don't worry. I know you're too kind to take advantage." She pulled on the covers and helped him get under. She hoped she found a guy as nice as him in the real world one day.