
Frustrating novel

I hate webnovel bootlickers.

Lucky_Punch · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
66 Chs

Nei Lee

A gigantic foggy floating island, with uncountable high hills and peaks, surrounded by ten massive mountains.

Each of those mountains had a town at the side; Burning mountain, burning sword town, Sky mountain, sky sword town, moon mountain, moon sword town, etc.

Near the Thunder sword town, below the Thunder mountain, there were several teenagers climbing a hill.

A group of teenagers looked just as disheveled, their clothes stained with dirt and sweat.

They had been traveling for days through the dense forest, trying to reach the Academy before the deadline.

But the journey had been far from easy, with treacherous terrain and unpredictable weather making it a constant struggle.

As they trudged along the rugged path, the trees loomed over them like a canopy, casting long shadows on the ground.

The air was thick with the scent of damp earth and decaying leaves, and the only sounds were the rustling of the leaves and the occasional chirping of birds.

"Phew! Our clothes are messy!" exclaimed one of the teenagers, breaking the silence.

The others nodded in agreement, their faces etched with fatigue and frustration.

They had been so focused on reaching their destination that they had neglected their appearance, and now they looked like a group of vagabonds.

"We still have to pass the Thunder town before we reach the Academy," the first teenager said, his voice tinged with exhaustion.

The mention of Thunder town made the other two teenagers groan.

The town was notorious for its rowdy inhabitants and dangerous streets, and they knew they would have to be extra cautious if they wanted to make it through unscathed.

As they continued on their journey, the sun began to dip below the horizon, casting the sky in shades of orange and pink.

The teenagers quickened their pace, eager to reach the safety of the Academy before nightfall.

"I hope nothing happens before we reach the town, once we're in the town, maybe they will be safer," said the first teenager with a hint of desperation in his voice.

They had been on the road for days, trying to escape the dangers that lurked in the wild.

The group had already lost some of their companions, they don't know if they went back or they already died to the vicious creatures that roamed the land.

"I hope so," the second teenager added, his breaths coming in short gasps.

He was clearly exhausted, and his eyes betrayed the fear that he felt.

Suddenly, one of the teenagers turned to his colleague, who had become silent.

"What's wrong Nei Lee?"

He asked, concern etched on his face.

Nei Lee shook his head, his expression grim.

"A group of fake dragon eels were coming towards us," he said, his voice barely above a whisper.

He hastily scanned the area below him, searching for something.

The other teenagers looked at each other, fear written on their faces.

They knew that with their current cultivation, fake dragon eels were one of the deadliest creatures in the land.

Not sure if one of them with their condition now would ever survive an encounter with them.

When Nei Lee spotted a sharp stone that he could hold, he whispered.

"This is enough."

His voice was calm, but his eyes betrayed the fear that he felt.

He knew that their survival depended on his ability to defend against those eels.

The sun had been shining brightly on their backs, but suddenly the light darkened, causing the teenagers to turn around and look behind them.

As they did, they were horrified by what they saw.

"Are those...?"

One of the teenagers asked, his voice trailing off in fear.

Nei Lee nodded grimly. "Those are fake dragon eels," he said, his eyes fixed on the approaching creatures.

However, even Nei Lee, who had been composed earlier, felt a sudden burst of dread at the terrifying scene unfolding before them.

The darkness was now full of dots, and he knew that every dot represented a fake dragon eel.

"This isn't what I expected it to be."

Nei Lee thought to himself, his mind racing with fear and uncertainty.

The truth was, Nei Lee had come from the future.

He had been a warrior fighting against a universal emperor of darkness, and in a moment of defeat, he had been thrust back into the past.

He had hoped to use his knowledge of the future to make a better life for himself and his companions.

They were on their way to the academy, where they hoped to gain the skills they would need to survive in this harsh world.

But this scene was not familiar to him.

He had expected to encounter five or maybe six fake dragon eels, but now there were so many that he couldn't even begin to count them.

Nei Lee knew that they were in grave danger.

He had to act quickly if they were to have any hope of survival.

"Do you have a charge?"

Nei Lee asked, looking below him, at his stomach.

Then a voice resounded to answer him.


Nei Lee's heart sank as he heard the answer.

"What do we do now?"

One of the teenagers asked, his voice trembling with fear.

Nei Lee looked at his companions, his mind racing with ideas.

He knew that they had to keep moving, to try to find some form of civilization, cave, burrow or a tunnel to escape.

"We keep moving," he said firmly.

"We can't give up now. We have to keep going until we find someone who can help us."

The other teenagers nodded in agreement, their eyes filled with determination.

They knew that they were in a dire situation, but they also knew that they had to fight.

"If these flying dragons reach us, fight as hard as you can to live!"

Nei Lee said with a grim tone and expression.

As the fake dragon eels drew nearer, panic set in among the group.

They knew that their only chance of survival was to fight with all their might.

But fear was a powerful adversary, and it was hard to keep their wits about them when the sky was filled with monstrous creatures.

One of the teenagers turned to Nei Lee and asked.

"What if we can't hold them off? What if they kill us all?"

Nei Lee's eyes flashed with determination. "Then we die fighting," he said.

"But we won't go down without a fight."

"Plus, we don't have a choice," Nei Lee said with a sigh.

"These fake dragon eels are comparable to the 5th stage of Qi Condensation cultivator, while our cultivation is only ranging to 4th to 7th Qi Condensation and we are only few. What can we do against this army of fake dragon eels?"

The group fell silent, each lost in their own thoughts.

They all knew the odds were against them.

They were just kids, really, barely able to harness the power of their Qi.

And yet, here they were, facing down an army of monsters that could destroy them with ease.

One of the teenagers, a timid-looking female teenager, spoke up.

"We have to try," she said.

"We can't just give up and let them win."

Her words were met with nods of agreement.

They might be outmatched, but they weren't going to go down without a fight.

Nei Lee looked at her and couldn't remember who she was, but she admired her words and determination right now.

If he could only save her, she would be a great cultivator with bjs guidance.

He felt so useless despite coming back from the future, he knew that in this army of dragon eels, he would be the only one left.

"Such a good fellas."

The teenagers watched in shock as an unknown man in white clothing descended from the sky and landed before them.

He looked powerful and mysterious, and his words were cryptic.

The man with a white clothing looked up at the sky, studying the massive army of fake dragon eels.

"Interesting," he muttered.

"They are not supposed to be that many."

He then turned to the group of teenagers. "Let me take care of all of them," he said, his voice full of confidence.