
Fruits Basket: Tohru's Cousin and Kyo's Brother

What if Tohru had two more cousins and Kyo had a younger brother who was the dog of the zodiac? Their lives turned around when two of them decided to leave their family and lived the life of a lone wolf. And also, I would like to tell the story of Fruits Basket from the perspective of a fan-fic character, but also add some parts to the lives of the fan-fic characters. Masayuki Honda is a 17-year-old Filipino biracial living in Japan and the maternal cousin of Tohru Honda who was supportive of her. Handa Sohma is the younger brother of Kyo Sohma and the dog of the zodiac who was his supporter. They both have something in common: They are sympathetic to their sufferings. Will they escape such suffering of theirs and even their own? Warning: The pictures on the cover are NOT mine!!! Credits goes to the original owners!

Roxas0702 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
85 Chs

Chapter 6 - New Job

One afternoon, at the dining table, Masayuki was filling out a resumé for a part-time job. And then, Tohru's aunt came to the kitchen, only to see her son applying for a part-time job.

"What are you doing?" she asked him.

"Getting a part-time job," answered Masayuki while he was busy filling the resume.

"Why?" Tohru's aunt asked back in response. "We're not poor."

This response irritates the young biracial a lot, so Masayuki hurriedly finished filling, before standing up and left the kitchen with his shoulder bag and the resume. He then went out of the house and slammed the front door. Seeing this, Tohru's aunt sighed, as if she decided to let her younger son do whatever he pleases.

Outside in the city, Masayuki was walking down the street whilst holding his resume still, looking for any open, vacant part-time jobs. But, no matter where he looked at the shop/restaurant windows, no vacant, open jobs are presented. So, he was desperate for a part-time job.

Only he's about to give up when he saw an open hiring for part-timers outside of a convenience store. Eventually and in desperate, Masayuki entered in, and asked one of the employees for a job interview.

"Okay then," the employee said to him, "Follow me."

Masayuki then followed the employee to the office of the store manager.

"Welcome," the manager welcomed the young biracial, "how can I help you?"

"This student wants a part-time job," his employee explained.

"I see then," replied the manager, "Shall we begin the job interview?"

And so, the job interview has begun.

"First off, what is your name?"

"Oh, my name is Masayuki Honda, I'm 17 years old, and a biracial, a half-Filipino."

"I see then. What is your current occupation?

"Oh, a student, first-year."

"What is your experiences?"

"I can cook, clean, and arrange stuff. Also, I can help people with their needs. I'm excellent at Home Economics and Mathematics."

"I see then. Well, I'm impressed by your experiences.

Let's say that you'll start working at 1,000 yen per hour for 4 hours per day for 5 times per week. Is that okay?"

Full of enthusiasm, Masayuki completely accepted it with gratitude, and the store manager completely and happily hired him.

And so, Masayuki started working by mopping the store floors. It was his first task. He was determined and full of energy to follow his own path, specifically, the paths of Tohru, Kyo, and Yuki.

Later at night, 8 o'clock had struck, and it was the end of Masayuki's day at work. Masayuki said goodbye to his manager and coworkers, and went home by bus.

But, upon returning home, his half-siblings confronted him quickly for being late.

"Where have you been?" the female one sternly asked him.

But, Masayuki responded back coldly, "I'm tired here, so go away." He then head straight to his bedroom, annoying his half-siblings a lot. Tohru's aunt didn't noticed her younger son had arrived home.