
Full-time mage: Bailong Yaoshi (QUAN ZHI FA SHI)

Due to an accident, Zhang Tao came to the world of full-time mages. And has a guardian spirit, the little white dragon. Since then, Zhang Tao has soared into the sky with an unstoppable momentum. Fight the peerless genius, defeat the invincible talent, behead the thousand-year-old family, and destroy the ten-thousand-year foundation. Decades later, when the white dragon was in the sky again, all sounds were silenced. *Chapters are uploaded almost every day* note: the first ones are slow, from the chapter of "the awakening" he begins with his powers -----------------------IMPORTANT--------------------------- note: This novel does not belong to me, it is in Chinese and I am translating it, sorry in advance if some sentences are not well understood PD:CHAPTERS WILL BE UPLOADED EVERY DAY, DON'T WORRY [MY LANGUAGE IS NOT ENGLISH, I MADE THIS WITH THE HELP OF GOOGLE TRANSLATE]

Pepetimbo_32412323 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
31 Chs

Strange Vine

Looking at the state of the people, Zhang Tao felt that this was not a problem, so he said:

  "Let's rest in place for a while! If we go on like this, if we are lucky, he will be able to meet monsters and even have the ability to resist." It's gone."

  Wang Sanpang heard the attention, and quickly echoed:

  "Yes, yes, let's rest for a while and eat something! If this continues, I feel that we don't need monsters, and we will collapse ourselves. "

  Speaking, without waiting for others to respond, he sat down on the ground, took out a piece of jerky and ate it.

  Mo Fan, Xu Zhaoting, Zhang Xiaohou and others did not object either, after all they were not in good condition, so they all sat down and rested.

  Zhang Tao also took out some food and a travel blanket from his backpack, spread them on the ground, and ate while lying on the ground.

  It may be because it is noon now, and because they are too tired, everyone fell asleep after a while.

  Zhang Tao couldn't hold it anymore, so he asked the little white horse to keep an eye on the outside situation in the guardian spirit space, and then fell into a deep sleep.

  Time passed gradually, and one noon passed quickly.

  Originally, Zhang Tao and the others could have slept longer, but...

  "Fuck, what is this? Help! Help!"

  A series of miserable cries awakened Zhang Tao and others from their sleep.

  After everyone was awakened, they hurriedly looked in the direction of the sound.

  I saw vines emitting green light and covered with red thorns, entwining a person, causing him to be suspended in the air.

  Taking a closer look, it turned out to be Wang Sanpang.

  At this time, he already had many wounds on his body, and blood flowed out of his body like he didn't want money, and was absorbed by the vines that wrapped around him and turned into nutrients.

  Everyone didn't dare to neglect, and quickly started to connect with Xingzi.

  "Mind control-false grasp."

In the end, Zhang Tao was the first to release the magic.

  But the effect is relatively mediocre. The most important thing is that Zhang Tao cannot forcibly pull Wang Sanpang back from the vines.

  That would forcibly tear off Wang Sanpang's skin, which had been firmly held by the vines with the spikes.

  Zhang Tao didn't know what the consequences would be, so he didn't dare to take risks at all. He just fixed a few vines so that they wouldn't wantonly damage Wang Sanpang's body.

  And after all this time, the stars of Mo Fan and Xu Zhaoting have also been connected.

  "Huozi - burning."

  "Thundermark - python mark." The

  two of them used their skills on the vine almost at the same time.

  Since thunder magic is restrained by plants, its effect is mediocre.

  But the fire magic is exactly the nemesis of plants.

  Almost the moment Mo Fan's flame touched it, they threw Wang Sanpang out by themselves.

  Since Wang Sanpang was in the air, if he fell down like this, his buttocks would probably fall in two.

  But Zhang Tao is controlling the vines at this time, and has no experience at all to catch Wang Sanpang.

  Just at this critical moment, a voice sounded.

  "Wind Track—Extreme Travel."

  Following the sound of this voice, a black shadow surrounded by wind elements rushed directly to Wang Sanpang's position.

  At the last moment, Wang Sanpang was caught.

  This should have been a perfect rescue moment, but an accident happened at this time.

  "Grass, it's so heavy!"

  The black shadow yelled, and fell to the ground together with Wang Sanpang.

  Zhang Tao had already spared time at this time, and quickly dragged the two people who had fallen to the ground back to his side. At this time, the black shadow also revealed its face, it was Zhang Xiaohou who was a little slow in releasing magic just now.

  The two who arrived at the safe position were not very happy, and their faces were a little red.

  Zhang Xiaohou was ashamed that his magic practice was not good enough, and the three of Wang also felt a little embarrassed because he was fat and unbearable.

  Seeing this scene, Zhang Tao, who was still busy cleaning up the vines, suddenly felt a little angry, and shouted directly:

  "I said, why are you blushing here? The monkey hurriedly bandaged his wound, didn't see Is he still bleeding?"

  Zhang Tao only felt tired for a while, and didn't understand what young people are thinking now.

  Hearing Zhang Tao's words, Zhang Xiaohou quickly reacted, took out the first aid kit from his backpack, and began to bandage Wang Sanpang.

  And Zhang Tao, Mo Fan and others also began to finish the vines.


  After a while, Mo Fan and the others, who had finally cleaned up the vines, lay down weakly.

  "It's stupid, where did so many strange things come from, if it wasn't for the young master, I am invincible, I would have been planted by these things."

  "That's right, the mana in my stardust is almost empty. "

  Me too."


  The crisis just now made everyone's nerves tense. Now that the crisis has been resolved, they are a little fortunate and at the same time they have discovered the fact that their magic power is about to run out.

  There's no way, they're all just elementary, first-level mages.

  More or less used a lot of magic in the middle, and just went through another battle, so there is still a lot of magic power, which is strange.


note 1: If you like this kind of Chinese novels, you can go to my profile and find other famous Chinese novels.

note 2: hoping you liked it, see you tomorrow with more chapters.