
Frustrating novel

I hate webnovel bootlickers.

Lucky_Punch · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
66 Chs

Going Back


[ The host was awarded a Martial skill. ]

Zorha's mind raced as he contemplated the award bestowed upon him by the system. 

His thoughts drifted to the martial skill he had just received, and he couldn't help but wonder what kind of power it held. 

The system's words echoed in his mind.

[ The player still hurt the main character despite not having martial skill or martial method being used, the system decided to reward the player with a martial skill that is similar to the main character. ]


[ … ] 

[ Cannot be made, the player didn't have a sky cultivation aura. ]


[ … ]

[ … ]

[ The world decided to give the player the same level of skill, depending on the player's display fighting the target main character. ]

Zorha's eyes flickered with excitement as he considered the possibilities. 

"Same level of skill?" 

He murmured, a sly smirk creeping onto his face. 

As an Asura, he lived for the thrill of battle and craved a power that would leave his opponents quaking in fear. 

Suddenly, a familiar ding echoed through the room, and Zorha's heart skipped a beat. 

The system had spoken once again. 

[ The player was awarded a Flicker shockwave jap, six stars powers which is the same as the main character's technique earlier which was about to be used to earlier when the player fought him. ]

Zorha cracked his neck and answered.


He felt like it's ridiculous.

"What does the system mean by that?"

Suddenly, a rush of adrenaline surged through Zorha's veins as he listened intently to the system's description of the martial skill. 

He could feel his heart pounding in his chest as he imagined the sheer destructive force of the attack. 

Without hesitation, Zorha closed his eyes and began to focus his energy. 

He could feel the power building within him, a fierce energy that threatened to consume him entirely. 

Suddenly, he opened his eyes and unleashed the devastating attack. 

Zorha didn't mean it, it's like the system only demonstrated it to him.

The shockwave ripped through the air with a deafening roar, and he could feel the ground shake beneath him. 

The force of the attack was so powerful that it sent him flying backward.

Fortunately he was on his toes, still in a boxing stance, making it easy for him to find his balance and stand on his feet. 

The air crackled with energy as the unknown attack landed with a deafening BANNNGGGG!! 

The students and teachers watching Nei Lee were caught off guard by the sheer power and density of cultivation behind the punch. 

The four individuals who had been interrogating Nei Lee were stunned into silence, and even Nei Lee himself was sweating profusely to where that attack came from. 

They could feel the force of the attack reverberating through their bodies, causing their hearts to race and their senses to overload.

All eyes turned to young master Lu Tang, who stood there with an unknown expression on his face. 

"Fuck system controlled me again." 

Zorha muttered under his breath, his frustration palpable.

Despite his hidden frustration, there was a glimmer of delight in Lu Tang's eyes as he looked over at Zorha. 

To everyone else however, it seemed like he was mocking Nei Lee, as if to say that if young master Lu were to use his martial skill, Nei Lee wouldn't stand a chance.

"What was that?"

The voice in Nei Lee's stomach grumbled, with a hint of fear.

While Nei Lee could only gulp and swallow his alova at young master Lu's attack.

Young master Lu had narrowly missed his head, but the force of the punch had still managed to touch his hair, causing it to evaporate on impact. 

Nei Lee could feel his heart pounding in his chest as he looked at the young master of the Lu Family and realized just how close he had come to being seriously injured or worse, dead. 

Fu Gar, who was in the middle of questioning if Nei Lee was a human or not, couldn't help but have his blood boil.

"You son of a-"

He was about to curse the young master aloud when he saw young master Lu's eyes and smile.

Meanwhile, Zorha couldn't help but revel in the attention as all eyes turned to him. 

His smile stretched across his face as he spoke with a loud, threatening voice .

"This doesn't end here."

With that, Zorha turned on his heel and began to make his way out of the area. 

He didn't want to be there when the third reward was given out, not after what had just transpired.

The other students watched as Zorha left, their eyes drifting over to Nei Lee. 

He was undoubtedly talented, able to use martial skill at such a young age, but it seemed that the young master of the Lu family had a grudge against him. 

They knew that young master Lu was even more talented than Nei Lee, which only added to the tension in the air.

As Zorha walked away, the events of the day struck a chord in his heart. 

He realized that in his fight earlier with the main character, every time he fought back, he was always defeated. 

"This god damn main character had a fucking six star ability that time?" 

He muttered to himself in frustration. 

It was as if they were both level ten creatures, but the main character had an attack that was equal to that of a level sixteen creature. 

It was no wonder that Nei Lee, the main character, always came out on top.

Suddenly, a familiar ding echoed through the air, and Zorha's heart skipped a beat. 

The system showed some message once again. 

[ Third reward: Seven sinful cards. ] 

It was announced. 

Zorha furrowed his brow, wondering what it could be. 

The system continued.

[[  1 permanent card and six trial cards: ]]

[  1 card of Lust - duration 4 hours.  ]

[  1 card of Envy - duration 2 hours.  ]

[  1 card of Wrath - duration 2 hours.  ]

[  1 card of Sloth  - duration 2 hours.  ]

[  1 card of Greed - duration 2 hours.  ]

[  1 card or Pride - 10 day duration. ]

[ 1 card of Gluttony - duration 2 hours. ]

Zorha stared at the cards.

'What are these, like the lust card?'

He wondered and then suddenly, the system answered him for the first time.


[ Chosen card of Lust - Can make anyone be sexualy active or sexually attractive so much and if they didn't release it, they will die. ]

[ Cannot be used on the user. ]

[ Use? (Yes) or (No) ]

The hairs on the back of Zorha's neck stood up at the implication of such power when he saw this but wondered where he was going to use this for?

Zorha's eyes wandered until they landed on Han Chuli, who looked both worried and stunned. 

A wicked grin slowly spread across Zorha's face, and he licked his lips as he spoke to himself. 

"Ah, I know where I'm going to use these cards." 

He muttered in delight.

However, Zorha quickly regained his composure and looked away from Han Chuli. 

"But not now." 

He said to himself. 

"I need to go back to my world first and figure out if I can decide for myself to stay there and fight back against those main characters."

Suddenly, the familiar ding of the system interrupted his thoughts. 

[ All the items that the player obtained will be given to the player only, not the Lu Tang of this game world. ]

The system was announced. 

Zorha couldn't help but smile at the news. 

It meant that he wouldn't have to worry about anyone else, including Lu Tang, getting their hands on his rewards and could use them as he saw fit.

"It seems everything seems settled for the time being."

Zorha spoke, and it took him a few moments to stretch his limbs and loosen up his muscles. 

He could feel the tension that had built up in his body slowly dissipating, and he let out a contented sigh.

Suddenly, a notification appeared on his system screen. 


[ Server available: Magical Asura realm. ] 

[ Switch? ]

Zorha's eyes widened with excitement at the prospect of going back to his home realm. 

Without hesitation, he selected the option to switch servers and braced himself for the transition.