
Chapter 10: Go the Distance

Nicole and Waverly had been in total bliss for the past month of their relationship. Everything felt so right within their little bubble of romance and happiness. Waverly had started catching a ride to school with Nicole every day instead of riding in the passenger seat of Wynonna's old blue and white pickup. They may or may not show up late to class a few times a week, and that may or may not be because they end up making out in Nicole's car every morning. Their relationship was perfect in the eyes of their peers; enemies to lovers, their relationship made look pathetic. They were a true Hercules and Megara, and that very fact alone would be the reason why Nicole decided to put her fears aside and go through with the play.

Play practice seemed to only get more interesting as time went on. Wynonna started to actually show up for their scheduled rehearsals, various cast members were beginning to practice their song or dance routines, and costumes were slowly being presented to the actors. The first day of rehearsals was pure chaos; everyone had been so timid and nervous, not understanding what to do or what to say. Looking at the bustling auditorium now, it was the complete opposite. Friendships were being made, groups formed to practice lines at home, and all eyes were on the new couple among them; a true testament to the glory of Hercules; things were really starting to take shape.

"Alright, everyone listen up!" Bobo climbed onto the stage and clapped his hands together. Everyone grew quit and turned their attention to him. "The play is just three months away and, although that seems like a lot of time, we still have a lot of work to do," he turned to Waverly who smiled and stood next to him.

"Since casting was completed, we've only had one rehearsal a week," she started. "When we come back from Christmas break, we will begin to have two to three rehearsals a week. To put that into perspective, Christmas break begins next Thursday, on the twentieth. We resume school three and a half weeks later on Tuesday, January eighth."

"The Thursday we come back," Bobo continued, "we will have our first practice of the new year, and the following week will be when we start having multiple rehearsals."

"I suggest you practice your lines over break," Waverly said. "Don't neglect them just because we don't have school. Form groups, call up friends if they're in town. Practice. You. Lines," she punctuated every word by clapping her hands. "And learn your stage cues. Knowing your cues is crucial."

"Yeah, don't want Haught flying across the stage again when she gets shoved," Pete snorted.

"Hey," Waverly jumped off of the stage and walked up to him, "that incident was more your fault than hers. You weren't supposed to push her."

"You know, I didn't sign up to be taking instructions from you," Pete scoffed. "And Nicole certainly doesn't need some cheerleader to defend her. Go dance for some guys, why don't you."

"The only guys she dances for are the ones who actually perform well at their sport," Nicole said from behind Pete, causing him to jump and turn around. "So I'd think about what you say, before you say it. There's a reason why no cheerleaders are ever at your lacrosse games."

"I was just...I was just making a joke," Pete stammered.

"Next time you talk to my girlfriend like that, joke or not, I will personally rearrange your face myself," Nicole pushed past him and approached Waverly, wrapping an arm around her waist. She faced Pete and watched as he quickly distanced himself from the couple.

"You made it," Waverly looked up at Nicole and smiled.

"I promised you I would be at every rehearsal," Nicole smiled and hugged Waverly, the smaller girl rested her head against her chest.

"I thought you had practice though?" Waverly said, voice muffled by Nicole's shirt.

"I did," Nicole nodded, "but I left early. I told them I had to be here. That this is just as important to me as it is to you."

"And Wynonna says the soft one," Waverly giggled. "Hey, you called me your girlfriend. In front of everyone," she lifted her head to look at Nicole.

"Well, is that not what you are? My girlfriend?"

"It is," Waverly smiled small, "but I didn't think that you were ready to, you know, be that open about it at school."

"Baby, I want everyone to know that you are mine. If someone has a problem with it, then they'll just have to talk to my fist. Or Wynonna's."

"You're so cute," Waverly smiled. "I'm glad to hear that you're ready to really go public with our relationship, but the real question is are you ready to practice your song?" She raised an eyebrow and paired it with a smirk.

"I've been getting help from the best singer I know," Nicole shrugged. "I'm as ready as I can be at this point."

"Perfect," Waverly smiled. "You're up first, then."

- - - - -

It was supposed to be simple. Nicole was supposed to stand, on stage, and sing through her song once. Waverly was going to be standing with her, coaching her through the words, just as she would be with everyone else that day. Things started off smoothly, Nicole staring down at the lyrics to "Go the Distance" and trying her best to stay on beat. She was doing well, Waverly humming softly next to her in order to help her keep the right pitch. Everyone was silent, their surprised eyes trained on the redhead before them, not even Wynonna was trying to distract her. When Nicole reached the final chorus, the doors to the auditorium flew open, and Stephanie Jones, co-captain of the cheer team, stormed inside. Other girls from the team followed her, along with a couple of basketball players from Nicole's team.

"See? She's in the play," Stephanie said and pointed to Nicole. "They both are."

"Waverly has been president of the drama club since freshman year," Rosita said from next to Chrissy. "That's old news, Steph."

"Why does it matter if Haught is in the play?" Eliza asked, her eyes locked with Nicole's. "If it's what she wants to do, then let her."

"Ladies, the auditorium is reserved for play practice, and cast members, only," Bobo said as he made his way over to the group of girls.

"We're sorry, Mr. Del Ray," Chrissy said. "We were trying to stop her from coming in here," she motioned to Stephanie.

"So was I," Eliza spoke up. "She just barged into our practice and demanded we follow."

"Is there a legit reason why you're here, Stephanie?" Waverly asked, hands on her hips.

"I'm here to tell you that whatever you have going on with Nicole is disgusting, and it needs to end. You can't date a basketball player. You can't date a basketball player."

"Says who?" Rosita barked out a laugh. "She's happy. She's with a super hot redhead, something you can't say for yourself."

"I don't see how my relationship, or me being in the school play, is a good reason for you barging in here," Nicole said. "Coach is going to be really mad," she directed her comment at the few basketball players among the group. "Get back to practice before we all get in trouble for it."

"And you," Waverly motioned to the rest of the girls, "need to go back to practice, too. There's a boys basketball game tomorrow. And Stephanie?" Waverly paused until the blonde was looking at her. "You're suspended from tomorrow night's game."

"What? You can't do that!" Stephanie seethed.

"Actually," Chrissy stepped up next to Stephanie, "she can. She's the captain."