
Fuchsbau and Mauvais Dentes

crossover with Teen Wolf inspired MC Scott McCall. When Rosalee comes into town she isn't the only new wesen to show its face in Portland. Juliette got a new employee who is a Mauvais Dentes, fresh out of Beacon Hills High School. Pairing: Scott x Rosalee

Grimm_48 · TV
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9 Chs


Nick has just gotten a case of a double arson and pulls up to the club the suspects daughter works at.

"Show's already started but if you want, I can squeeze you in." A woman greets nick when he enters the club.

"I'm looking for Ariel Eberhart, you know her?" Nick asks, showing the woman his badge.

"There she is." The woman says, pulling aside the curtain to the showroom, revealing the girl Nick is looking for dancing on stage while twirling around various burning contraptions.

Nick looks at the display for a bit before he searches the crowd, seeing multiple Wesen present which unnerves him until he sees Monroe and Scott sitting at a table with the former staring at the young woman while Scott is immersed in a newspaper. As he's making his way over to the two he sees the young woman vouge upon performing a trick on stage and sees that she's a Wesen looking like a lizard. Upon seeing that he's a Grimm she only smirks and gets back to doing her show, surprising Nick further.

"Hey Nick, what are you doing here man?" Monroe greets his friend.

"Do you come here a lot?" Nick asks Monroe with a smirk.

"What me? No. OK yeah, a lot come on she's smoking hot." Monroe says, correcting himself when Scott gives him a doubtful glance.

"Hi Nick, so what brings you by?" Scott greets the Detective, looking up from his newspaper.

"I got a case involving her father, he's some kind of a…" Nick says with Monroe finishing "Dämonfeuer."

"So Dämonfeuer?" Nick asks Monroe.

"We shouldn't be discussing this here, come on." Monroe tells him, going outside the club with Nick and Scott who comes along as well.

"I don't know that much about them, there aren't many around anymore but they're kind of a throwback you know, from my understanding they are from a dragon-like lineage probably how many myths were created." Monroe explains.

"Do they breathe fire?" Nick asks.

"In an obtuse way I guess yeah, from my understanding it's kind of a cationic vomit. Basically they can vaporize their fat, which is highly explosive and usually disgusting, the exception being when you are a half-naked fire dancer. What did her father do anyways?" Monroe asks.

"Well he probably burned two guys alive." Nick explains.

"What do you mean probably?" Scott asks.

"Well he was spotted at the crime scene and went back to steal some more copper and almost lit me and Wu on fire." Nick informs them.

"Well it's getting late and I'm not getting any younger, so I'm going to head home." Monroe tells them and walks to his car.

"What about you? You going to watch another show?" Nick asks Scott.

"Nah, I only came because I wanted Monroe's opinion on what apartment I should take. I closed in on a few but I'm not really that experienced with living on my own…" Scott says.

"Have you asked Monroe if he's looking for a roommate?" Nick suggests.

"Nah, I know from experience that Blutbaden are very territorial and with me being younger and probably stronger that wouldn't work out well for either of us." Scott informs him.

"Yeah, that could be a problem. When I first met Monroe he was peeing on his fence to mark his territory." Nick says laughing.

"More than I wanted to know… So you going to interview that fire dancer?" Scott asks.

"Yeah, want to come? A career in law-enforcement is still a possibility for you." Nick offers.

"Sure why not. Though I'm not really looking for a change of employment." Scott agrees.

"I'm Detective Burkhard I need to talk to you." Nick tells Ariel Eberhart when she opens her changing room's door for him.

"Lucky me, who are you?" She replies, looking at Scott with interest.

"Just a friend who's observing." Scott replies.

"Well come on in. You know, you are the first to not pay attention to my show." Ariel tells Scott, brushing her hand over his forearm, receiving a confused look.

"So, what do you want?" Ariel asks Nick, going over to her mirror.

"I'm investigating an arson related homicide." Nick informs her while she takes off her bra and lets it drop to the floor.

"Am I your first Dämonfeuer? I hope so because you're my first Grimm." Ariel says and then turns to Scott asking, "And what are you?"

Scott vouges, rolling his head while transforming until his fur is visible and his two fangs are sprouting downwards from his mouth.

"Wow, we could make a rare Wesen club." Ariel says impressed while slowly putting on a robe.

Seeing that Nick is still speechless Scott elbows him in his side and says "You're my first Dämonfeuer, but not Nicks. He had a nearly mortal encounter with your dad from what he told me."

"Is that so?" She says offhandedly.

"Yes." Nick says, focusing himself now that she's covered up.

"You know you two should switch roles." She laughs, looking the two over.

"What?" Nick asks.

"Well Grimms are supposed to be badasses, like your hottie friend, you're a bit disappointing." She tells Nick.

"Anyways, I'm looking for your father. Do you know where he is?" Nick asks the girl, who goes back to her small table, leaning against it while looking at Scott, who dropped his vouge.

"No." She replies.

"When was the last time you saw him?" Nick asks.

"My father is a bit of a lost soul. After my mother passed away he fell apart. And he couldn't handle anything. I kind of lost both parents at the same time. Sometimes I really miss him." She tells them.

"Are you sure it was him?" She asks, turning back to Nick.

"Yeah and I want to stop him before he hurts someone else." Nick tells her, going over to her and giving her his card before he leaves with Scott about to follow.

"Hey hottie, I never got your name." Ariel says, walking over to Scott before he disappears through her door.

"I'm Scott McCall." He replies.

"Say, why didn't you watch my show? Am I not attractive enough for you?" She asks, sliding down her robe a bit, revealing a good portion of her cleavage.

"Your attractiveness is not the problem. I'm just a bit preoccupied and needed to focus." Scott informs her, pulling the robe back in place gently.

"With a girlfriend?" Ariel asks interested.

"No, finding a place to stay. Anyways it was nice to meet you but I should go too now." Scott says going after Nick, who is waiting for the teen outside.

"What did she want?" Nick asks.

"She wanted to know why I didn't watch her show." Scott replies.

"Hmm, so you going home or want to stay and stake her out?" Nick asks.

"You know what, I got nothing else going on and we could get to know another better." Scott agrees to tag along and gets in the passenger seat.

The two wait for about 10 minutes until Ariel leaves the club and gets in her car, driving home with Nick following her.

After she entered her house Nick parks the car on the roadside and gets out with Scott, looking at the house with interest or rather the roof of it.

"What's the matter?" Scott asks quietly.

"The roof, It's copper. The very same thing her father was stealing where we found the bodies." Nick explains and they see a couple of flashes of light coming from Ariel's backyard.

Nick immediately heads to the backyard with Scott following close behind, already doubting that it's a good idea.

When Nick sees something on the ground, he kneels down to look at it, with Scott also leaning over to get a better look. In that moment Ariel jumps at the two knocking them down and ending up with Scott on top of her, vogued with one hand around her throat and the other clawed hand ready to strike while the also vogued girl laughs excitedly below him.

"What was that about?" Nick asks annoyed, getting up and pulling Scott back by his shoulder and making him drop his transformation.

"Couldn't stay away, could you hottie?" She asks Scott, who's still kneeling over her and leans up to kiss him.

"I'm glad you two stopped by, but you should try using the front door next time." Ariel tells them, getting up once Scott is off the girl.

"Oh uhm, we saw something in the back here." Nick explains.

"You did, I was doing a little purging." She explains.

Nick's phone then rings, coming from behind the girl.

"Hello Nicks phone, what do you want?" The Ariel answers.

"Who is this?" Juliette asks surprised.

"This is a friend of Nick and Scott, who's this?" Ariel replies playfully.

"Where is Nick?" Juliette asks.

"He's here with me. Take it easy baby." Ariel says, trying to fight off Nick, who's reaching for his phone and grabs it out of her hand.

"Juliette I can explain." Nick says, only getting a "Oh good I can't wait." In return before his girlfriend hangs up on him.

Nick looks at her annoyed and leaves with Scott going after him.

"Oh, not leaving so soon are you? Come on Scott you're already here, why not stay? I can even put on a special show for you." Ariel suggests flirtingly.

"No thanks." Scott replies and follows Nick to his car.

"Can you help me explains this to Juliette?" Nick asks Scott when they are driving away, heading for the detective's house.

"Sure. She is an unusual one isn't she." Scott agrees with an exhausted sigh.

"that's the nice way of putting it, yeah." Nick agrees.

When the two arrive at Nick's house Scott and Nick explain what happened while leaving out the Wesen parts.

Unknown to them Ariel is watching from outside, seeing Juliette and Nick making up with Scott crashing on the couple's couch.

"Let's see what you can tell me." Ariel says, pulling out Scott's phone, which she swiped after Nick's already fell out.

"Hmm, most of the contacts have a different area code. Ah this one is from Portland." She says, seeing a picture of Rosalee on the phone and dials the number.

"Hello?" Rosalee answers after a handful of rings.

"Hi, I just found this phone and was wondering where I could find a Scott McCall?" Ariel asks.

"Oh uhm, he doesn't have a residence as far as I know, if you could bring the phone by my shop the spice and tea shop that would be great." Rosalee suggests.

"Oh that is a good idea. Are you his girlfriend?" Ariel asks teasingly.

"No just a very good friend." Rosalee replies.

"Alright, I'll bring it by during the next couple days." Ariel tells her and hangs up.

The next day Nick is reading up on Dämonfeuer and finds out that they like to live in caves. With an interview he has with the former employer of Ariel's father Nick also finds out that he was a welder for the railroad, leading him to believe that he is hiding out in an abandoned railroad station which is located in a mountain.

The next day around noon Nick gets a call from Ariel.

"Hello Nick, listen I've decided to help you find my father. Come by my house tonight and bring Scott. I'll tell you what you want to know." Ariel suggests.

"But Scott isn't a police officer." Nick tells her.

"Bring him or I won't help." Ariel simply states and hangs up.

A couple hours later Scott, Nick and Hank are at Ariel's place, finding no sign of the woman and they decide to head home.

When Nick gets home he searches for his girlfriend until he sees a message lying on his bed stating that Ariel has her and that Nick should come get her and Rosalee from her father with Scott.

In the meantime is on his way over to Rosalee's shop, knowing she's about to close up. When he gets there he sees that the shop is still open and walks in "Rosalee?" He asks, entering the sales room and then looks in the back room, where a note is lying on the table with the phone he's been searching for lying on it.

"What's this doing here?" Scott asks himself surprised, pockets his phone and reads the note saying 'Hey hottie, it wasn't nice of you to lie to me about your Fuchsbau girlfriend. If you want her back come to my fathers place and get her. I'm pretty sure you or Nick have figured out where he is by now.'

"Rawr. I'm going to rip them to pieces." Scott curses vouging and subconsciously leaving five deep clawmarks on a chair he slashed at in his anger.

He then gets out his phone and calls Nick, who tells him to meet him and Monroe at the old tracks.

"That's Juliette's car!" Nick says seeing his girlfriend's car parked at the edge of the tracks.

"Looks like the tunnel is a long way down those tracks." Monroe tells him.

"There's got to be a quicker way than walking. What about that?" Nick asks, seeing a sort of wagon on the tracks.

"Hell Yeah." Monroe says excitedly.

"Any idea how this thing works?" Nick asks.

"I haven't been a model train collector all these years for nothing." Monroe replies already getting in the vehicle.

"We have to wait for Scott." Nick says.

"Why I think we could handle it ourselves, we'll get Juliette out there in no time." Monroe says.

"Rosalee was captured too." Nick fills Monroe in.

"Oh crap and Scott is coming here?" Monroe asks worriedly.

"Yeah, why?" Nick asks surprised by his reaction.

"Well as much as I like the guy I think we both know he's got a thing for Rosalee and he's still a young Mauvais Dentes there is no telling what state he'll be in." Monroe explains.

"I didn't even think about that." Nick agrees but Scott is pulling up beside Nick's car and runs over to them.

"What are we waiting for? Let's go!" Scott growls angrily, hanging himself onto the side of the vehicle.

Around 10 minutes later they arrive in front of the entrance to the former train station where a massive amount of various forms of copper is lying around.

"They are here, waiting for you. Now's your chance." Ariel tells her father, bringing him over to the two women she tied up in the cave.

"Aren't they perfect?" Ariel asks.

"Who comes for them?" The man asks, inspecting the two women.

"Someone worthy of you." Ariel tells her father.

"We're here." Nick says outside the cave, getting off the vehicle with Monroe and Scott.

"So what's the plan here? I mean with all that gas you can't fire your gun…" Monroe asks.

"I'll rip them to shreds." Scott growls voguing and baring his fangs.

"No, I'll give them what they want. Me." Nick says.

"That's not a good plan so far." Monroe interjects.

"I'm going to distract them, long enough for you two to get Juliette and Rosalee." Nick tells them.

"Alright, but if they aren't dealt with when the two are safe I'm coming for those two." Scott says and then grunts, losing his transformation.

When the three enter Nick takes a copper staff lying around and points for Monroe and Scott to go along, behind the copper barricades, leading him further into the cave and look for the girls from the outside.

"Ariel! I'm here! Juliette?!" Nick shouts down the cave while Scott and Monroe are making their way further into the cave with Scott leading the charge and Monroe following behind him with some distance.

"He's coming for them. You have to protect them." Ariel tells her father and leaves him to face Nick.

Shortly after the two Dämonfeuer leave the two women who are held hostage alone Scott emerges from behind the copper barricade with Monroe.

"Shh, stay quiet both of you. We'll get you out." Scott tells them, removing the restrains around Rosalee's wrist and cutting off the gag with a claw, unseen by Juliette.

"I'm so glad you're here." Rosalee whispers, putting her arms around Scott and hugging him desperately.

"Someone's coming." Scott alerts them and motions for Monroe to take the two women and leave the way they came.

When they are behind the cover and slowly making their way outside Ariel arrives.

"Oh Scotty. Are you here to see me?" Ariel asks seductively.

"Don't fuck around with me. What do you even want?" Scott growls back.

"My father deserves a death with dignity. A death at the hands of a Grimm, well a Mauvais Dentes would have also done it, but I'm glad you're not the one. There is still a chance for the two of us." Ariel says flirtingly while Monroe and Juliette are already halfway out of the cave with Rosalee staying behind overhearing the conversation between Scott and Ariel.

"What chance? I made it more than obvious that I have no romantic interest in you whatsoever." Scott tells her.

"What do you see in that Fuchsbau? I am more attractive, more interesting, younger, a rare species like yourself. We'd be the perfect match." Ariel says going around him, running her hand over his arm gently.

"I don't care. I like Rosalee and if you try to get in my way or hurt her in any way, I promise you I'll rip your throat out with my fangs." Scott growls voguing.

"Hmpf. I know better than to try to fight you. I'm just here for my father's honor. But my offer still stands. We are perfect for each other."

"Go fuck yourself." Scott grumbles and starts to walk towards the exit with Ariel heading that way a minuter later while Rosalee also hurries outside, behind the cover of the copper objects.

When Scott arrives where Nick and Ariel's father were fighting Nick they are still trading blows evenly, Nick using a copper shield to block the fire from the older man.

"Nick, leave!" Scott shouts, surprising the older man who turns around asking "Who are you? Another challenger?"

"I'm the one who's going to kill you." Scott replies and vouges, snarling at the Dämonfeuer.

"Leave Nick!" Scott orders sternly and Nick leaves after a moment to think it over.

When Nick is gone the Dämonfeuer blows his gas at Scott and lights it on fire while Scott falls to all fours and dodges the flames then jumps to the side, against a large copper panel and bounces off that towards the Dämonfeuer, slashing him across his throat with his sharp claws, spraying the wall behind him with blood.

When the man goes down Ariel hurries to his side and performs a ritual, where she seemingly blows herself up with her father. Scott seeing the amount of gasses she's collecting and feeling no remorse for the woman runs outside, meeting up with Nick, Monroe, Rosalee and Juliette.

"What happened?" Nick asks.

"Everyone Duck!" Scott shouts, rushing over to Rosalee and shielding her just before a loud explosion comes out of the cave.

"She blew herself and her father up." Scott says, leaving out that he killed the older man beforehand.

"What the hell is going on here and who are you two?" Juliette asks Rosalee and Monroe while Nick alerts his colleagues about the explosion and the death of the Firestarter.

"I'm Monroe a friend of Nick's." Monroe introduces himself.

"I'm Rosalee. Nick and Scott helped me when my brother was murdered. Nick was handling my case." The young woman explains.

"Yeah, I've heard about you from Scott." Juliette says, recalling Scott mentioning the girl every now and then.

"Anways how're we going to get out of here Monroe? Does that thing drive backwards?" Scott asks nodding at the vehicle they arrived in.

"It does, but three people are already pushing it." Monroe replies.

"Alright, I'll take Rosalee with me then." Scott says.

"That's fine I can walk." Juliette offers.

"I got this, and you're still shaken up. Walking isn't the best idea in that condition." Scott tells his boss.

"It's fine. I don't mind walking." Rosalee tells Juliette.

"You're not walking either. Don't think I haven't seen that you twisted your ankle." Scott tells his crush with finality in his voice.

"My colleagues are informed, we can get out of here." Nick says, hanging himself to the vehicle, like Scott did before and Monroe drives them back with Scott jogging alongside it with an embarrassed Rosalee on his back, getting a piggyback ride.

"You're awfully quiet." Scott says, glancing up at the woman on his back.

"I'm embarrassed. I'm 26. I don't need to be carried around like a little girl." Rosalee tells him.

"You just had to say something." Scott says and lets the woman off his back with her giving him a thankful smile, before making a grimace at the pain from when she tries to walk on her ankle.

Scott wordlessly sweeps her legs out from under her and picks her up in a bridal carry and gets back to following the others out of the old train tracks.

"This isn't much better." Rosalee mumbles.

"This isn't how you'd carry a little girl now is it?" Scott counters.

"I don't want to be carried at all." Rosalee complains quietly.

"Keep complaining and I'll knock you out." Scott threatens.

"No thanks, once is enough for a day." Rosalee replies.

"Why did she even take you hostage? Juliette would have been enough to get Nick to come to her." Scott asks Rosalee.

"I don't know she seemed pretty convinced that we were together and that she could win you over this way." Rosalee explains.

"I see." Scott says and shortly after the group reach their cars.

"I think everyone should head home and get some sleep now." Nick says, leading Juliette to her car while handing Monroe his own car keys.

"See you around Nick. Monroe." Scott says before going in his car with Rosalee.

"Now, let's get you home." Scott says.

"Thank you." Rosalee says with a wide smile.

"Don't mention it. I'm there for you whenever you need me." Scott tells her and starts his car, driving them to Rosalee's apartment.

"Do you want me to stay over on the couch?" Scott offers while he is supporting her by her shoulder as Rosalee hobbles to her door.

"Yeah, that'd be nice." Rosalee replies gently, opening the door for them.