
Frontier of Gods

A Realm where myths and legends are residing in, many are barely arriving to discover this place and try to survive. Join Axel in his journey to becoming a legendary figure..... 1 chapter a day if I can lol, and sorry if I make mistakes while writing this story, it’s my first story!!! Lol thanks for reading and please give feedback... thanks haha. :)

SenpaiReaper · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
16 Chs

Chapter 1 : Introduction

*BEEB BEEB!!* The alarm clock rang out for the tenth time that day, and the 15 year old boy that was still sleeping, was barely opening up his eyes with bags under his eyes from last night's game session that lasted multiple hours after midnight.

The boy's name is Axel and after staring at the number the clock displays for a whole 10 seconds, he mumbles to himself, " Wait maybe this is still part of my dream and I'll wake up in a moment...." He waits five seconds until he springs out of his bed and full power sprints toward his clothes, already prepared for him. After quickly changing, he runs out of his home with a bread in his mouth and his back bag hanging off one arm.

"Maybe being late one more time won't be so bad and I'll get away with it," he gasps while wiping away his sweat that's all over his face. He crouches to catch his breath, but when he tilts down, he feels a sudden pain in his back, after turning his face to see what happened, He screeches when he notices who is there," You f@#k$r, that hurt, Adel!!" Adel, his twin is completely different then him, being taller then the average and being a happy social person, while Axel is less then average, shorter than most, is a shy introvert. Adel just continues to make a small chuckle, " Lets go Bro, or we're going to be late to school, here pass me your bag." While holding his hand out. Axel hands his bag while feeling defeated for some reason. They continue to run to school and we're taking a shortcut to school when Axel was feeling his mind go in circles and his vision starting to fade. When his vision faded into complete darkness, did he awake into what seemed like a room that was empty but full of light and in front of him was a child wearing a golden crown in front of him. " Oh, We have a new member, haha," laughed the child with a grin showing his cocky attitude.

First time, writing one of these lol.

SenpaiReapercreators' thoughts