
Chapter 2: Opposites Really Do Attract

"What are you doing here?" Nicole stared at the girl across the stage from her.

"I could be asking you the same thing," Waverly stared back.

"I'm head of the tech team. I kind of have to be here an hour before everyone else," the redhead snapped back. "But of course you wouldn't know that."

"Oh?" Waverly's eyes widened slightly and she took a step forward. "And why would that be? Why wouldn't I know that?"

"You're a cheerleader," Nicole almost laughed. "All you ever do is run around in that stupid uniform with your pom poms and act like you're dumber than a pile of rocks just to get attention."

"Excuse me?" Waverly nearly swung at the girl across from her. "I know I'm a year younger than you but that gives you no right to insult me like that."

"Oh I'm sorry. Did I offend you?" Nicole crossed her arms.

"You basketball players really need a reality check. You're all arrogant assholes with egos bigger than your biceps. Or maybe that's just you," Waverly snarled at the taller girl.

The two fell into silence. A silence filled with deadly glares and heavy breathing. Waverly stared Nicole down, trying to not let the basketball player's height intimidate her. Waverly wasn't wrong though. Nicole's ego was about as big as her biceps.

And the girl had some bulging biceps. She was fit and Waverly couldn't keep her mind away from thinking about what it would be like to be held in those strong arms.

She knew developing feelings for her sister's best friend was a bad thing, but she couldn't help herself. Nicole is just so...Nicole. That's the only way she's able to put it. And yeah, she gets a lot of shit from Chrissy and Rosita about it but that doesn't seem to stop her.

It was clear where the redhead stands, though, and Waverly knew it wasn't on the side of liking the youngest Earp. Waverly was convinced that Nicole hated her, and maybe she did, but she had a feeling she hated that she was a cheerleader more than anything.

After all, that's why Waverly can't stand to be in the same room as Nicole sometimes.

The cheerleaders and the girls basketball team have never gotten along, and both groups of girls were convinced that they never will. But something deep down inside of Waverly keeps hoping and dreaming that one day she'll be able to cheer Nicole on from the sidelines, catching the taller girl's eye on the court and tossing her a flirty smile. Just as she let her eyes travel down to Nicole's arms, Waverly was brought out of her thoughts by the Nicole's voice.

"You and Wynonna are very different," Nicole said. "And I've finally figured out why. You're just...too bossy. Too much of a perfectionist."

"At least I'm able to get things done without screwing them up," Waverly narrowed her eyebrows. "Unlike you who ruined the lights," she waved her hands around the dark auditorium. "Which means auditions are cancelled for today."

"Sure blame me for all of this," Nicole nodded. "It's not like I came here straight from practice just to have to deal with the sophomore's shit that they leave behind. I just wanted to go home. But no. I had to come here. For stupid auditions for this stupid play."

"Oh I'm sorry that practice wore you out," Waverly pouted in a mocking way, taking a few steps closer to Nicole. "It must be tough being such an arrogant jock like yourself."

"I'd rather be an arrogant jock than a stuck-up cheerleader," Nicole retorted as she took a step closer to Waverly.

Waverly gasped. "Oh you're such an asshole, Nicole Haught!"

"And you're such a teacher's pet, Waverly Earp," Nicole smirked.

Waverly gritted her teeth. "You're a player."

"And you're too much of a hassle to date," Nicole said matter-of-factly.

With that comment, Waverly clenched the hand that wasn't holding her phone into a fist, losing what little patience she had left. She refused to stand there and let Nicole Haught talk to her like that. She clenched her fist and got as close to Nicole's face as she could.

"Douche bag!" The brunette yelled.

"Ass kisser!" The redhead fired back.

"Cocky prick!" Waverly jabbed her finger towards Nicole, now only mere inches from her.

"Dumbass!" Nicole glanced down at Waverly's hand.

"Yeah?!" Waverly yelled, her throat aching from yelling. "Well you're a – " Nicole grabbed her wrist, stoping her.

Before Waverly knew what was happening, Nicole was pulling the brunette flush against her body and connecting their lips in a searing kiss. The kiss was anything but soft and full of passion; it was rough and full of anger. Waverly began to protest and struggle against the ginger's lips but soon calmed down and closed her eyes, kissing the girl back feverishly. Hands were roaming bodies, tongues were begging for entrance, and phones were dropped to the floor. Waverly gripped the front of Nicole's shirt and pulled herself closer.

The change in lighting from bright phone flashlights shining in their faces to soft light illuminating them from below was enough to make each girl roughly push away from the other.

"What the hell are you doing?" Waverly exclaimed and threw her arms in the air.

"I kissed you," Nicole shrugged trying hard to hide her discomfort.

"Why? You were just insulting me five minutes ago!" Waverly took a step away from Nicole and bent down to grab her phone, her head spinning.

Waverly had imagined her first kiss with Nicole many times (if the stubborn redhead were to ever have any interest in her) but none of those times included it being out of spite. She didn't know what compelled Nicole to kiss her, but she wasn't necessarily complaining. It was an odd sensation that passed through her body; a sensation that she was almost positive Nicole felt too.

The two stood in painful and awkward silence for what felt like forever; the only sound passing through their ears being their breathing. Brown eyes stared into hazel searching for something, anything, to help sort this all out. Nicole knew she made a mistake but she would never admit that. Not only was Waverly a stupid and prissy cheerleader, but she was Wynonna's baby sister. Nicole mentally groaned at the thought of Waverly going home to tell Wynonna that her best friend nearly started making out with her on the stage. She nearly flinched at the thought of Wynonna killing her because of it.

Their thoughts were interrupted by a door opening at the other end of the auditorium. Bobo Del Rey, the school's play director and organizer, stalked through the door but stoped in his tracks upon realizing that the entire room was completely dark.

"The hell?" Bobo looked around. "What happened in here?" He approached the stage when he caught sight of Nicole and Waverly.

"Haught destroyed the lights. Spilled water all over the control panel," Waverly flashed a sarcastic smile at the taller girl and placed a hand on her hip.

"Is that so?" Bobo looked at Nicole. "Well go fix it then. Auditions will be cancelled today, but we can't afford to fall behind any more than this. Especially since we still haven't found our Hercules yet."