
Fruits Basket: Tohru's Cousin and Kyo's Brother

What if Tohru had two more cousins and Kyo had a younger brother who was the dog of the zodiac? Their lives turned around when two of them decided to leave their family and lived the life of a lone wolf. And also, I would like to tell the story of Fruits Basket from the perspective of a fan-fic character, but also add some parts to the lives of the fan-fic characters. Masayuki Honda is a 17-year-old Filipino biracial living in Japan and the maternal cousin of Tohru Honda who was supportive of her. Handa Sohma is the younger brother of Kyo Sohma and the dog of the zodiac who was his supporter. They both have something in common: They are sympathetic to their sufferings. Will they escape such suffering of theirs and even their own? Warning: The pictures on the cover are NOT mine!!! Credits goes to the original owners!

Roxas0702 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
85 Chs

Chapter 8 - Walking your Own Path

The next morning, Masayuki and Emiko, with their packed belongings, said goodbye to their mother, Tohru's aunt, and their grandfather, Tohru's grandfather. Tohru's other cousins, however, are still upset that they're leaving for a new life. Pablo is waiting for them in the car outside of the house.

"I'm sorry, mom," Masayuki said to his mother, "we can't tolerate this nonsense of them anymore. We're leaving."

Although it makes her sad and lonely without her beloved children, Tohru's aunt agreed with their decision anyway, considering as independent grown-ups and acknowledging their abilities to be independent. After some hugging, Masayuki and Emiko left the house with their belongings, and hopped into Pablo's car. They then drove off.