
FTA: Full-time Artist

In the world of artistic mastery, Lin Yuan stands as an enigmatic figure, a virtuoso in realms untold. When interviewed about his expertise, the questions lingered like a silent melody. "Do you know all of them?" the interviewer inquired, probing the depths of Lin Yuan's artistry. "I have a bit of knowledge about them," Lin Yuan responded, his humility shrouded in mystery. "You mean you're proficient in all of them?" the interviewer pressed further. "Well, I'm proficient in them to some extent," Lin Yuan confessed, a subtle smile hinting at his vast horizons. With a system in hand, Lin Yuan embarks on a remarkable journey, a quest to conquer the world through art's myriad forms. As his talents weave together, he becomes the uncrowned king, adored and revered by people from all walks of life. This is a tale of artistic triumph, where the boundaries of human potential are pushed beyond the ordinary, and creativity reigns supreme. Notice: This novel, "Full-time Artist" by 我最白, is presented as an English translation. Please note that this novel is not my original work, and this marks my debut attempt at translating a novel.

Shang2naii · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
113 Chs

Chapter 99: The Mouse Almost Flew Out

The sophomore year assessment felt like a song, a melody influencing the choices for the exchange student slots in the junior year. Consequently, students, without planning it, sought Lin Yuan's help to play and arrange the piano segment in the composition.

Students were to record songs.

Lin Yuan was to record a song too.

After all, he had some thoughts about the junior year's exchange student slots, so he specially customized "The Initial Dream" with the system.

"Finding someone to record a song in Starlight?"

This song required a singer.

Considering Starlight had many workhorses at its disposal, Lin Yuan could easily choose. However, he changed his mind because there was someone around him whose vocal range suited this song perfectly.

His friend Xia Fan!

Although doing this might expose his identity, since Xia Fan was on the path of becoming a singer, sooner or later, he would find out. Continuing to conceal it had little meaning.

So, Lin Yuan contacted Xia Fan.

After making the call, Lin Yuan, after some thought, decided to call Jian Yi as well.

The three met at the cafeteria at noon.

Lin Yuan directly handed the score of "The Initial Dream" to Xia Fan.

"Did you write this song?"

Xia Fan, seeing the score, was momentarily stunned.

Lin Yuan nodded and sent a demo of "The Initial Dream" to Xia Fan's phone.

"Give it a listen."


Lin Yuan being able to compose wasn't surprising. After all, he had been studying in the composition department for a long time.

Xia Fan thought Lin Yuan was seeking his opinion and took out two Bluetooth earphones, intending to listen. At the same time, she thought that even if the song was mediocre, she would encourage Lin Yuan.

"Give me one."

Jian Yi snatched one of Xia Fan's Bluetooth earphones, plugged it into his ear, and he was curious about the song Lin Yuan had written.

After listening for a few minutes, Xia Fan suddenly looked at Lin Yuan in shock.

"It's great, Lin Yuan! This song is really good!"

Jian Yi, astonished, spoke up. Although he didn't understand music much, he could still tell if a song was good or not.

From the first line, Lin Yuan's song sounded incredibly pleasant!


Lin Yuan ignored Jian Yi.

He looked at Xia Fan. "This is our composition department's annual assessment. I plan to submit this song. We still need a singer. How about you sing it?"

"Are you really letting me sing it?"

Xia Fan looked at Lin Yuan with a complex expression. "After studying music for so many years, you should know the value of this song..."

She did want to sing this song!

But this song was too outstanding!

Handing it to a professional singer for debut might have a better effect, and it might even become a hit. Xia Fan didn't want to ruin Lin Yuan's opportunity just because she wanted to sing it.

"What's wrong with you, Xia Fan?"

Jian Yi, however, got anxious. "This is such a good song, and you're pushing it away? If Lin Yuan asks you to sing, just sing!"

Ignoring Jian Yi, Xia Fan stared at Lin Yuan.

Lin Yuan smiled. "No need to give it to others. You are the most suitable for this song. Also, there's something else I want to tell both of you."

"What is it?"

Both of them suddenly became nervous.

Lin Yuan said, "Actually, I am Xianyu."

Jian Yi was stunned, feeling that the name was somewhat familiar but he couldn't recall where he had heard it. Xia Fan, on the other hand, widened her eyes.

"Are you joking?"

Lin Yuan nodded.

"I'm sorry for not telling you earlier."

"That's not the point!"

Xia Fan stared at Lin Yuan. "Are you really Xianyu?"

Lin Yuan nodded.

Jian Yi suddenly slapped his forehead.

He remembered who Xianyu was!

The name was mentioned by Xia Fan several times before.

In the recent period, "Big Fish" and several other hit songs seemed to have been written by this Xianyu!

This person turned out to be Lin Yuan?

Lin Yuan was so proficient in songwriting?

Jian Yi was excited and was about to say something when Xia Fan suddenly covered her face with both hands.

Jian Yi was startled. "Xia Fan, what's wrong?"

Lin Yuan also looked at Xia Fan with concern.

Xia Fan released her hands, her face turning crimson due to excitement, still staring at Lin Yuan. "One song is not enough!"

"In the future."

Lin Yuan chuckled, "If there's a suitable one, I'll give it to you. Right now, this is the only one I have."

This song was not cheap.

Jian Yi patted his chest, "You scared me, but Lin Yuan, you've kept this from us for so long. What should be your punishment!"

Xia Fan sternly said, "By the law, it should be a good feast... no, two feasts!"

Lin Yuan, with an unchanged expression, said, "Let's go to Dongfang Restaurant tonight."

It was the best restaurant in the school. Lin Yuan had eaten there once with his composition department classmates, and the pudding and jelly were exceptionally delicious.

"Tonight, it's a deal."

Jian Yi and Xia Fan high-fived in celebration.

The previous events now make sense. Why the leadership assigned such a good house to Lin Yuan, why Lin Yuan's company treatment was so good—it was because Lin Yuan was Xianyu.

Lin Yuan reminded Xia Fan, "We'll record the song in Starlight another day."

Xia Fan smiled, "Sure, but if I take this song, won't it violate the company's rules?"

Lin Yuan was momentarily stunned. He had forgotten about that.

According to the company's rules, he couldn't privately write songs for others. It had to go through the company's channels.

"How about letting Starlight sign with Xia Fan directly, Lin Yuan?" Jian Yi, not knowing Lin Yuan's position in the company, asked tentatively.

Lin Yuan looked at Xia Fan, "Do you want to sign?"

Xia Fan nodded without hesitation, "Of course!"

Lin Yuan said, "I'll talk to Sister Zhao. It shouldn't be difficult, but the problem is, if you sign with the company now, the contract level won't be high."


A newcomer dared to think about the contract level?

Xia Fan couldn't quite follow Lin Yuan's thoughts.

Lin Yuan explained, "If Xia Fan can become popular with 'Rising Star,' signing with Starlight later will definitely get her a relatively high-level contract."

Just like Zhao Yingxiang before.

After becoming popular, there would be many eager to sign her.

Xia Fan smiled wryly, "Lin Yuan, your vision is too high. For me, it's a blessing to sign with Starlight. Why think so much?"


Lin Yuan called Zhao Jie and explained his situation. He trusted Zhao Jie a lot.

"Is that so?"

After hearing Lin Yuan's request, Zhao Jie pondered, "I agree to this. You want to raise her contract level, right? That's not a big problem. We can sign an intent contract first. If she achieves something before the official signing, we can increase the level of the formal contract. But this is exploiting a loophole in the company, so before the formal signing, be careful not to use Xianyu's name to write songs for her. Use a fake identity."

She didn't even ask Lin Yuan whom he wanted to sign.

For many young people with dreams, entering Starlight might be a life goal, but for Sister Zhao, it was just a small matter—

As long as Xianyu spoke.

"Thank you."

Lin Yuan hung up the phone.

Xia Fan and Jian Yi anxiously asked, "What did she say?"

Lin Yuan smiled, "Get ready to record the song. Also, don't let anyone know that I wrote this song for you; otherwise, it might cause trouble."

"Got it!"

Xia Fan became excited.

Jian Yi also smiled, feeling happy for his friend.

However, they both remembered Lin Yuan's warning and didn't reveal any information about Lin Yuan's identity to outsiders.

For safety, a few days later, when recording the song, Lin Yuan and the others chose an external recording studio, not Starlight's studio.

It's always good to be cautious.


May had quietly passed.

At midnight on June 1st.

The new season of the music industry in Qin Prefecture officially began!

Chen Zhiyu, aiming for success, confidently opened the music player.

"Number one recommended resource."

On the direct access car's recommendation, his new song occupied the most prominent position, with a generous presentation. Chen Zhiyu was very satisfied.


After scanning the other recommended slots, Chen Zhiyu suddenly saw a new song called "Red Rose."

It was a song from Starlight.

The singer was Sun Yaohuo, the replacement for Jin Shuyu, as mentioned by the agent. The lyrics and music were...

"Oh my God!"

Chen Zhiyu's small hand trembled, and the mouse almost flew out.