
From Prisoner To Alpha's Mate

After years of being forced to fight for her life by vampires in a ring, she's thrown together with a boy who she builds a bond with while they share a cell. An opportunity comes up to allow her to finally escape with him and live her own life. After finding somewhere to live and remain away from the vampires with the boy, a wolf gets caught in one of her traps who just so happens to end up her soul mate and Alpha to the pack near to their hiding place. Will Mara accept him after what she has experienced? Will they finally be safe and happy? Or will she run from him when her past comes back to haunt her?

Emii_Knight · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs

Chapter 3

(Warning, mature content in this chapter.)

In a daze, Kian followed the vampires back down to the cell, not realising that Mara wasn't beside him until he turned his head to the side and noticed she was missing. Panic settled in as he realised it was just him alone in the confinements of the cell. He heard the two in front of him laughing as they talked about something. Shaking himself out of the daze, he listened in.

"That wolf is in for it tonight. After that win Victor's in a good mood, not to mention he hasn't fed recently so it'll only be worse for her. Guess it's a good thing Vampires and wolves can't mate or have kids." One of them laughed.

"With the kid as his leverage, she won't dare resist him. I wouldn't want to deal with Victor when he's excited and hungry." The other chimed in. Confused at what they meant, Kian thought about it for a moment before realisation sunk in and his blood ran cold. He was going to.....do that with her and feed from her..... Clearly she was unwilling but she was putting up with it for his sake..... His heart constricted in his chest as he thought back to the look of fear and horror he had given her as he'd moved away when she'd approached. He remembered seeing hurt in her eyes for a moment before she masked it with a neutral expression. He had hurt her, and now he was the cause of her being forced against her will by a vampire using him to control her. Being shoved inside his cell, he collapsed to his knees and began to sob, curling himself into a ball. It was all his fault...

Trapped inside Victor's room, the door was locked and Mara's heart began to race. She heard him chuckle as he listened to her heartbeat, his fingers trailing through her blood matted hair.

"Such beauty and ferocity. Shame I can't claim you. You'd be quite a prize." She stood stock still while he pulled off her top, eyes staring at her chest as it rose and fell. She was taking deep breaths to keep herself calm but it only increased his desire as his red eyes began to glow. He lifted his hands and put them on her chest, squeezing and kneading as he let out a groan of pleasure. She bit her tongue and dug her nails into her palms to stop herself from attacking him. He had Kian against her so she needed to suck it up or he would die. Pushing her down on top of his desk, he lowered his mouth and began to nip at her breasts before sinking his teeth into her chest just above them. She let out a cry at the pain, feeling him smirk against her skin at the sound before removing his mouth, her blood coating his lips. He continued to nip down her chest before coming to her pants which he yanked straight off. Her heart began to thunder in her chest as fear began to seep in, her breathing grew heavier as the panic set in and she began to shake slightly. Squeezing her eyes shut, she felt herself wanting to cry. He spread her legs and undid his pants to reveal his fully hard member which sprung loose. "You're going to have to stay away from fights for a while once I'm done with you." He taunted, causing her body to shake harder. Lifting up one of her legs, he bit into her upper thigh just below her nether regions, causing a scream to fly from her lips and eyes to widen. She could feel the blood leaving her body as he drank heavily from her thigh. It took a while before he decided he had drunk enough and by that time her body felt weaker from the blood loss. Holding her legs apart, she felt him nudge against her entrance and tears welled up in her eyes. Just as he was about to slam into her and rip her insides with his member, a loud banging on the door sounded as one of his minions tried getting their masters attention. Victor let out an angry growl before shouting at whoever was behind the door. "What!?!"

"I'm sorry to disturb you sir but another clan is ambushing us from the East. They're taking out our men and releasing the wolves in the cells to make trouble." He informed his master. Glancing down at Mara, Victor gave her a warning look before getting up and going towards the door, unlocking it and throwing it open.

"Great blood timing." He snarled. "Stay there if you know what's good for you." He warned her before leaving with his minion.

She waited for ten minutes while she listened to his footsteps fade away before jumping off the bed, pulling her pants and top back on. Rushing out of the door, she headed straight back down to the cells. She needed to use this to finally escape from this hell hole and take Kian away before he experienced anymore death. Ignoring how weak she felt from the blood loss, she sprinted down the hallways to where Kian was. People were fighting around her and other prisoners were rushing about trying to escape. Dodging the fights and other wolves, she charged through before finally reaching the cell where Kian was. The cell hadn't been locked but Kian seemed to have been too busy crying to notice. She approached him slowly, hearing him muttering something over and over beneath his breath. As she got closer she managed to hear that he was repeating the word 'sorry'.

"Kian?" She spoke up softly, trying to catch his attention. When he didn't react, she moved closer and placed her hand on his head. "Kian." She said a bit louder, causing him to jerk and his head to snap up. His eyes were wide in panic before they focused on her face. "We need to leave. Now." She urged, grabbing his arm and pulling him up.

"Mara? You're ok?" He whispered. Raising an eyebrow, she wondered what he had heard but just nodded in response, giving him a reassuring smile.

"I'm fine. Let's go." Taking hold of his hand, she began to run, pulling him with her. They needed to escape. Now.

They ran through the fights and anyone that tried to stop them was knocked aside by Mara. They made their way up the steps towards the level that Victor's room was on. Rushing up the hallway, she saw the gates where light was shining through from the moon. Bursting through the gates, they emerged into the night sky and Mara welcomed the feel of the wind against her skin. She had been stuck in a cell in a dark place for so long with no sunlight or wind at all. Finally she was free! They needed to get far away from the place so she continued to pull Kian along at a sprint. There was no destination in mind, but she knew it would be far away.

Half a day went by before they came to a stop as the sun rose. They collapsed beneath a tree, panting for breath after the distance they had crossed in their haste to get away. The both of them remained sat beneath the tree as they embraced the warmth of the sun on their skin. For Kian it was a normal thing as he hadn't been in there for long, but for Mara it was something new. She hadn't experienced the feel of the sun or wind since she was a child. So many years she had been trapped within that cell fighting for her life in the ring and now she was finally out!

"I'm so sorry Mara." She heard him whisper, causing her to look over in confusion.

"For what?" She asked in confusion.

"For making you have to go through everything since I arrived. They were talking about it on the way back to the cell.... How he would feed from you while he forced you to do..." He went silent and didn't finish the sentence but she knew what he meant. So the reason he was crying when she found him was because of that? Her heart warmed in her chest as she realised he was worried about her. "I'm sorry I backed away from you.... I.... I didn't know how to react.... I'm sorry...." He whimpered, tears welling up in his eyes. A soft smile curved onto her lips as she pulled him towards her into her arms. It shocked her at how comfortable holding someone felt and she could feel her fondness of the boy warming her heart; a feeling that hadn't been felt for many years.

"It isn't your fault." She whispered softly in a comforting tone. "Nothing is your fault." Allowing him to cry into her chest, she held him quietly while running a hand through his hair. For better or for worse she was softening for the boy. She wasn't sure if she liked that discovery or not yet....