
Chapter 18 One Last Hope

"Smile!" Wynonna exclaimed and shoved her phone in Nicole and Waverly's faces.

"Wyn, you've taken more than enough pictures," Waverly placed her hand on her sister's arm and pushed her away from them.

"Yeah, and your flash really doesn't need to be on for all of them. You've nearly blinded me," Nicole added, rubbing her eyes.

"That was the whole point, Haught Tamale," Wynonna shoved her phone into the back pocket of her jeans.

"Wynonna, stop bothering your sister," Gus warned from the kitchen. "And please, for the love of all things holy, do not blind Nicole. She's the one driving, remember."

Wynonna laughed but it fell short as her face went serious. "You crash and I'll kick your ass way back down to Texas, you got it?" She said, putting her face inches from Nicole's.

"At ease, soldier," Nicole held her hands up in defense.

"Good. Glad we've established that. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have plans I must attend to since you decided to fuck off to prom with my baby sister."

"You and Doc could have come too, you know," Nicole raised an eyebrow at her best friend.

"Oh , like I want to be anywhere near that cesspool of hormones and body spray," Wynonna gagged.

"But you just said–" Nicole sighed. "Never mind."

"Great. Any further questions? No? Sweet. Just remember my golden rule," Wynonna smiled.

"Beer before liquor, never been sicker; but liquor before beer, you're in the clear?" Waverly asked.

"Yes, but no," Wynonna shook her head.

"Nothing is ever illegal unless you get caught?" Nicole tried.

"Well, yes, but again...not this time. What I mean to say is always use protection. And be sure to keep the noise level to a minimum, as this house has thin walls," Wynonna winked before heading for the door.

"Did your sister just...give us advice on how to get laid?" Nicole asked, staring at the closing door.

"Sometimes I wonder what really goes on in her mind," Waverly shook her head and faced Nicole. "But that's not important. What important is that you look so good right now."

"I told you I was pulling all the stops for this night," Nicole smiled.

"Yes, well you showing up in a suit is something I didn't fully expect...though it's definitely something I've dreamt about," Waverly smoothed her hands across Nicole's shoulders.

"I'm glad I settled on the suit then," Nicole smiled proudly.

"Though I really like the sight of you in a skirt and those gladiator sandals," Waverly smiled and played with the lilac bow tie around Nicole's neck, "this tailored suit looks even better. And this navy..." She trailed off, tracing the pocket of Nicole's blazer.

"Yes?" Nicole implored.

"You're going to look really good in a Purgatory police uniform," Waverly breathed out.

Waverly tried to hide the pain behind her eyes, but Nicole saw it; she always saw it. Their time together was quickly coming to an end and Nicole couldn't help but feel like she had made a huge mistake with following through on the Academy. Her parents were disappointed and were only helping her pay for it because they thought she would drop out after the first month. Waverly had gotten better at hiding her true emotions from Nicole, especially when the topic of leaving came up, but Nicole always saw it. It shattered her heart to know that Waverly was putting on a brave face simply because she didn't want to have another argument.

"You don't have to hide from me, you know?" Nicole said suddenly.

"What do you mean?" Waverly asked, not meeting Nicole's eyes.

"You don't have to pretend you're okay with all of this. I know it's still hard."

"I know, but this is what you want. This is what I want for you," Waverly stood up straight and lightly gripped the lappells of Nicole's coat. "This is what I want for us."

Nicole lightly squeezed Waverly's waist and pressed their foreheads together. She felt Waverly take a shaky breath and relax when she exhaled. They stood in silence until Nicole's phone chimed with a text message. She pulled the phone from her pocket and read the message, smiling before shoving it back into her pocket.

"That was Dolls. He and Kate just arrived and Jeremy said they'll be there soon."

"So we should head out then?" Waverly asked.

"Yes," Nicole nodded and kissed Waverly's forehead before stepping back to grab her keys.

"Now, you girls don't be too late," Gus said as she walked into the room from the kitchen.

"We won't, Aunt Gus," Waverly promised.

"Did you decide on that party? If you're going to go or not?" Gus looked between the two girls.

"I don't think we're going to go," Nicole spoke up. "I'd much rather just come straight home and drop Waverly off."

"Drop her off? You mean you aren't staying the night?" Gus asked.

Nicole's eyes widened and she shoved her hands in her pockets. "I am. I-I mean, that's been the plan. I meant, I would rather just...come back here. Straight here," she stuttered.

Gus studied the redhead for a moment before turning to Waverly and tossing her a wink. Nicole let out a breath she didn't know she was holding and ran a hand through her hair. She didn't know why, but she always felt nervous around Gus. Ever since her relationship with Waverly began, it was like she had to rebuild her relationship with the Earp's caretaker, like the bond she'd formed over the years as Wynonna's friend was gone. She wanted Gus to know Waverly was going to be safe with her no matter where they were. She needed Gus to know that she wasn't ever going to let anything happen to Waverly.

"I trust you with her, Nicole," Gus said, bringing Nicole back to the present. "And I trust you'll be safe."

"I will, Mrs. Gibson," Nicole nodded and winced at the formality. Gus just laughed and clapped a hand on Nicole's shoulder, pushing her toward the door with Waverly.

- - - - -

Nicole rubbed her eyes after their third picture was taken. Wynonna had blinded her at the Homestead, but this was nothing compared to a cell phone flash. Arriving to the dance early seemed like a good idea, but seeing now as that meant being the test subject of the photographer, Nicole loathed the idea. They'd been standing there for five minutes, smiling and posing for the man behind the camera as he tried to adjust the settings. Waverly seemed fine, but Nicole was growing restless and just wanted to get into the dance. She felt a light squeeze on her hand and looked down at Waverly, who was smiling at her, and suddenly she didn't seem to mind standing there.

"Alright, girls. I think I've got it now," the photographer peered at them from behind his camera. "I apologize for the wait, I teach English for a living, not photography."

"It's no problem, Mr. Moody," Waverly smiled.

"Give me one last good pose," Moody smiled and winked at them.