
Fuchsbau and Mauvais Dentes

crossover with Teen Wolf inspired MC Scott McCall. When Rosalee comes into town she isn't the only new wesen to show its face in Portland. Juliette got a new employee who is a Mauvais Dentes, fresh out of Beacon Hills High School. Pairing: Scott x Rosalee

Grimm_48 · TV
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9 Chs

hard decision

After a few days Scott is released from the hospital and got himself an apartment which 'coincidentally' is close to Rosalee's shop.

That was about a week ago.

"Huh? Who could that be?" Scott murmurs, looking at his phone, which shows that Juliette is calling.

"Yeah?" He asks, answering the phone while sitting up in his bed.

"I know it's late, but could you meet me at a ranch? I've texted you the address. A horse has been hurt and I may need your help." Juliette says.

"Alright. I'm on my way." Scott says, stifling a yawn and hangs up, seeing that it's 2 am and starts to get dressed.

20 minutes later he arrives at the ranch, seeing Juliette talk to the owner, apparently having just made it herself.

"What are we dealing with?" Scott asks, catching up to them while the owner leads them to a stable where put the hurt animal.

"Something broke through my fence. I heard my horse making noise and saw a shadow, I shot and it fled." The older man informs the two, before arriving at the animal.

"Bitemarks. Wide jaws, teeth far apart. Whatever did this was big. I'll clean out the wounds and give it a shot lf antibiotics, take a blood sample to be safe." Juliette says.

"You should take a look at the fence." The man suggests.

"Yeah. Show me." Juliette says, following the man with Scott to his fence, where a good portion of it is knocked over.

"Look at that. And here, did you run outside barefoot?" Juliette asks, seeing a patch of fur on the fence and footprints, one having a bit of blood in it.

"Oh no. I took a shot." The man says.

"I'll go have a look." Scott tells them, accepting the offered lamp from the ranch owner and heads into the forest, following the prints.

"Just be careful, you just got out of the hospital." Juliette tells him.

"Yeah, I got it." Scott says, while Juliette collects the fur sample.

"We should call animal control, inform them about this." Juliette says, fishing out her phone.

"You can ring your boyfriend out of bed as well. There are dead bodies in the woods. Something tore through them." Scott says, coming out of the forest.

"Dead bodies? Did I?" The ranch owner asks scared that he killed someone.

"No, not unless you took a rake and slashed up some people. There was no bullet wound I could see at least." Scott replies, handing him back his lamp.

30 minutes later Nick arrives in the forest, where Scott is waiting with Hank while his colleagues lock down the area with crime scene tape.

"Hey." Nick greets the two men.

"How's Juliette?" Scott asks.

"Rattled up." Nick replies.

"So what do you think? These wounds look like they were made by an animal. Maybe a wolf?" Hank suggests.

"No. I've seen wolf attacks and not once did I see someone impaled on a branch because of it. A bear could be possible however." Scott tells them.

"The footprints leading here were human." Nick says.

"What kind of human could do all this?" Hank questions.

"Hey, I made sure not to touch anything and to avoid stepping on footprints, but there's one thing that stood out to me. Here, looks like n automatic camera or something." Scott says, leading Nick and Hank to the setup he found with Nick waving Wu over to them.

"Maybe we're lucky and will see who killed them." Wu says, picking up the device, when suddenly the branches next to them rustle. Hank and Nick aim their guns at the branches until a girl with scratches on her face comes out, hysterically talking about Bigfoot killing everyone.

"Hank, take her to the cars. And Wu, head back to the precinct to see what you get out of the camera." Nick says, leaving him alone with Scott and some officers who are bit further away.

"So what do you think?" Nick asks.

"Blutbaden. I smelled it clearly, but something was strange about the smell. It wasn't exactly like Monroe's. Something definitely was up with this one." Scott tells Nick.

"Great. And with bigfoot being the suspect, we can assume this will be on the news." Nick sighs.

"Man, am I glad I'm not a cop now." Scott chuckles.

"I still think you should though. You could really help a lot of people with your abilities." Nick tells him.

"I've thought about it, but I don't know if it'd be wise right now. I mean I just started dating Rosalee two weeks ago and one of those I was in a hospital." Scott says.

"Hey, I get it. Just think about it. I know an academy nearby and if you're as talented as I think you are it'd only be two months." Nick replies, heading out of the woods with him.

"I'm gonna talk to Rosalee about it." Scott tells him.

"Alright. Well, you can head home now. Your report can wait." Nick tells Scott.

"Alright. Call me if you need help." Scott offers.

|the next day|

"Scott, how come you aren't at work?" Rosalee greets the man entering the back of her shop after knocking.

"Juliette ringed me out of bed and gave me the day off, guess she didn't want me to fall asleep while stitching up a dog." Scott jokes.

"What happened?" Rosalee asks, grinding some dried leaves into powder.

"Believe it or not a Blutbad attacked a horse after killing a bunch of teens." Scott says, taking the bowl from her and taking over while pushing a chair towards her.

"Thanks." She says smiling happily, taking a seat, watching him grind the leaves.

"So any idea who it was?" She asks, leaning over the table to add some other leaves into the bowl.

"Nah, I told Nick it was a Blutbad but the smell was too faint by the time I got there to track it within a reasonable time." Scott replies.

"I see. Maybe Monroe could help." Rosalee suggests.

"I think Nick's gonna have the same thought." Scott says.

"Any special reason you're here?" Rosalee asks, looking up at him coyly.

"Actually yeah. There is something I have to talk to you about." Scott says, stepping away from the bowl and takes her hands in his gently.

"What is it?" She asks smiling up at him.

"Nick suggested something I have had considered before." Scott says, rubbing circles on the back of her hands.

"What's that?" She asks curiously.

"He asked if I want to become a police officer. With my... abilities I could help people." Scott says.

"I thought you were happy working with a vet?" She asks.

"I like it, but he's right. I can use my abilities far better when dealing with people or wesen instead of only using them on animals." Scott says, sitting down on another chair, facing her.

"If you want to do it, what do you need to talk to me about then?" She asks chuckling.

"Well training is very time intensive, at least 2 months if not more of no time to see you. Kinda bad timing with us having started going out 2 weeks ago. We haven't even had a normal date yet." Scott says worried.

"Yeah I guess that's true, but I think you should go for it if it's something you want to do. We don't know each other that well, were I should have a vote affecting your entire life." Rosalee tells him.

"Still... I like you a lot and I don't want to screw things up, especially before they really started." Scott sighs.

"Look you don't have to decide this on the spot, just take your time and I will be fine either way. 2 months isn't an eternity. It doesn't have to mean the end of us." She tells Scott, sliding her hand up his arm while hopping over to his chair, straddling him and looks at him lovingly, teasingly slowly leaning down.

"Hello anyone here?" A customer suddenly asks from the business side of the shop.

"Be right there." Rosalee says loudly, giving him a peck on his nose and gets off him quickly, heading over to deal with the customer.

"Man, what should I do?" Scott sighs, looking where Rosalee just walked through the door, listening to her talking to the customer.

He then feels his phone vibrating and answers it.

"Hey Scott, this is Nick could you come over to Monroe's place? There is something we could use your help with." Nick requests.

"Sure, how urgent is it?" Scott asks.

"Very." Nick answers.

"Alright, be there in 20." Scott says, getting up and heading to the door connected to the front of the shop.

"I gotta head out, something came up with Nick." Scott says, until he notices Rosalee behaving rather unnerved while dealing with a middle aged woman with white hair.

"Are you fine alone?" He asks, coming over to the Fuchsbau.

"Yes, of course." Rosalee replies.

"Thank you." The customer says, taking her order and leaves.

"What was up with that? You were scared, or did I imagine things?" Scott asks.

"She is a Hexenbiest." Rosalee tells him.

"Hexenbiest, like the lawyer Nick told us about?" Scott asks.

"Yeah. I think that was her mother." Rosalee says.

"Look Rosalee, if anyone ever gives you trouble just let me know alright?" Scott tells her, squeezing her hands supportively after Rosalee woged out of fear.

"Yeah. I will." She says smiling thankfully.

"Alright, I gotta go to Monroe's now. There is some kind of situation." Scott says, giving her a kiss on her cheek before heading towards the door.

20 minutes later Scott pulls up in front of the clock repairman's house and heads towards the door, which Nick already opens for him.

"What's up?" Scott asks, stepping into the home and smells blood as well as the Blutbad scent from the crimescene.

"Uhm we kind of got a wesen emergency on our hand." Monroe says, opening a door and reveals a fully woged Blutbad lying wounded on his couch.

"He's the one who killed those kids." Scott says, crossing his arms expectantly.

"Something happened to him. We need to find out what's going on. Wesen don't stay woged when they are passed out." Monroe tells them.

"You know we don't have the time for that right? I just drove by a bunch of police dogs." Scott says.

"Well they won't smell him here. I mark my territory." Monroe says smirking.

"Yeah didn't need to know that." Scott says rubbing his temple.

"Will it keep them off the track?" Nick asks.

"Yeah, but the trail will end here, meaning..." Monroe says.

"Sooner or later they'll check here." Scott finishes.

"Alright, give me his shirt." Scott sighs, taking off his shirt and puts on the blood-stained shirt Monroe takes off his fellow Blutbad.

"I'll lead them away that should buy enough time for you to decide what to do with him." Scott says, taking off his shoes and woges, putting his triskele out of his pants on a table in Monroe's house.

"I'll check in in 2 hours or so, after I lost your partner anyways." Scott says, peeking out of the blinds, seeing Hank leading the officers with the dogs.

"Scott. Thank you." Nick says, nodding to the younger man standing at Monroe's backdoor.

"Yeah man and good luck." Monroe says.

"Just make sure he doesn't leave. If he kills again that'll be on my conscience as well as yours." Scott tells them, before opening the door and rushes into the woods the dogs catching the new scent of the shirt and follow him, with Scott managing to outrun the officers with ease, the dogs closing in however until he chases them away once they are deep in the forest.

He then takes off the shirt, covering it in dirt and plant juices until the smell is gone ad the dogs won't be able to track him anymore.

Once he gave the police a dead end to chase to Scott takes a detour and heads back to Monroe's place, where Monroe's friend killed himself by ripping out a medical pump in his neck after explaining that he can't control himself anymore.

Thinking that the situation is dealt with after Monroe and Nick tell him that they'll dump his body in the woods Scott heads home to make an important call.

"Hey mom." Scott says, Melissa McCall being on the other end of the phone.

"Scott. How is Portland treating you?" She asks, sounding tired, having just come home from work as is obvious in her voice.

"Fine. I actually got a girlfriend, which is kind of why I'm calling." Scott says.

"Oh god, don't tell me I'm gonna be a grandmother already?!" His mother says panicking.

"No, nothing like that. It's just... I like her a lot, but the Cop friend I told you about suggested I should join the force. So I'm thinking about it again." Scott informs her.

"Well, you did want to become one before Allison died." Melissa says sadly.

"Yeah, the thing is just, if I go to the academy now, I'll be gone for 2 or 3 months and I just started going out with Rosalee, so I don't know if the timing is just really horrible and I shouldn't do it." Scott says

"Scott, I know what it feels like to be in love, but I think you owe it to yourself to do the job you actually want to do. If that's being a policeman then go to the academy. And if this girl feels the same way for you as you do for her, then she's probably OK with going a couple of months long distance." Melissa advises.

"Thanks mom." Scott says gratefully.

"Just make sure I still have some time before becoming a grandmother." Melissa jokes.

"I will mom." He groans.

"Good luck with that girl Scott. I love you." Melissa tells him.

"Love you too mom." Scott replies before he hangs up the phone, lying down on the couch in his small apartment.