
Chapter 5: thank u, next

Waverly watched Wynonna storm out of the auditorium with the worst possible thoughts coming to her mind. Wynonna knew about their kiss, or maybe she overheard Waverly telling Chrissy and Rosita about her feelings for Nicole, or maybe it was simply just "that time of the month" for her sister. Whatever it was, it was upsetting Wynonna and Waverly feared that her sister was about to disown her and cut Nicole from her life. She was screwed either way but Waverly would rather be the person her sister stays mad at rather than Nicole. Despite how stubborn both girls are, they need each other more than anyone else; they balance each other and keep each other sane.

"Waverly," Nicole said softly, noticing the internal conflict within the brunette. "Go after her," Waverly looked back to Nicole and opened her mouth to say something, anything, but no words came out so Nicole continued, "She needs you. Don't let her drive home angry like that. It isn't safe."

"I don't think Wynonna is angry, Nicole," Waverly said as she grabbed her coat and backpack. "It's something far worse. She's disappointed."

Nicole watched as Waverly ran out the doors, desperately trying to reach her sister before she left. Nicole watched the auditorium doors as they slowly shut before letting out a loud sigh. She was afraid of many things at this very moment and, although her relationship with her best friend was currently on the line, the thing that scared her the most was what Wynonna had said. The words of the eldest Earp rang in her head like a loud bell.

Nicole winced at the words. Was she really having feelings for Waverly? No, that's impossible. But is it? Sure, she liked the fiery brunette but only as a friend. Waverly was like a sister to her, and there was no way that she had developed a crush on her over the years. Though that would explain the jealousy. And the extreme protectiveness. And sometimes the aggressive nature that overtook her body when someone tried to hurt Waverly.

Okay so maybe she was a little screwed.

Waverly had always confused Nicole. Whenever they're around each other, there's a sort of spark in the air; something that was unspoken but clearly felt by both girls. Nicole had always said she hated Waverly, but now it dawned on her that she simply disliked that Waverly was a cheerleader. It was common for sports teams at Purgatory High to be rivals; everyone wanted to be celebrated by the school. So she just followed the rest of the basketball players in hating the cheer squad. Now that she thinks about it, she has had a thing for Waverly Earp since the moment they met.

Okay so maybe she was screwed.

Nicole sighed again and grabbed her things before heading back to shoot some hoops in the gym to clear her head.

- - - - -

As Waverly exited the auditorium she stopped in the middle of the almost empty hallway and looked around for her sister. Catching a glimpse of a familiar leather jacket with fringes hanging from the arms, Waverly moved in the direction of her sister who's body was mostly concealed behind her locker door. She was trying to figure out what she should say before she reached her sister, but her short legs betrayed her and before she knew it, she was only a foot away from Wynonna.

"Wynonna?" Waverly slowly approached the locker, her hand tightly gripping the strap of her backpack. The older Earp slammed her locker shut and stared at Waverly. "What was all of that about back there?"

Wynonna shrugged. "Nothing."

"Bullshit," Waverly stepped closer to her sister. "Don't lie to me. You're a terrible liar when you're sober. What was that? Why did you yell like that?"

"Waverly, I know you like Nicole," Wynonna stated simply. "There's no point in hiding it."

Waverly stared at her sister in disbelief. Was she really that obvious about it all? She was sure that every time she called Chrissy or Rosita to talk to them about it Wynonna wasn't home, or that she couldn't hear her. If Wynonna knew about her feelings then that meant that she also knew Waverly had been keeping them from her and that meant that Wynonna assumed that Waverly didn't trust her enough to tell her. For years Waverly had been worrying about this but she would always push it aside because she was positive that Wynonna would never find out until she told her.

Guess she was wrong.

"Wynonna, I – " Waverly stopped herself, trying to find the right words to say. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes. "Okay, yes, I like Nicole. And I have for a while now. I think it all started back in the seventh grade when you and her were going to that special dance for the eighth graders together. She looked amazing and I knew that I was in trouble from that night on."

Wynonna nodded and Waverly continued. "Ever since then I have been determined to get her to like me. I wanted to be her friend and so I tried everything I could think of to make her tolerate me. As far as Nicole was concerned, though, I was just her best friend's little sister. I didn't intend to fall for your best friend, Wyn. I know how much Nicole means to you; how much you need her. I would never take her away from you. But she's just so charming and beautiful, even if she is an extremely cocky basketball player."

Wynonna cracked a small smile and shook her head. "Wave, I would never be mad at you for having the hots for Haught. I mean, it's not like you guys have kissed or anything," she snorted and nudged Waverly's shoulder.

"Um......" Waverly bit her lip.

"What?" Wynonna's eyes widened.

"On the first day of auditions she and I were arguing and then the next thing I knew we were kissing," Waverly let out in one breath. "But it didn't last long, I swear," She added quickly. "And it was me. I instigated the kiss," Waverly hated lying to her sister but now wasn't the time to throw Nicole under the bus.

"Finally!" Wynonna threw her hands in the air.

"I'm confused," Waverly furrowed her brow. "So you aren't upset that I like your best friend, and that I've been keeping it from you for basically our entire childhood, and you aren't upset that we kissed?"

"Baby girl," Wynonna clamped a hand on Waverly's shoulder, "I knew you had eyes for Haught the first time I brought her home for dinner. You aren't exactly the most discrete person when it comes to hiding your feelings."

Waverly felt her cheeks heat up and ducked her head. "I guess that means Nicole knows and just isn't interested then."

"Oh please, Haught-Sauce is just as oblivious to all of this as you are. But if there's one thing everyone knows about Nicole Rayleigh Haught, it's that the chick never admits anything to herself that scares her. I see the way she looks at you, Waves. She likes you. She's just too stupid to see it for herself."

That made a lot of sense to Waverly because she was the same way. It took her years to come to terms with this crush, and even then she still felt it hard to believe because it terrified her to no end.

"So you'd be okay with us dating?" Waverly lifted her gaze to meet her sister's.

"Oh hell no," Wynonna shook her head and leaned against the lockers. "Nicole is a great person, but is she the person my baby sister needs in her life?" She shrugged. "That's for me to decide."

Waverly bit her lip and smiled at her sister's overly protective attitude. "Come on, let's get home. Today has been exhausting."

"I couldn't have said it better myself, baby girl," Wynonna threw her arm around her sister and the two walked out of the building.

Champ walked out from behind a nearby wall with a devilish smirk on his face. The truth was exposed and now he was going to use it to his advantage. If Wynonna deemed him incapable of being with Waverly Earp then he was going to make certain of it that Nicole couldn't be with her either. It was time to make the redhead jealous at whatever cost it might take. She was stealing his girl, so he was going to capture her heart before Nicole had the chance to.