
A New Life

All I could do was sigh at the final culmination of my life. It was not nearly as long or spectacular as I thought it would be. Let me explain how my life on this earth ended.

I looked out the drive-through window as I felt my life drag on and on. All I was experiencing was the same thing over and over. The only thing holding me together was my family. My mother and father are always there for me. I have a sister in high school who shines in everything she sets her mind to. My two brothers are going on to writing code, and the other is still figuring things out, but he's seen the world, and frankly, I'm jealous. I had no sense of direction, like a ship at sea with no compass and cloudy skies.

I cleaned the tables and took orders throughout the day when a father and son pulled through the drive-through. The father was making his 5-year-old laugh over and over again. Honestly, that was the only thing that lifted my spirits that day. They are blindsided by a massive truck as they leave the parking lot, and their car flipped multiple times on the highway.

When I saw this happen, I could only think about the innocent little boy. I didn't realize I was running towards the car until I could feel the wind in the air and the heat from the flames in the car. I ran to the passenger side to try and rescue the boy. Luckily he was still strapped in. I quickly got him out of the vehicle. I then went for the Father. He was unconscious, and his body almost impossible to lift on my own. When I finally pulled his body away from the car, I only had enough time to realize I was about to get hit. All I felt was a pain as my body rolled over the car and then finally nothing when the next one claimed my life.

For some reason, my thoughts never seemed to end, even after death. It felt like being in a warm bath, wholly submerged with your eyes closed. Even under whatever fluid I was in, I was calm because I could still breathe, and the warmth soothed me. That was until I started to feel the walls close on me. A light began to shine, slowly becoming more prominent by the second.

As my body left the chamber, it was in, and my senses seemed to turn eleven. Everything was too bright, and the air was cold to my skin, especially with the raging winds.

As the fog started to clear from my mind, I began to be able to pick out shapes and colors and hear things more clearly. An old voice started saying, " Should we not wait for the King, My Grace."

A voice above a woman, the tone snaps back, "If he were here, he would get a say."

When she finished speaking, the door slammed into the room, and a giant of a man walked in. He then dropped a stag on the floor of the bed.

"So this is my boy. Let me see him then." The women seemed reluctant to hand me over to this man, almost as much I hated being held. When the man finally picked me up, I could look closer at the man's face. He had black hair as well as a coarse beard with blue eyes. He quickly grew bored of holding me and handed me back to the woman.

"His name will be Ivan Baratheon, first of his name." Everything suddenly clicked into place like pieces of a puzzle. I finally looked up and saw the trademark blonde hair and green eyes of a Lannister and had a single thought. Fuck.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

AmberPatriarchcreators' thoughts