
Chapter 16: One Last Time

The weekend's performances had gone by with minimal issues regarding actors. The opening night performance had audio issues, where some of the music cut out in the middle of some songs. Saturday's performance had lighting issues, as some burnt out during the intermission and left most of the stage shrouded in darkness for the remainder of the show. With Sunday's performance going off without a hitch, Waverly found herself worrying about the success of the show rather than her own performance in the show. She nearly missed her cues, recalling her lines at the last possible moment. Waverly Earp was a mess and a half on stage that night, and Nicole had noticed immediately. It was hard to acknowledge without breaking character, so Nicole improvised some of her actions by standing closer to Waverly, placing a hand on her shoulder or arm when she wasn't scripted to.

"Waves is really distracted tonight. What's got her so anxious?" Chrissy whispered from the right wing.

"It's Waverly." Wynonna replied in a whisper, gesticulating with her hands. "She's always anxious."

"Yeah, but she hasn't been like this all weekend. Do you think it's because Champ is here again?"

"Are you serious?" Wynonna tore her eyes away from the stage to look at the blonde. "That dick and three quarters is here perving on my baby sister ?"

"I hear that Tucker Gardener is here as well." Doc said as he approached the two girls. "Jeremy and I have been scoping out the audience."

"Why is it that Waverly has all the guys after her?" Wynonna rolled her eyes.

"You're saying you'd rather have Eight Seconds and the town's stalker chasing after you rather than me?" Doc raised an eyebrow. "Why, Wynonna, I must say that I am shocked."

"Okay, that is what I meant and you know it." Wynonna pointed a finger in Doc's face before turning back to Chrissy. "You and Chetri keep an eye out when the show ends. Waverly and Nicole are going to get dinner with Nicole's family after we leave here. Hardy and Gardner will most likely intercept their route."

"I think Nicole can handle them." Jeremy spoke up, a slight tremble to his voice. "She nearly beat Champ up the last time they ran into each other."

"Nicole might be able to handle her own, but that doesn't mean she should. She's got a perfect record at this school. I don't want that to get messed up and ruin her chances at the Academy." Wynonna replied.

"Right," Chrissy nodded, "so we have to stop them before they get to Waves and Nicole. Got it."

"I've got a lot of faith in you, Nedley. Don't mess it up." Wynonna clamped a hand onto Chrissy's shoulder before turning and strutting onto the stage.

Wo They heard Wynonna exclaim causing the audience to laugh.

- - - - -

Nicole kept her eyes on Waverly as often as she could, worrying that she might somehow fall off the stage or trip over something. She was distant when she wasn't speaking, and stiff in her movements when she was. Nicole suspected it all had to do with her worrying about the success of the show, but she also knew most of it had to do with a certain football player who was spotted in the audience. Again.

Champ was beginning to become a real pain in Nicole's ass due to the fact that he was constantly hanging around backstage after shows, waiting for Waverly to come by so he could talk to her. The jock seemed relentless in Nicole's eyes, not stopping at anything until he had her girl. A raging homophobe or just a plain dick, Nicole wasn't sure, but Champ Hardy had another thing coming if he thought he was getting anywhere near Waverly after this show.

Nicole took advantage of her time hidden behind a stage prop curtain to conceal herself and compose herself, steadying her breathing and counting to ten so she could focus and finish the show without any slip ups. Hoping that Waverly had somehow gotten herself together, Nicole held her breath when she heard Waverly's cue from Wynonna.

Wynonna yelled and ran off stage with a group of girls, and guys, posing as Nicole's fans.

One moment passed, then two, then three. Nicole nearly sighed and ran a hand through her hair when she heard Waverly's voice.

"Hm...Let's see, what could be behind curtain number one?" Waverly yanked the curtain to one side, revealing the redhead.

"Meg!" Nicole yelled.

"It's all right. The sea of raging hormones has ebbed." Waverly rolled her eyes.

"Gee, i-i-it's great to see you. I-I-I missed you." Nicole stammered and rubbed the back of her neck.

Waverly looked around before dropping down onto a nearby couch. "So, this is what heroes do on their days off, huh?"

"Oh, I am no hero..." Nicole trailed off and shrugged.

"Sure you are." Waverly sat up and looked up at Nicole. "Everybody in Greece thinks you're the greatest thing since they put the pocket in pita." She paused for laughter and took a deep breath.

Keeping her eyes locked with Nicole's, Waverly caught the barest hint of a smile on her face and knew that everything was going to be okay.

They finished the play with zero issues.

- - - - -

Nicole and Waverly managed to change and exit the building without running into Champ or Tucker. They even stopped to talk to their friends before heading out and still eluded the seemingly stalker-ish boys. With plans in place, Wynonna took off with Doc for the evening as Waverly went with Nicole.

They walked out of the building, hand in hand, laughing and talking about the show's success and how relieved they were for it to finally be over. Since Nicole's parents had been no-shows all three nights (to no one's surprise), they had driven to school in Waverly's car. Their plan was to go find a place to eat, and go back to the Homestead together for the night. Nicole was upset that her parents bailed on her and Waverly refused to let her be alone, or go back to them that night.

"Are you sure you're fine?" Waverly asked as they made their way to her car.

"Of course I am. Why wouldn't I be?" Nicole squeezed Waverly's hand lightly.

"Because your parents didn't show up again?" Waverly shrugged. "Because they promised they'd take us for dinner and then bailed last minute?"

"I'm used to it by now." Nicole confessed. "I'm really fine, Waves. I just want to spend time with you."

Waverly smiled and nodded, bringing the top of Nicole's hand to her lips and kissing it lightly. They rounded the building's corner and crossed the parking lot to Waverly's Jeep. Nicole spotted an SUV, parked a couple spots over from Waverly, and let her hand fall from the Jeep's door handle as she turned to face the car.

"You're kidding me, right?" Nicole grumbled.

"What is it?" Waverly asked, making her way over to the passenger side of the car.

"They're here," Nicole pointed to the black car, "but they're just...sitting there. Did they even go in and watch?"

"I don't know, but they're waving you over." Waverly replied.