
Chapter 6: The Boy-Man Strikes Again

Waverly was glad that there was no play practice until the following week. Her schedule was so full that she was sure she'd have a heart attack if anything else were added to it. She had a history project to work on (with Nicole as her partner, unsurprisingly), tons of chemistry homework, and cheer practice, just to name a few. Taking advantage of her study period, Waverly went straight for the library as soon as the bell rang and found a table near the back of the building so she could focus more. She set her books down on the table and sat down in the chair. Gathering her thoughts and trying hard to compose herself, she opened her chemistry notebook and stared down at the problems.

This was going to be one long hour.

As if he could sense that she was finally able to focus and begin working, Champ decided to bring a chair over to Waverly's table and seat himself next to her. He leaned forward against the table and stared down at her hand which was working across the page at lightning speed.

"Chemistry, huh?" He said. "That stuff sucks."

"I like it," Waverly said simply.

"Yeah it's alright I guess," he shrugged. "Elements and Avocado's Number and such."

"Avogadro," Waverly corrected him. "It's Avogadro's Number."

"Same thing," he rolled his eyes.

"What do you want, Champ," Waverly set her pencil down and looked up at him. "I'm trying to do my work."

"I was just wondering if you'd like to hang out sometime?" He asked and slung his arm around the back of Waverly's chair.

"I think I'm good. I'll pass," Waverly rolled her eyes.

"How about dinner, then? I'll pick you up around, say, seven?"

"You really don't get it, do you, Champ?" She laughed and shook her head. "I want nothing to do with you."

"What, like you'd rather spend time with Nicole?" Champ scoffed.

"I'd rather be left alone so I can do my homework."

"Fine, I'll shut up," Champ looked around and his eyes landed on Nicole who had just walked into the library. He smirked.

- - - - -

Nicole loved Friday's because they were the days when she would hang out with her friends after school. Ever since she and Waverly had started spending more time together, though, she'd liked them less. Waverly didn't get invited because she's a junior, and Wynonna's rule was that only their group of friends was allowed to go do what they do.

"You have Chrissy and Rosita," the older Earp always said. Nicole usually agreed but the tables had turned now.

Thankful for her unstructured period, Nicole walked into the library with the intention of taking a nap for the next hour. Her backpack was hanging off of one shoulder and she dug into one of the pockets, fishing for her phone. She put her headphones in and plugged them into her phone before searching for the right playlist. She made her way to the back of the vast area, eyeing one of the chairs in the corner. She passed by Waverly's table but didn't notice that it was her sitting there until she heard the laugh that she had become all too familiar to lately. Stopping dead in her tracks, Nicole hid behind a bookshelf and turned toward the table.

She couldn't believe her eyes when she saw Waverly and Champ sitting together, talking. She can't hear what they're saying, but Waverly was laughing. Nicole kept her eyes on Champ and tightened her jaw when he put his arm across the back of Waverly's chair. It didn't look like Waverly was enjoying the interaction, keeping hunched over whatever she was working on, but she was still laughing and talking to him nonetheless. The thing that really got to her, though, was when Champ looked up and locked eyes with her. He smirked and moved his chair closer to Waverly, and Nicole dug her fingernails into her palms as she clenched her hands into fists.

"Shit ticket," she muttered before turning around and walking to her chair. She wanted to say something, but she knew Champ was doing this on purpose. She didn't want to give him the satisfaction of knowing he was getting to her.

- - - - -

The following week was full of events like that of what happened in the library. Waverly didn't make much of it because she was used to Champ bugging her, but Nicole saw every day that passed with Champ talking to Waverly as a small defeat for herself. He was always one step ahead of her, pushing her two steps back from the progress she and Waverly has made.

Thursday rolled around, which meant that rehearsals were being held after school. Waverly and Nicole were both relieved that Wynonna wouldn't be attending today due to her being sick (or pretending to be sick as Waverly assumed). Wynonna's absence meant that they didn't have to put up her staring at them during their intimate scenes.

At lunch, Waverly sat and recounted to Chrissy, Jeremy and Rosita every encounter she had with Champ over the past week, explaining how strange he was acting and how much more relentless he seemed than usual. Despite the bustling lunch room, she kept her voice low knowing that Champ could easily hear her if he were to pass by.

"I thought you said he was over you though?" Chrissy asked.

"Yeah, I mean hasn't he stayed away from you ever since Wynonna beat the shit out of him?" Rosita chimed in.

Waverly shrugged. "He has, but I don't think he was ever over the rejection. I think it's strange how he's showing so much interest in me all of a sudden."

"Wait you said that he's been coming up to you during study hall, English, and history?" Chrissy asked and Waverly nodded. "Right, and what do all three of those periods have in common?"

"They're all pretty different, Chris," Waverly stared at her friend. "They don't have much of anything in common."

"You're in all senior classes," Jeremy said, catching on to what Chrissy was saying. "Perhaps maybe a certain redhead?"

"What?" Waverly looked between the two of them. "Who are you – oh," her eyes widened. "! Nicole?"

"What other redhead would we be talking about? You're smart enough to know it isn't Mercedes," Rosita said. "I think Champ might be coming on to you in order to make Nicole jealous."

"But why would he do that? It's not like anything is going to happen between she and I."

"He doesn't know that, though, does he?" Rosita asked.

"No, I guess not," Waverly sighed. "But still. Why now? Unless..." she gasped. "Oh crap...he must have overheard me talking to Wynonna the other day."

"Talking to Wynonna about what?" Jeremy raised an eyebrow.

"About my feelings for Nicole," Waverly replied slowly before groaning and burning her head in her hands.

"I can't believe he's trying to make her jealous," Chrissy snorted. "I never pegged him as the desperate type."

"Really?" Rosita looked at Chrissy. "Never? Have you even met the guy? He's the exact definition of desperate when it comes to Waverly."

"Lucky me," Waverly forced a smile and faked a laugh. Her eyes caught a flash of red and saw that Nicole was running out of the cafeteria. Worry washed over her and she quickly grabbed her things. "Hey, uh, I've gotta go. I just remembered that I had a question for Mr. Del Rey about the project. I'll see you guys are practice tomorrow morning!" Waverly picked her tray up and dumped it before taking off toward the direction of Nicole.