
Chapter 12: I Really, Really Love...Spending Time With You

"You landed on my business," Wynonna looked at Nicole and ginned. "Pay up, bitch," she held her hand out, awaiting her payment.

"You really do get way into this game every single time we play this," Nicole shook her head and gave Wynonna what she was owed. "You know that, right?"

"This game is empowering," Wynonna shrugged.

"It's Monopoly," Waverly stated flatly.

"Oh, you're just moody because she took all of your money from you," Chrissy snorted.

"Those dice are fixed," the small brunette grumbled.

"No, you're just really bad at boardgames," Wynonna pointed out.

"Am not!" Waverly defended herself. "I'm just...better at more strategy based games. Games where you have to plan out your moves. I'm a – "

", we know," Chrissy gesticulated with her hands, "you're a planner," she concluded imitating her friend.

"Hey, leave her alone," Nicole wrapped an arm around Waverly's shoulders and pulled the smaller girl into her side. "Boardgames aren't everybody's thing."

"You suck at them, too, Haught," Wynonna said. "Nobody likes stupid strategy games like chess."

"Waverly would totally beat you at chess, Wynonna. That's a fact," Nicole gave an affirmative head nod and kissed the top of Waverly's head. "She kicked my ass three times within an hour."

"So blinded by love," Chrissy muttered.

"What was that, Chris?" Waverly lifted her head off of Nicole's shoulder.

"Hm? Oh! Uh, I was just...saying that we need some more snacks. Wynonna, mind coming to help me in the kitchen?"

"I can help you, Chrissy," Nicole said as she started to stand.

"No!" Chrissy yelled and cleared her throat. "No. I need Wynonna's help. She can reach the top shelf."

"Nicole is taller than Wynonna," Waverly pointed out.

"I know where Gus hides the good snacks," Wynonna stood up. "Come on, baby Nedley. Maybe while we're in there you can explain to me why you're acting so weird," she followed the blond into the kitchen. "What's your deal?"

"Nicole loves Waverly," Chrissy blurted out in a whisper.

"Yeah, no shit, sheriff's daughter. Waverly loves her, too."

"We need to get them to admit it to each other," Chrissy pulled Wynonna further into the kitchen. "They're both too stupid and too stubborn to do it on their own."

"Because they're scared to say it first," Wynonna rolled her eyes.

"Screw that," Chrissy waved a dismissive hand in the air. "I know you're all tough and shit, Wynonna, but you've got to admit here that those two girls deserve each other more than anyone else."

Wynonna was silent for a moment, staring at Nicole and Waverly from her spot near the kitchen table. She watched as they sat, Waverly had now moved from her spot on the floor to Nicole's lap, and laughed at what Wynonna assumed to be one of the redhead's terrible jokes. The way Waverly's hands were playing with the ends of Nicole's hair, the way Nicole's hands rested against Waverly's waist, forced a small smile on Wynonna's face. It was apparent how in love they were, and it was in that moment that Wynonna decided she would set aside her fears and let her protective guard down. She was willing to do whatever it took in order for her sister to get the happy ending she deserved.

"They do," Wynonna answered finally. "We need a plan."

"We could play truth or dare," Chrissy offered. "Pull it out of them."

"No, Haught would never," Wynonna shook her head. "We need something better, more dramatic."

"How often does this place lose power during snowstorms?" Chrissy asked and peered out the window at the fierce blizzard surrounding them.

"More often than necessary," Wynonna rolled her eyes. "Gus refuses to replace the circuit box in the barn for a newer, less frisky one."

"Perfect," Chrissy smirked and slowly turned to face Wynonna. "We're going to cut the power and force them to be alone together. It's the perfect chick flic setup. Caught in the middle of a snowstorm with no power, the only source of light coming from lit candles. They'll admit it before the night is over."

"Chrissy Nedley, you crazy genius," Wynonna grinned.

- - - - -

"Please tell me that I'm not the only one who isn't buying the whole 'we need more snacks' story," Nicole said, absentmindedly rubbing her thumbs against Waverly's waist.

"I mean," Waverly shrugged, "Wynonna know where Gus hides the good food, but no," she shook her head. "Chrissy would never willingly be alone with Wyn. Something is definitely up."

"Off topic, but you know, you're really cute when you're trapped in thought up there," Nicole smiled softly at her girlfriend, who was staring in the direction of the kitchen, and gently poked Waverly's temple with her pointer finger.

"Am I?" Waverly grinned and turned her attention back to Nicole, slightly looking down at her.

"Oh for sure," the redhead nodded and leaned her back against the couch. " cute," she brought her hands to the back of her head, interlocking her fingers to support the weight of it.

Waverly sighed at Nicole's relaxed posture and bit her lower lip. "You know, you're making it kind of hard to not kiss you right now."

"Kind of?" Nicole raised an eyebrow. "Since when is it hard to not kiss me? You do it every chance you get."

"Hey," Waverly playfully frowned, "no need to call me out."

"Why not?" Nicole moved her hands back to Waverly's waist as the smaller girl leaned down and cupped Nicole's face. "It's too fun."

"You're lucky we're alone right now," Waverly huffed. "And you're lucky that you're cute."

"I'm not so sure about those things, but I know I sure am a lucky girl. Lucky to be here, right now, with you," Nicole grinned and leaned up slightly, ghosting her lips over Waverly's.

"Even though I suck at Monopoly?" Waverly asked, voice quiet.

"Even though you suck at Monopoly," Nicole affirmed in a whisper, bringing their lips together in a delicate kiss, the kinds of kisses she reserved for moments such as these.

Getting lost in their own world, focusing on the feeling of hands tangling in hair, kisses growing more intense, neither Nicole nor Waverly seemed to notice when Chrissy and Wynonna slipped out of the kitchen and out to the front porch.

- - - - -

"Geez those two will make out any chance they get, no matter where they are or who they're with," Wynonna said, but not before making a fake gagging noise.

"I'm surprised you didn't say anything," Chrissy laughed quietly. "Waverly is always telling me how you constantly interrupt them."

"Well, I'm sorry that I don't want to hear Haught banging my sister in the room next to me," Wynonna crossed her arms. "Plus, I didn't want to ruin our plan."