
Frustrating novel

I hate webnovel bootlickers.

Lucky_Punch · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
66 Chs

Refreshed and Relaxed

Zorha had always been a man of few words, preferring the solitude of nature to the hustle and bustle of the unknown city.

He had spent his entire day on this Lu family's estate, surrounded by acres of lush greenery and sparkling lakes.

It was a peaceful existence, one that he cherished above all else.

"Aaaaaahhhh so peaceful unlike the battlefield."

Zorha said, smiling endlessly like an idiot.

As he lay there on the grass, basking in the warmth of the sun, Zorha couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment wash over him.

The world seemed to slow down around him, and he felt as though he was the only person in existence.

It was then that he heard the soft footsteps of a servant approaching.

Skuttle! Skuttle!

Zorha glanced up and saw a young woman, dressed in a simple cotton dress and carrying a tray of refreshments.

"I lowly servant greet young master Lu Tang," the servant said, her voice barely above a whisper.

Zorha nodded, acknowledging her presence, but didn't say anything.

He continued to lie there, staring up at the sky, lost in his own thoughts.

The servant lingered for a moment, as if waiting for Zorha to say something, but when he didn't, she set the tray down on the grass and began to pour him a cup of tea.

Zorha watched her out of the corner of his eye, but didn't say anything.

He wasn't used to the constant presence of servants on the estate, and he didn't particularly enjoy their company.

He preferred the peace and quiet of his own thoughts for now.

As the servant finished pouring the tea, she looked up at Zorha and smiled.

"Young master, here is your tea."

She said, her voice soft and gentle.

"This lowly one apologizes for interrupting, young master."

Zorha gave her a small nod, but said nothing.

He didn't want to be rude, but he didn't particularly care for the servant's company.

He just wanted to be left alone, to bask in the warmth of the sun and breathe in the fresh air.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the servant gathered up her tray and began to leave.

"Thank you, young master."

She said, bowing deeply before turning to go.

Zorha watched her go, his thoughts still lost in the vast expanse of the sky above him.

Sensing that she or the servant already left, Zorha sighed to himself.

"Am I hallucinating after spending all my night sleeping with Shi Shaoha?"

He asked himself, his voice barely above a whisper.

All his life, he had never had a relaxing day like this.

In the castle, surrounded by the Shura Queen, the Asura King, his older brother, and on the battlefield against the blood druids, he had never felt relaxed.

"Maybe I am,"

Zorha whispered to himself, his doubts still lingering in his mind.

Soon, a group of servants approached him, and he stood up from his seat.

Zorha extended his arms wide, and the servants gathered around him.

"Young master, we are ready to proceed."

They said humbly. Zorha nodded in acknowledgement, giving them permission to continue.

After adjusting his long clothing, Zorha addressed four of the servants directly.

"I need you four to take care of Shi Shaoha. Make sure she rests well, I will need her tomorrow."

Zorha commanded authoritatively.

The servants bowed their heads in agreement and quickly went to carry out Zorha's orders.

As he sat in the courtyard of this relaxing game world he was currently in, he couldn't help but marvel at the stunning graphics and immersive gameplay.

"Last night was so satisfying, I feel like this game was too real."

Zorha said with satisfaction on his face.

He was just about to take a sip of his virtual tea drink that the servant gave to him, when he was suddenly interrupted by the appearance of four attendants.

They were unlike any servants he had ever encountered before.

Instead of plain servant clothes, they were dressed in shiny black long sleeves, and they exuded a powerful pressure that made Zorha feel a little uneasy.

"Young master, we will escort you to the academy,"

The attendants said in unison.

Zorha was taken aback.

"Academy? What academy?"

He asked.

But before he could say anything else, another group of servants came and swiftly changed his clothing.

Zorha was left standing there in shock, wondering what was happening.

He had never seen anything like this before.

After the servants left, Zorha was still dazed with now different green gown clothing.

But somehow, he found himself saying.

"Alright, take me to the academy."

As he followed the attendants, Zorha couldn't help but wonder what kind of academy this was.

Was it similar to the academies in the Asura realm?

Would he be able to learn new skills and abilities there?

Zorha thought of his academy in the Asura realm.

"My Queen mother and King father didn't teach me magic, that's why I stayed as a warlock, comparable to a normal Asura Deva. However, when I was in the academy, which was my only chance to become a warlock, I was denied because my talent is lacking."

Zorha often wondered if his parents were behind this, but he dismissed the thought.

They never cared about him in the first place, so it was impossible.

Suddenly, the attendants Zorha reached their destination, he was brought by his attendants to a beautiful carriage that seemed to radiate an otherworldly aura.

"Please enter, young master."

The attendants said in unison, respectfully, while beckoning Zorha to come inside the carriage.

Zorha was not new to seeing carriages, and he had seen many beautiful ones before.

Even though he had never ridden in one himself, and only his brother had, he still admired them.

However, the carriage in front of him couldn't be compared to the one his carriage in Zorha's brother bought in the Asura realm.

Nodding at the attendants, Zorha drew closer.

He could see that it was being pulled by six magnificent geeses, each one with a coat as black as midnight and eyes that glimmered like stars.

A small, obscure reference to a carriage that didn't look like any carriage in the Asura realm.

"Please come inside, young master."

The attendants line up, beckoning him to step inside.


Zorha hesitated for a moment.


The attendant's respectful demeanor and the lure of the otherworldly aura convinced him to step inside the carriage.

As he settled in, he noticed that the inside was just as beautiful as the outside, with plush seats and intricate designs adorning the walls.

"Where are we going?"

Zorha asked the attendant, curious about this unexpected turn of events.

"To the Academy, young master," the attendants replied, their voice resounded in unison, smooth and calming.

Zorha's heart skipped a beat.

The sound of the Academy was so ordinary.

However, because of that, Zorha thought it may be the most prestigious institution inside this cultivation game, and maybe it was known to be incredibly difficult to gain admittance like an Academy in the Asura realm.

Could this be his chance to finally learn magic and become a true cultivator that is similar to a Deva?

As the carriage began to move, Zorha couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement and anticipation that he would fly in the sky.