
Frustrating novel

I hate webnovel bootlickers.

Lucky_Punch · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
66 Chs

Darkoom Bloodroot Kingdom

Zorha narrowed his eyes and his gaze flickered towards the forest where the blood druids and Asuras had fled earlier.

He could feel his anger simmering just beneath the surface as he muttered under his breath.

"They're lucky the timing wasn't perfect, but mark my words, the next opportunity I get, they'll rue the day they crossed me."

He then turned his attention to the corpse lying at his feet, and leaned in close to examine it.

"You should have thought twice before crossing me."

Zorha said in a low voice, addressing the lifeless body.

"Now, you'll pay for your folly with your Deva Druid liver."

His voice dripped with malice as he spoke, and a cruel smile twisted his lips.

Zorha knew that in order to achieve his goal of becoming a complete Asura Ashura, he needed to consume the liver of a Deva Druid, as it contained the vital elements that Asura Devas like him required.

However, to do so, he needed to transform into his Asura Deva form.

That's why he's pissed, he couldn't turn back into his basic form so the Coalition Asuras that ran away from him would be put in danger.

As Zorha's aura surged, the air around him crackled with energy.

His right hand began to glow with a bloody hue, and his nails elongated into razor-sharp claws.

With a fierce swipe, he tore open the chest of the Deva Druid corpse, causing dark green blood to spurt out in all directions.

The metallic tang of blood filled Zorha's nostrils as he leaned in to taste it, a twisted grin on his face.

"Tastes like leaf."

He remarked with a sneer.

"It seems that this future Asura Emperor will have to endure this distasteful flavor."

As he spoke, he wiped the blood from his face with the back of his hand, relishing in the sensation of the warm liquid against his skin.

After a few seconds, Zorha's rage boiled over as he surveyed the gruesome scene before him.

"Why wasn't there anyone to dirty their hands for this future Asura emperor?"

He roared, cursing all his coalition underlings.

With a sudden jerk, he gripped the Deva Druid's ribcage and pulled with all his might, causing the bones to crack and splinter.


Zorha cursed again, wiping the fresh spatter of blood from his face with a snarl.

"I'll kill them."

He muttered under his breath, his eyes blazing with fury.

"I'll murder them,"

He added, his voice rising to a fevered pitch.

"And I'll eat their hearts."

He finished, his words dripping with venom.

His body trembled with the intensity of his emotions, fueled by a burning desire for vengeance to his coalition Asuras.

A few more minutes had passed and Zorha suddenly let out a rumbling sound.


Zorha's muscles bulged as he exerted all his strength to wrench the Deva Druid's liver from its body.

With a triumphant grunt, he held it aloft, uncaring of the blood that splattered his face and clothes.

"Fuck them all!"

He bellowed, his voice echoing through the forest.

"Once I become an Asura Ashura, I'll tear them into pieces myself for this!"

His eyes gleamed with a fierce determination, and his grip on the liver tightened.

Suddenly, as Zorha looked down at the liver in his hand, he felt a strange sensation.

He didn't know what it meant or why he should feel it, but he knew that it was important.

"This must be it."

He muttered to himself, his mind racing with possibilities.

"I don't know what it does or why I should do it, but I must try."

With that, he closed his eyes and concentrated, willing the liver to reveal its secrets to him by opening his mouth to consume it.

The Darkom Bloodroot kingdom capital city was a grandiose sight to behold.

Towering buildings reached up to the heavens and blood horses pulled luxurious carriages that glided through the bustling streets.

The Shuras or female Asuras, surrounded by their male counterparts, strolled leisurely in the warm sunlight and savored the gentle breeze.

Their beauty was unparalleled, and their grace was unmatched, a true marvel to witness.

At the heart of the city, a colossal, floating ball caught everyone's attention.

The massive structure was surrounded by an aura of mysterious magic that left onlookers in awe.

It was big enough to hold ten castles within its confines.

The ball seemed to pulsate with an otherworldly energy, and it was a wonder to behold.

Every five years, the Darkom Bloodroot kingdom and its neighboring kingdoms celebrate a grand event that attracts Asuras and Shuras from far and wide.

The air was electric with excitement, and the streets were buzzing with activity as people prepared for the festivities.

It was a time of great celebration, where people put aside their differences and came together to revel in the magic of the moment.

Some adult male Asuras or just became Adult chose to travel to other kingdoms to avoid inbreeding within their own kingdom.

Those who came to Darkom Kingdom had to participate in a crucial event, one that could make or break their future.

Below the MASSIVE ball.


The piercing cry echoed through the air, causing everyone nearby to turn and take notice.

A figure clad in blood-red armor, covering her body from head to toe, stepped forward.

The only things visible were her two striking brown eyes, now reddened with a tinge of pink ears, and her long, flowing blonde hair.

Her hands gestured for an individual with a mask and several covered carriages to halt their advance.

"What are your goods?"

The armored Shura demanded, her gaze fixed firmly on the masked figure leading the caravan.

"Racial slaves for the interdimensional ball."

The individual replied, his voice laced with a sinister tone that sent a chill down the spines of those who heard it.

The very mention of such a thing was enough to make one's blood run cold, and for a moment, there was nothing but silence as everyone processed the gravity of the situation.

The interdimensional ball was no ordinary event.

It was not a ball, but a gate that led to another dimension, a small and mysterious place where only the most brave Asuras from other kingdoms were invited to compete.

The armored Shura was not even fazed.


She asked with authority.

The individual looked up at her, and after a moment's hesitation, pulled out a small object.

The armored Shura watched as a glinting coin-like object was presented to her.

Without any effort, she nimbly caught it in her hand and inspected it closely.

As her eyes landed on the symbol engraved on the coin, she felt a sense of reverence wash over her.

"Duchess Viravidad symbol."

She murmured, her voice tinged with respect.

The armored Shura knew the legend of the Duchess Viravidad family well.

Though they may have weakened and rarely participated in events like this, their name still held power throughout the kingdom.

The mere mention of their family was enough to make even the most powerful warriors tremble with fear, and the Shura couldn't help but wonder what kind of influence they still held over the region.

As the event drew to a close, the armored girl couldn't help but notice a strange sense of unease settling over the crowd.

'The Viravadid was interested in this event too, but the event was about to end.'

She thought to herself, feeling a sense of foreboding creeping up her spine.

'Are they seeing someone that no one can see so they want to compete with others?'

It was rare for the Viravadid to participate in events like this, unless they had a good reason.

The thought of them lurking in the shadows, watching and waiting, was enough to make her skin crawl but now because of their action, she was even more feeling a foreboding event was about to take place.