
Collecting blessings (I)

After the excitement of running away had died down, they noticed that their attendants were not far behind. In fact, with just gesture to Lili, she made sure they were also at the teahouse but having their meal downstairs.

Sorin and Kamaria, lost in their silly little world of gossip about the stall owners and food barely noticed the time as the festival continued.

They were walking by the entrance of a temple and Kamaria thought of something. It suddenly made her a little hesitant and this slight change of demeanour was noticed by the person beside her.

"Anything wrong Doctor?"

"No, it's nothing," she assured but he had already seen her glance at the temple.

Families were going in and out of the temple to make their offerings, but it was mostly couples leaving hand in hand. Since it was an especially auspicious time, people felt the moon goddess would be giving blessings abundantly.

Being associated with love meant that couples were some of her most frequent patrons, but Kamaria thought it would be a little awkward asking him to accompany her even if it was just to make a simple offering for the new season.

Seeing the couples made it strange since they barely knew each other.

"I haven't given any seasonal offerings yet. Have you?"

Kamaria turned and looked up at him and he saw the corner of her lips lift just a bit. The question confirmed that he didn't mind accompanying her.

"Let's go together," she suggested happily, and he nodded.

Sorin watched as she chose some beautiful looking sweetmeats for them, having delegated the task to her seeing as she was so eager.

After a while she seemed satisfied with a box of assortments that contained a few pieces of each type of pastry.

There were lavender coloured flower shaped pastries with purple flower petals on top and next to them were golden crescent shaped cakes that had a layer of jelly. 

The blush pink sweets shaped like round mini buns had some beautiful chocolate piping and the little green squares had almond flakes sprinkled on top.

He almost laughed at the glow she had in her eyes over the small cakes. Was this really the power of food? Raisa and the rest opted to busy themselves with the stalls outside the temple grounds while waiting for their masters.

It was not the first time either of them had been to a temple, so they knew the procedure quite well however as they headed towards the entrance of the main temple, a priestess clad in white suddenly bowed in front of them.

She saw the confusion on their faces but only smiled which brightened her appearance and silently gestured for them to follow her.

They were led inside but not to the main shrine hall where everyone else had gone, instead they found themselves in a smaller side room adorned with a beautiful wall fountain.

They understood what she wanted them to do when she gestured to their shoes with her right hand and then rubbed her hands together.

Sorin placed the box on a pedestal nearby and they both removed their shoes before approaching the fountain. The smell of roses hit them as they stepped closer as if the fountain source was pure rose water.

The petals floating in the water would not have made the scent that strong.

A good amount of water was scooped up with a white bowl by the priestess and she stood as if waiting for them when something suddenly occurred to Kamaria about the entire process.

"Kahina[1] we're not married," she softly said and Sorin turned to looked at her and then the priestess.

The silent priestess nodded and still gestured for them to step closer, and they understood that it was acceptable.

She poured the scented water for them and after they were done washing their hands, she gestured to their shoes to assure about leaving them there and then led them the inner sanctum.

The large stained-glass window located much higher up at the end of the altar was letting in the moonlight in all its glory, bathing the altar in it.

They walked past a few other people who didn't have a priestess guiding them, but they didn't think this was strange.

There were containers with incense sticks, but the priestess offered them the sticks from a container she had in her hand.

The duo nodded in thanks and took about three sticks each before heading to the large shrine.

Kamaria arranged the box amongst the other offerings while Sorin lit their incense sticks and gently placed them into the holders.

They chose two cushions next to each other to kneel, then took a piece of pastry and then happened to glance at each other simultaneously.

Each with a small smile on their face held up the pastry towards the shrine before putting it in their mouths. With their eyes closed, they bowed three times in unison facing the shrine before completely coming back up.

A certain peace washed over them as they just appreciated the moment.

They were strangers but experienced much more harmony just alongside each other for that one night than they felt with some of their family members for as long as they could remember. 

Even though it was almost the end of the year, maybe just the new season could bring about better things. 

Sorin offered Kamaria a hand to help her stand up and they left the temple after wearing their shoes and leaving a generous amount of incense money.

The priestess smiled as she watched the pair walk away. The days were long, and they had a demanding journey ahead of them.

Kamaria and Sorin couldn't have paid enough for the wave of tranquillity they had just experienced. It was a magical night of blessings indeed.

Not a word of their worries was exchanged between them, but both left with the same unburdened feeling.

"Thank you," finally said Kamaria as they left the temple grounds.

"This hardly needs thanks. I should be thanking you as well for choosing suitable offerings."

Kamaria nodded as they continued walking down the street. This was turning out to be a better night than either of them had thought.

Once they returned to the more crowded streets, a vigorous voice rang out.

"Whoever thinks they can beat this record, will receive this one-of-kind quiver! This is one of our most valuable leather items friends and foes!"

"Do you often go hunting?" suddenly asked Kamaria.

"When there's a good opportunity, I never miss it."

"Excellent," she said before making her way forward to the announcer.

There was already a small crowd who were watching one young man after the other as they tried to score the required number of points to win the exquisite quiver.

"Stall master, I'd like to have a try!" shouted a veiled young lady.

The stall master looked her up and down but decided to give her a bow and a quiver with five arrows.

Sorin watched, fascinated by what she was about to do next. He thought she was questioning him about hunting to convince him to take part in the competition but that was clearly not the case. 

From her pouch, she took out what turned out to be archers' gloves then readied herself before standing in the preferred position.

With just the stance, he could tell that she was not an amateur. Anyone could own a pair of archer gloves after all, but she was proving they were there for a reason.

One, two arrows in quick succession, both hitting the bullseye. The third one hit the ring just outside the bullseye. Number four was on target and the fifth simply nailed the deal as it hit the bullseye again.

A huge round of applause went up and she curtseyed, her eyes showing smile. After packaging it, the stall master presented her the prized possession with an astounded yet amused look on his face.

When Kamaria finally walked over to Sorin, he started clapping as she approached, and she curtseyed once again clearly enjoying the lavish attention.

"Now, you have a quiver for hunting," she said holding it out towards him, but he stared at her unsure of what she meant.

"Wait, what?"

"I'm not ungrateful you know; you've endured my dragging you up and down the city tonight. It's the least I could do," she insisted as she pushed the box into his hands.

It was a bit much for Sorin, the quiver was a highly valuable custom item with exquisite craftsmanship from the quality of the leather to shape of it and the intricate patterns.

As a fellow archer, she must have known the value, so it hardly seemed fair to trade it for a few snacks and a bit of delinquent adventure even for a very wealthy noble.

"I'd be a villain if I took this for some chocolate fruit and snacks. At least let me be a dashing hero who saves your life and then you can reward me."

"Food, more especially good food is the essence of life so in theory you have been making sure I stay alive tonight.

Besides, who ever said only self-righteous heroes who save damsels in distress deserve nice things?" she asked with a smile before walking ahead while taking off her gloves.

Her actions left him with no choice but to accept the box. A few moments later, he caught up to her as they continued walking.

[1] Kahina – Title of the priestess

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