
Fulfilling Life and Promise. {COMPLETED}

Harry finds Ginny's attitude of in love this day and the next cold weird and decided to find out the cause of it. Months later he did and years later he fixed it and years on later he got a fulfilling life that he always wanted. A/N: The image or the characters are not mine only the story line is mine. Now then enjoy the story!!

White_Snow_Flake · Livros e literatura
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Fulfilling Life and Promise.

Harry always thought that he finally found his life after all the chaos with Voldemort…

But he was wrong.

Ginny didn't seem to like him much. No. She didn't like him at all some days.

After Harry figured that out he started to search about why that is.

Is it because she was drugged?

Or was someone bribing her?

He didn't know but while he searched and searched for reasons he also didn't get anything. 

When he finally wanted to give up and just say that Ginny didn't like him not because of outside forces but just because the heart was done with him, he found a clue and followed it all the way to Ginny's old house and the only person now left was mr. Weasley. 

Mrs. Weasley died for a reason that people couldn't find out but the symptoms were loss of magic, a fever, and hallucination. While all that happened the only one who was left in that building was Mr. Weasley. 

While Harry walked towards the door he was also looking around.

It didn't really seem different since magic was used to keep the same but it also lost its own charm.

They used to be noises everywhere. Pranks. Laughter. A little violence. But now… it felt lonely. 


Knocking on the door I waited for five minutes before the door could be opened.

" Oh! Harry! Hi come in. " Mr. Weasley said, urging him in.

" Thank you. '' I said, following his instructions. 

After I sat down he asked if I wanted anything and I just asked for a cup of water.

He came back with my water and handed it to me. I checked silently and quickly without his notice to check if there was anything in it. There was nothing.

" So what brought you here? " He asked after enjoying his tea.

" I was looking into something and it led me here and it seems to be related to Mrs. Weasley and my wife. Ginny. Do you perhaps know anything? " I asked. I wasn't planning to hide anything from him. Really if I did then I wouldn't get any answers and will just have to live with this messed up world. 

The room was shrouded in silence be Mr. Weasley sighed and asked me to follow him. I did.

" When my wife was sick she had bursts of hallucination that I found true over time. " He said, leading me far away from any other rooms around us. 

I was suspicious but I still didn't feel any threat so I just got myself ready and prepared just in case.

He opened the room and what was behind the door was a lot of paper and books and pictures of people that I notices from my school years and most of them seemed to have all been somewhat connected to Ginny seeing as how all the pictures had red strings meeting in the middle right around her innocent and naive smiley face.

" She seemed to have drugged and brainwashed her own daughter to make her bring more money home and she seemed to have done the same for Ron but since he hanged out with you and the school hospital he always got a cleaning without noticing it and eventually became immune to it. But Ginny didn't and so over time she changed into a greedy person without anyone's notice and it seemed to have gotten worse by fifth year…" He said and the more he told the more he looked like he was about to fall down.

I stood on his side to help him if he needed it.

" I knew it was already late when I noticed that something was wrong but I still tried to find the reasons and I found them when my wife was sick and since then I asked her what she used and that there was nothing that could cure Ginny unless she got a cleansing from lady magic herself or going back in time and give her a cleansing period of three years… however neither was possible at that time and npt now either. " He sighed and seemed like he was going to fall. 

I handed him my hand and guided him to some chairs that were in the corner where you could see everything in the room.

He sent me a tired but thankful smile. I just nodded hoping for him to finish the story.

" After I found out what was going on I asked my sons to go to Gringotts and check themselves. They did and it seems like they were the experiments for Mrs. Weasley's final drug they were heartbroken and angry but not surprised. I felt like I failed them… I allowed them to leave but I stayed because no matter how much painful memories this house has it was also a place that I grew up and where I saw my children grow up in. So I stayed. I continued to search for a cure or something that could surpass it but I couldn't find it. Then you came and here we are. " He said. He now looked like he was on his last breath. Like all of this bottled up facts were the only thing keeping him alive.

I didn't want him to die but I also didn't want him to continue to live like this. 

" What will you do now that someone else knows? " I asked.

" I guess… I might as well leave… Is it alright if I leave you to carry out my last wish? I can't seem to find the energy to follow through… " He asked weakly.

" Don't worry. Even if I have no children to tie me up with Ginny or any love other than sibling love I still consider her family and I will try to find a way. " I promised.

" Thank… you… " he said, then slumped on the chair, eyes closed and a smile of relief on his face.

Tears were leaving their marks on my face while they traveled down and I felt a loss in my heart. After a couple seconds I wiped my tears and went to floo call his family. Expect Ginny since she was in the middle of this and I didn't know what the consequences would be if she found out what her mother did to her while she still has the drug effects on her.

They all rushed back home no matter what they were doing. 

George asked what happened and I told them everything from what brought me here to the exact promise and words I gave Mr. Weasley. They were crying silently half way through and after a while I also cried imagining what lifestyle he had to live through just to find a cure for the mistake his wife made to her own children. 

After I got home I told Ginny and she rushed back to her old house.

Three days the funeral happened and then months of grieve went and was hidden and life went on.


Five years later I finally found a 'cure'. It wasn't really a cure. It could only be used once then the effects would last for a year before it failed and the person would be back to their poisoned state and this time they would be weaker meaning they had a low chance of surviving. 

I called Ginny's siblings to ask them their choice and it seems that Ginny overheard us talking. She agreed to take it. It seemed that the drug got weaker and weaker after the maker died making the user weaker and weaker body wise but their minds would clear up from their previous problems. 

We were hesitant to give it to her since we all knew that she wouldn't survive but she begged us saying that if she were to die she would die in control of her own body, heart and mind.

We gave in after that speech. 

She died a year after that in control of her body, heart, and mind.


Harry Potter the boy who lived as they said back then was sitting in front of a cottage in a rocking chair right on his left side was Draco who lost his wife a year before Ginny died. 

They got together because of a get back together that people from Hogwarts wanted to bring. They said it was a celebration of growing and all that but it was a celebration of the defeat of Voldermort. Since Harry and Draco were big parts in it they decided to go out to get some fresh air then they met under the moonlight. 

After an awkward moment of both of them staring at each other they finally started to talk and later on they became friends after that they seemed to fall in love with each other then five years they got married to each other. Remarried at the age 46 (Draco) and 45 (Harry). 

After that they went and travelled the world fulfilling their own wish of being free and seeing the world. 


" I seem to be leaving. " I whispered watching the sunset.

" Shuu, wherever you leave to, remember that I will find you no matter what and whatever the road that we will have in the middle we will always be together. '' Draco said, holding my left hand and looking at me with the most sincere eyes and expressions that I have ever seen on him and that made me smile warmly. 

" It seems that I still find myself falling in love with you more and more even at the age of 85. " I said with laughter.

" Well I am handsome. " He said, running his hand against his wrinkled face with a smile.

I laughed till I couldn't. I turned back to watchings the sunset feeling myself losing strength.

" Draco, I love you and I will wait for you in the next world. " I said just as the sun set. Looking back at him with my heart full of love from this man.

" Be sure my love, you will be the only one in my heart forever and ever. I will find you. No matter what. " He said, landing a kiss on my lips before I left. 

I chuckled. It seems he still has his lust even in his 80s. I smiled thinking of that then the world turned black.

Harry Potter died november 30, 2020 and Draco Malfoy followed right after he brought Harry's now cold body into their room and sent a message that will make sure that they passed away and were not left rotting in the bed then he followed Harry.



Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy's funeral was held in the hall of heros that was built on Harry's and Draco's year of dating.

Their legend of what good they did during their travels like making orphans where it was needed or fixing the water problem or the problem of muggles never finding the wizarding world for at least a thousand years and so on was written into the history books that were later important as gold.