
Chapter 11: The Best Friend, The Girlfriend, and The Sister

Finals were behind them and winter break was finally upon them. The first half of the school year seemed to have gone by at an extremely slow pace, dragging along with nothing but long days and stressful weeks. Things had changed drastically since the start of school, though, and the people that those changes had affected wouldn't trade what's happened for the world. What was once a toxic feud between two athletes had turned into the most healthy and stable relationship either girl had ever been in. Wynonna's best friend had become her sister's girlfriend and, for once in her life, the older Earp didn't feel the need to make their lives a living hell. Her baby sister was happy, her best friend was happy, so she was happy. Waverly and Nicole's budding relationship had also led to the clashing of their friend groups. Both Waverly and Nicole were shocked to hear that Wynonna wanted both Waverly and all of her friends to come to their Friday game night. She claimed that it was "the season of giving and Christmas is around the corner" but they all knew she had a soft spot for her sister.

"Who all is supposed to be coming tonight?" Nicole asked from her spot next to Waverly before catching a piece of popcorn in her mouth that Wynonna threw.

"Chrissy and Rosita said they'll be here. I haven't heard from Jeremy, though. Or Robin," Waverly shrugged and leaned into Nicole's side, the redhead's arm tightening around her shoulders. "What about you guys?"

"Doc pulled out. Again," Wynonna rolled her eyes and laughed at her joke. "But Dolls and Mercedes are coming."

"Eliza is, too," Nicole added.

"So everyone but Doc, and potentially Jeremy and Robin, will be here," Waverly smiled. "Good, I'm excited."

"Don't let your friends ruin this," Wynonna pointed a finger at Waverly before throwing a handful of popcorn at her. "I'm doing this for you, baby girl. Only you."

"Yeah, because you're soft," Waverly squealed when her sister launched off of the chair she was in and threw herself on top of the brunette.

"Take that back," Wynonna grumbled.

"Why should I?" Waverly arched her brows. "It's true."

"I said take it back you tiny vegan!" Wynonna laughed as she and Waverly began playfighting, pushing and shoving lightly.

"You Earps really are a crazy bunch," Nicole shook her head.

"But you love us!" Waverly and Wynonna said in unison, both laughing.

"Yeah," Nicole smiled and kept her eyes trained on Waverly, "I do."

- - - - -

"Coming!" Waverly yelled after hearing three sharp knocks on the door. She jumped up from her spot on the couch and gave Nicole a quick peck on the cheek before going to the door.

"Hurry up! It's freezing out here, Waves!" A voice came from the other side of the door.

"Chrissy," Waverly scolded when she opened the door, "did you walk here? In the snow?"

"It seemed like a much better idea before I left the house," Chrissy shrugged.

"You're going to get sick," Waverly said and tried not to laugh at the shivering state her friend was in. "Come on, I'll make you some tea."

"Thank you," Chrissy stepped inside and shrugged her coat off, hanging it up near the door. "Did you get Rosie's text? She can't make it. Something about it snowing too hard for her to drive."

"Yeah, Jer and Robin said the same thing," Waverly frowned. "Looks like it's just you, me, Nicole, and Wynonna."

"No one else is coming?"

"Well no one else can with this stupid snow. I'm just glad you live within walking distance. I really didn't want to be stuck here with Wynonna on game night alone."

"Hey, you wouldn't be alone," Nicole pouted when the two girls entered the living room. "I'm here."

"Babe, no offense but when you and Wynonna are together you can be kind of..." Waverly trailed off in search of the right words.

"Annoying?" Chrissy offered.

"I was going to say , but annoying will do," Waverly shrugged.

"You think I'm annoying?" Nicole tilted her head, a teasing smirk playing on her face.

"Yes," Waverly nodded and sat on Nicole's lap, arms wrapping around her neck, "but that isn't a bad thing, really. I like that you and Wynonna are so close," she patted Nicole's chest.

"Can you two please not do that in front of me?" Wynonna fake gagged and covered her eyes. "I've already heard you two getting it on upstairs earlier, please don't do it on the couch now."

"What?" Waverly's head snapped in Wynonna's direction. "We weren't doing anything."

"Yeah, Wyn, we've been down here the entire time," Nicole added.

"Oh, sure," Wynonna nodded, "right. Just keep the googly eyes to a minimum, okay? Great thanks," she smiled before disappearing into the kitchen.

"We weren't down here the whole time, Nic," Waverly gave Nicole a curious glance. "We in my room."

"Yeah, but we weren't doing what she thought we were," Nicole shrugged. "Plus, it's just really fun to mess with her."

"You guys are cute," Chrissy smiled. "And I'd hate to break up the little moment you've got going on here, but I could really use that tea right about now," she smiled sheepishly at Waverly.

"Right, of course!" Waverly smiled and stood. "You just sit and I'll go make it for you. Warm up," she motioned to the couch. "Be nice to each other, now."

Nicole and Chrissy watched as the brunette next to skipped out of the living room humming quietly. An awkward silence fell upon the two girls as they looked to each other. Chrissy stood by awkwardly, her arms crossed and her bottom lip pulled between her teeth. Her eyes were reaching anywhere but Nicole and the redhead nearly laughed at the uneasiness that Chrissy was displaying.

"I don't bite, you know?" Nicole spoke up.

"What?" Chrissy asked, her eyes finally meeting Nicole's.

"You can come sit. I'm not going to jump you or something."

"Oh, yeah," Chrissy nodded. "Right," she made her way over to the couch and sat down, putting a respectable amount of distance between herself and Nicole.

"Why are you so afraid?" Nicole asked, her voice gentle and lacking in the accusatory bite that should have partnered the question.

"I'm not," Chrissy responded quickly. "You just...intimidate me, I guess. I've never been exactly keen with basketball players."

"What's with that anyway?" Nicole asked and leaned back against the arm of the couch. "You aren't the only cheerleader that hasn't liked me because of that."

"They're just so cocky," Chrissy shrugged. "I honestly have no idea why that stupid feud started anymore. All athletes are cocky. All athletes are competitive. That's why they play sports, isn't it?"

"You make a valid point there, Nedley," Nicole nodded. "For the record, though, we are extremely cocky."

"You know, Waverly never hated you," Chrissy turned to face Nicole after wrapping herself in a blanket. "She just hates that you're a basketball player. Well, I guess I should say since she obviously doesn't care anymore," she smiled and chuckled.