
volunteering to be an apprentice

 --The direct confrontation between Artoo and Bon Born ended with Artoo's overwhelming victory.

 After successfully obtaining the first emblem, Alto sat down in the student waiting area in the audience.

... is the first one for now.

 In the event that you've got a lot more than one emblem, you'll be able to get a lot more than one.

"Next. Mia Knightley.

 The person who appeared in the center of the arena was a small girl who didn't fit the word "knight" too well.

 She had short-cut silver hair and shining blue eyes.

 She had the appearance of a timid girl.

"And Gregory Burns.

(... Wow, are you okay?)

 I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do it.

 The smaller girl, Mia, was facing a huge man with a cunning look on his face.

(Of course, it's not like we're comparing muscles, so I don't think the size of the body matters, but I wonder if ... would be okay.

"Well then, let the match begin!

 The match between the two began.

 The first to move was the giant Gregory.

"Sand Shot!"

 When the man said that, soil floated up from the ground and made countless small bullets.

 They flew towards Mia at once.

"Ah, the Ice Wall!"

 Mia quickly created an ice wall to block the sand attack.

 However, Gregory's attack did not end there.

"Stone Hammer!

 This time, the kneaded earth condensed in the air and turned into a giant hammer. When Gregory gave the command, the hammer was launched at Mia with great force.

 Mia's wall of ice was shattered with ease.

"Sand Shot."

 Gregory's attack struck Mia again.

 There was nothing left for Mia to do to stop it.

 With nothing left to do, Mia was flung backwards.

 Mia's wards were broken.

 The game was over.

"The winner, Gregory Burns.

 --When Mia stood up, she had a very frustrated expression on her face.

"It's no good, isn't it, Knightley's bonbon?

It's too weak to talk about.

I don't know why you would want to become a knight with that.

 I don't know why he wants to be a knight.

 It seems that Mia's defeat was the expected result for the students who had spent time with her.

 Artoo stared at Mia's figure as she trudged back to the spectators' seats.


 After everyone had finished fighting, the first test was over.

 In all, less than half of them had won an emblem.

 Some of those who won the duel didn't get any emblems.

("If I fail like this every time from here on, I'll hardly be a knight.")

 Fortunately, Alto was able to win the first emblem, but he could not let his guard down.

(Let's keep our heads up.)

 After renewing his determination, he left the testing room.

 --And then, just like that.

"Oh, um!

 There was a girl who called out to Artoo.

 She was usually timid, but now she summoned up her courage and shouted loudly.

 It was a voice that sounded like that.

 When Artoo turned around to see who it was, he saw that it was a petite girl.

You're ... sure ... Mia.

 Mia Knightley.

 She was one of the students who were taking the exam today, and she was especially memorable to Artoo.

I'm sure you'll be able to understand. Oh, I have a favor to ask!

 Mia said while clenching her fists in front of her chest.


I want you to take me as your disciple. Please make me your apprentice!


 Artoo froze for a moment at the suddenness of it.

"So, apprentice?

 I'm not sure what to say, but I'm going to say it.

 It's not hard to see why he would be surprised if someone suddenly asked him to be his apprentice.

"I want to be as strong as you, Artoo!

But I don't have anything to teach you. ...?

 I'm not saying this to be a pain in the ass or to turn you down.

 It's not that there's nothing to teach you, it's that there's nothing to teach you.

 But Mia didn't see it that way.

I can see that you've made a lot of effort, Alto.


 The moment he heard those words, his heart fluttered.

 The moment he heard those words, he felt a surge of excitement in his heart because his efforts had been recognized.

 It was true that AutoMagic had helped him grow over the past two years.

 However, the automatic function of Auto-Magic was not something that could just be activated and the rest would be easy.

 First of all, as the level of the skill increased, it began to consume more and more magic power. So if I kept using Auto-Magic all day long, I would indeed start to feel tired. Even so, it was definitely Alto's effort that he always kept his energy up and continued his training as long as he had magic power.

 Besides, Alto also worked hard on his skill control training.

 The only things that increase with automatic training using auto-magic are experience and the amount of magic power.

 In order to be able to use skills, he had to practice controlling them using the only magic circuit given to him. Naturally, Alto spent a great deal of time practicing.

 In fact, when he wasn't working, he spent all his time practicing using his skills with his own magic circuits. In order to improve the power of his skills as much as possible, he spent every spare moment practicing.

 But there was no one around Alto who understood that.

 So he was happy to be recognized for his efforts for the first time.

"Well, thank you.

 Arto said, scratching his head.

 Mia then took another step closer to him.

I think I'll be able to work even harder if I'm allowed to stay by your side. So, I beg you. Please make me your disciple.

 Arto thought for a moment.

 Then he replied.

I don't think I can teach you anything, but if you want to practice with me, please do.

 When Artoo said this, Mia smiled brightly.

Oh, thank you so much!